Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 30

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*Resolutions of condolence, carde ofthtanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainnients or other affaire where an admitance charge Io published, will b. charged at regular advertising rates. Round a b o n t graduation timie high. school seniors. are niuch -pccupied with the question of.going to, college. Almost eyerv mieniberiof the gradu- Goig. to atingcas is now trying to C llg7 auswe r such questions, as: "A i1 going to college -next year? If I ain going. %%7hatcollege wvili *it'be?, A col1lege near bi'. like Northwest- ern, or oine far. off,. like Stanford or -Dart- mouth?ý Small. or big? Co-eduicational1 Pr no1t?" Why. after al,. should a boy-or girl "o to college? lust whatnmay oneexpect of a college? 'This is a very important question, but at the same time one that is flot often seriouisly csnsidered by high scbool graduates or their parents. :If'par- ents do not carefuilly studv and attemfpt to answver thiis question. mutch valuiable. *time and energv may 'be invested in an enterprise %vith inadequate retuirns. One of the best answers to this question was given by Johin I-enrv Newman, in bis fanions address, "The Iàea of a Univer- sitv." In this address. Newman ini clear. accurate a n'14.'C(nvinicing languiage set forth hisia s to the benefits -of a college education.i. It is an address.-iortihv% of thoughtful reading. We believe that there are somfe outths * iho shouild flot gp to college but shioutld. go to wr in sonie gainful occupation. If. after working a .while, t h e v become lic life; women in business, civic activity. and the.* ike. For many years north shore women hav e done valuable work as meni- * bers of village and library boards. n these capacities they have shc iwn ithl.niselves wori asuoctors. iawyers and teaçners. Stili again, sorne have become famorably known as holders of political offices. S We h a vereason to be proud of olur sisters. mothers and datughters w h o. though ýs t i;l11 the gentier sex have, not Iacked the courage. and ahility to take part in work ior-iuhich flot.long ago the-,v woulld have been thought uinfit. "Wimete'sfirt milcarrier resigns bis position as postal. clerk after .26 vears on thé -job." And during this long period of <'i"more than a. quarter. of: a century he kept a spotless Saunders record. h ad_ not a s i ng le demerit mark.. Me erect monumaents to our national heroes., men and women vho rendered io.tr nation sonie significant service. Thev deserved .to be thus honored. But, except in the cas 'e of the untknown soldier. we have not sl1own our gratitude for the services rendered bv ni e n> who, like "Bill" Sauinders. worked long and blamelessly. We cannhot ail be' presidents, generals. staesmnpo ets, heroes of one kind or another. But we can -work faithfullv and w.ýell, and leave visible footprints on the sands of t ine. No matter whether or not the foptprints be deeplv and sharply lm- pressed. There they are to be seen .and in their. degree noted byv others. Perhaps the sight of themniai- hearten and stimun- late other people. Another gap in our through traffic high-7 ,vay bas benfiled. No longer need we curve and.twist nort hwiard in and out of the Indian, Hill' neighborhood' to get- to Center street, Winnetka. IEvery timte, Pue of these new links is supplied, our heart- beats with new hope'and an assurance of the ultimate compietion of his very con- venient road from Evanston t hr o iglh Glencoe. Thy'eafter the 'mosquÏtp again. A thopusand -a day! Hoorav, boys, booray! Te hmti foitr leif xlovers wi4tk faith of. a child, To follotv the road in ils every turm, Rxautt t the secrets of nature JI earn, T'o hark Io the brook play its soit zwinding song, To zvonder t/e solitutdes «il the day long, Tb spraîvl on the mieadow's brest-drif t on a cIoiid, To iitar-z'd I he giories se deeply endozued, To splash in thé strearnh ligh when I wmill, To cliim.b bt he top of the steepest preen hill, Hujnt for' t/w dark forest's loveliest tree, Titaie iii mysong 'wit/ lte WIld honey ber, iV body a part of t/he live, breathing ear/&, Thot curloins the floweri before il gives birti: Oh, let ony pen zwrite a poern for .me, My brt drip t/he colors of azure blue seci. .'îtere vwil i torve on o morseless stonie -A zvdz'oi ith, natire-I kept here alone.": -heleil Zurintwnkel, W'ilinette. *Air rifles are banned in. Wilmnette by Police order. Which. r eininds us that we, neyer possessed an ai' rifle. In our days of youthful mischiéf it mas. home-miade sling shots that dernanded a' skill alike, *distinctàve and peneêtrating.Wc ymathze hatl mihterising generation. Anid w hile é r on the subject of Wîinette and * ler :disconcerting activities, xnay we pause to corn- ment tupEin Robin Episode No. Z? O. K. It. seems that Walter Zibble and lus energetic firernin were summtoned to extricate ýa robin that had beconie enitangled in'thé paraphernalia destinied to f ashion itsnèst.. This. was ýthe second cal of the very saine nature within a fortnight, and was Chief Zibble mad?ý The onfly compensating facto-r is that-such fire alarms do flot run 'up. the annual lire loss total, -ltus giving the fire nderwritr littie or -iothing to work on. Th e Key Manta * Hia Follower I 'oi folioîtiii my tracks zvith iiwku'ard gail, l'oit doomot kiioztîhe alun, non care for the direction; l'oit tottet- sidi,-ita.vs wlterc uny ivalk is straight, -E mntbarrassjm tPe, this blindaffection. !Icde ou fllo; no reasons, no reserges.ý Yom i, Ct on M>y ers. l'otileé o oshine ii tiis, nef ectedi ight, Blit strolyijylýhI onu'nakes ,the shadozws dccer. 1. lavc to figlt ait uîmncctibered ilght,' -JI'oit, imke of iune-ntv,brother's keepen. 1,ion /addle it mir wakc bec'ause i gltlers,. ( l'mi iveme lite jilrs.) 1 do mot makî' oralionis; I dislike those w/to pi-each; oind voiiobi'v the iriofnbarroti 4,dut*,... The arrivai of spring weather places us at a loss to decide whether to invest in. a new straw bonnet or take out a membership in a nearby golf club. There are no assessments on the bonnet, since we Propose to keep away f rom cbeckroomis., -MIQUTE

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