100 Much Speed; Dazzles Evanston l'he Xew Trier track teamn con. tinued its %vinning ways Iast Saturday atEaston, the Seniors oewem ing tbe Evanston forces, 735/-39V. while the juniors, copped 53-41, Alex Newton, whe is speedily com- ing into prominen4ce as a sprinter and hurdler. was the individiual starand higb point.man. winning thé 100-yard dash by a good three, yards, ruiining awNa%- from the field in the 220-yard low hurdles, and runlning on the win- ning reîay team. His victory in the century--o-ter captain. Quinlan was a surprise, but in the Iow, hurdies he left ho doubt as to bis supetiority in winning by about ten yards. The time >of :26 was exceptionally good. con.- sidering the soft track and, the fact that the race was. run -around a curve. Although Quinlan was forced to take second in tbe cntury, e macle it upbtaking the 22-yard'dash in thé man, by capturing botti weight events, took second honors in the scoring column.' His effort of 114 feet, 6 ini- ches was onlv four inches short of. the. Suburban league record.. Stick Pavlicek rtan the best race, of bis career, to Win a close hfaif-mile in 2:03.4.» In the field events, the Gray-Green took every first, except the pole vault. Bollensen, a freshman, won the high 'jump, clearing 5 feet, 6' inches on bis first try. 'Wanger took bis event, the broad jump, winning over Runge, Su- burban leaguechampion, by bopping 20 feet, 5 -inches. In the Junior meet, Chuck Brown and Bill Faymonville tied for first honors, eacb garnering eigbt markers'. Brown copped a first i'nthe 100-yard dash and ran a close second -in the 50. FaynionVille captured thce shot put anàidtook a second in the discus throw, for his eight points. Shelley Miner won, 6-4, 6 3, and thé prefect of- police while bé is took every first, except the pole vault. Seior Suointarles Mile-Won.by Engel (E); Price (NT) second; Thomipson (E) third. Tiie-ý 4:48. Mmr. -Moser f rom Moser Business col - lege in Chicago, spoke to tbe junior and some senior girls Tbursday, May 5. He described the training necessary for a secretary: dictation,, typewriting,. and bookkeeping. According.to Mr. Moser, asecretary .s' work ma lie anythîn g f rom takinug dictation, to reminding. the .*boss" of bis, wedding anniversary; f rom getting rid of insuran .ce salesmen. to sewing on buttons. To be a good, secretary a.girl miust have a %vide gen- eral background. I.Literature, i.story,' and political science. are as necessary as ber shortband.. A. ist. was. given of. qualificationls of a perfect secretarv: aceuracy,. sense of responsibility,. de- 1 endability. intelligence. co 1urtesy,. ini- tiative, judgment, personal pleasanitness, good appearance,. bealth, interest ini b)usinIess. and many others. There are st ill jobs t o be found,, says Mr. Moser. although fewer ýthaii be- fore:ë correspondingly, one must bc. bet- terprepared than Iever before. Senior Gl >ass PIlay Has Purpie Mask Mystery] The senior play is to be "The Pur- pie Mask" which was taken f rom the French by Matheson Lang. If is a story of political intrigue and mystery! Paris in 1803 . . . Napoleon reigns, but in the secret cellars of a French; shop there is a group of royalists.ý plotting to restore a king. In thel backgrouud lurlcs the Purple Mask who announces that lie will rescue theDuc de Chateaubriand from prison1 thougli the place be surrouuded b", police. However, there is another; Comte Armand, who disguises him-1 self as the Purpie Mask and kidnapsý the prefect of police while be is guarded by more than eighty Hussars' and officers I Whois, the eal Purple Mask? Boy Experts WiI1 Take SPhotos or Fingerprints Vic Hanson and Hugb Wehrly are sporting new tities as vice-presidents, of Mr. Jackson : *Never go ili water after a bearty meal." edSbapker: "W-hy?- "Jack": "Because voù w iont the filid Mar- Fowler: -Did vou know that this beautiful silk dress ýcame froni a, poor littie silk worm*" Mr. Fowler: *'Yes;. 'm tbe wr. Bill Kidd: "ilyuopen t he gate for me:," IFred Mî\ftchel: -Certainly. Wbv didn't vou do it yourself" VVili : Casethe paint isn't dry.- Jane .Sanîpson: "Wbat a finely- chis eled moutb you'bave. It ougbt to be on some girl's face." Nick Borino: " never miss anýop- uini WVolf: -Whiat are you doing Bob? ,Fisbiing-" Bob ClIo r e N aw, Drowning She bent over hlmi and -gazed long- iingly into. bis eyecs. "je t'adore," she murmured, every syllable a1 caress. Ile looked up at bier and answeý,re d g.ruffiy, 'Aw, go sht it àyourself."e In the Classroom Mr. N'an Kirk: -Wbien %vas tie, l1ooseleaf systemn first used-? " Alex Newton: "Eve used it to keep track -of lier paty-gowns." about Jini snitb:- -What do you kno tbe INonigPlian race?",i XViI :"Iwasn't at the race." Uncle John Nay:.D o îo~ tlie difference, between- capital and labor?". Bud Flemningý: "No.- W\h'at ilS the difference?" Uncle John:-Vl. if I lent voli a dollar, that would-be capital. if I tried to get it back. thiat 'volld be labor." ýow hurdles-Won by Newtc unge (E) second; Hoilmi . Tme- :26. relay-Won by New- Trit Wanger, Kirby, Quinlan .m- 34, junior SuinniarIes 660-yd. dash-Won by, Tidenian, (E); gbht--5 ft. and3 ln,., - - "-'M fa drigail l ba nd B oys' o t ett e ýroad Junp - Won by Thackery (NT) ; ('oneerto, First %ovement. Schumann npsey (NT) second; Babcock (E> Virgnia Lang, soloist. accornpanied b.v ,d Distanc-lB ft. and liA n.the. orchestra hot put-Won by Faymonvllle (NT): Arthur Granquist, guest conductor ripsey (NT) second', Babcock (E)I Intermi1ssion d. Dstance-46 f. and 9%i. "Iliawatha's Weddlng iscus throw-Won by Hll NT> .- Feast" ..........Co>rige-Tyî rMonvillo CNT.) second; Snyder ('-ÇrT>SOlOist, William Snyder d, 'Distance-108ft., and il ln. ( e lubàs,,choruses, ,Madrigal. club, laY-Won by Evanston. B(Oys' octette, and orchestra, Dushek, If - ..4 Brooks, cf ... 4, Peterson, 3b ....1 Morse, c - - - -3 Lainberti, lb ....3 Barmasa ....... New Trier OO0O i 2 ProvisO .0 1 22 0 1 0 6 0-3 o O O o O. o O E 3 1 jiNew 1,rl-er INine j in League Game New Trier dropped its secontd ini four starts, in the, Suburban leapiie, Thursday afternoon, May 5, :to Pro- vis<) High, schoël on the new Phelps field, 5 to 3. _roi so started off witb a bang and hiad scored ail of its fiveé runs before Xew Trier ýtahied. Proviso scored their first mun in. the second inxiing wlîen Dus.hek doubled and Morse sing 1led, sending him home., Tbtx added two more runs to their score in the third . WNith two outs. Kenmpi, Chappas and Dushek singled in snc - cession.' Kempf scored on an error by Li nd. Chappas scored on a single by Brooks, but Peterson grounded out to Kimbeli. and the two runners d(-iùd on bases. Proviso scored its last tWo runiiiM the fourth inning when LamnLerîi l Id off and was bit by a pitched baIl. Ife wént to third when Leliveit was safe on a fielder's choice, and scored 01n a passed baIl by Lind. Leiveit sci>red o n an err or by Routsong. The next [two batters were safe, and with, the bases full, Kimbaîl went t0o-the Fho- ers. Bob Runnfeidt wenitinand vpit the next man out, thereby, endnt:ie- inn-ing. IfNew Trier got its first mu n lie fourth inning when Lind tripled 111(1 Hansen drove him home' with ai scorching single to center field. P ahl xaiked, but Struggles was unable io bit the Qld pilI. New Trier rallied in the flfth ;ind scored two runs, Behas was safe ont an error with' one out;'then: score(l a miinte later when Churclh dotnbled. Church ivent to'third on :a sacrifice fl and came homne. whenl Kemnpf niissed Lind's grounder. It was Riinuýi- feldt's flrst gam e, and he mtade a verv creditable showing, striking out tvo, men in the thb1ree .innings tlîat li'e" pitched. New Trier plays Morton atl.Merton1) in Cicero Friday. Score of the Proviso ganie: New' Trier .AB R IH F k'iotsong, sý, .....2 0 1I. Bebas, cf _3 i1 t1 Cbuircb, lb 31II 0