anid that 95 girls receiN.ed honiorable mention for their scholarship work during t he sanie period m-hile only 62 boys %von this distinction. The high1 scbool bas an. enrolimeritof 'about .,000 students., Everv -,tudent who attains an av- erage of-"B"is-giveni honorable min- tion., Those who have 'averages above "B" lare placed on .the honor roIL. Sixteen girls aiid seven -boVs had straight "*'" averages for the sec- *;nd n mou;t of this 'semester., Thé straight "A". students were: Girls - Grace Bartling, V*irginiia I.ang 'and Ellen Sageri seniors: Hel- en >Parker; J.eannie Stotit. and Bar - bara Wilder, j uniors; Rut h Ander- son. Irrma Bail, Alice Ebeling. Kati- lvn Holway,, Ethel, Janie. Moe and Alice Holloway. sophomorcs., and Mary J. Cree, Nanc,ý Gordoni. [or- othiv Holwvay and Jane.. \eston, Bo s-John Deriiehl and Jeroine Straus, seniors; Sydnei Date, junior; Willian Boweuî. sophomore, and John Adanis, James Christensen and Patil Demipsey. freshrnen. Follow-i1ig is a complete list of thte.ý N ew Trier honor roll and honorable' mention students for the second1ý monih of the present semnester. 1 FEIO GIRLIS ilonor Roll Cra*c-. Partiing. Virginila Lang, E lleh Sager. Nan-y Harris, Jacinta Kamo- nicier, Jane Demnent. Betty Milierl, Ruth Thçolnp.son>, Margaret Ebeliuig. Mý,arth;t1 Eikolelun Janoucws, Bernice Loeb. 11111h Mou., Janle Snyfler, Olive Browey, Jzine Erickson. Jane Schaeffer, ENvelvn; Stroni. Mary. Jane Thomnas. Janet Benson, Daphne B3jorklund, ,Phllis Bnsiey, Beatrice. Driver, Dor-1 cOthýyFox.. Margaret 'reyn, Madge Gos- st t, H1elen G reen, Winifred Hagwxhtttst., H1elen Hlotton. Mary JaneKellogg, Vir- ginia oomiaJa ne Lundahl, .Ianf-t .Muri,ày. Jane PerIo*witz, Esther 'Piep- meeCnroline Preston. DtrO-thy iRey- noifis. Elsie Wde, Caroline Yerkeri. Salir Zaremba, Elizabeth -Balhatchet. Hea fonorable Mention, VraAnderson, -Dorothy Bergh, Dor- is .Bland, Helen Bower, Jane CrawVford, Betty Do.stal. Jane Fitzgerald, Agnes Fra.ser, RoseMarie, Anna Gerlcen. 1Ebbeason, Grete Stauniing, EOsa Carlen, luine Kehi, Mary Nash, Jeanette Post, .Jeanne Scarratt, Betty Weston, Leila White, Vir:ginia 'Campbell., .19onorabIe Mentlin Dori8 Bell, Betty Beét, Helen Booz, Annie BoroVicka, Marion Ehrmann, Margery Felsenthal, Mary Louise Fos- cue,. Judith F ox, Mary, Elizabeth French, Martha Gilhofer, Vinnie Gron- dai,. Cynthia Holmnes, .SaraJane Jensen,' Franees Milîs, Marguerite, Mockier, S&l- Iv Rofig, Grace Rugen, Jane. Russell, Betty Shel4on. SOVMOMO0RE GIRLS .flonor Roll Rluth Anderso«n, Irma Bail, Al ce Eh-' eiing. Alice Hoiioway, Kathlyn Hoiwagy, Ethel Jane Moe, Ruth Coale, Esther H carne, Béatrice, Levison, 'Virginia Muînster, Elleen Prevallet, Helen. Sher- burme, Ruth Sager, Jane -Bisbe.e, Anne Burnham.. Caroline Cailloway,, Alice Freeinan.: Ir-.-uia lXellner, Mary Ray- nnnd, M11infie Simon, *Ann, Mosser.. Florentine gtrube,. MIarlon Schauffler, PetvTurek. Elizabeth Barden, GracEI The New Portable Un.der wood PLAVINO MEMBERSHIP PRIVATE GOLF CLUB, $100 Golf witho ut ss.ssments at aon exclusive North Shore pefraf. cIuu>mày 6b. had at this mrodrat. fiSied cest for tho ýsea withomut-any restriction in privilegs. n. f th'o memmip. comnriitteo wiIIal o1.n'r.quost. - WIm*$$. if. A-1 76 ,BE..O.UR -GUES-SUNDAY MAY I5fh -LUNCHEON -GOLF -BRIDGÉ There o ,è-ry- xép for caddy focs.ý Ploase phono resorvtions to club manager, Northbrook 231., NEW FEATURES . NEW DESIGNS NEW COLORS..-.NEW VALUE Chas. PFERDMENGES. 8S *.eut Wasldugton Stieect sit.e 1211 Chicago, i. ono le in1 w hour. ýng words was inaugur.t.d, ho didedflu astost typing whicb bas one of his chamnpionship-147 struight words-por minute net lmea'ns ton words doducted for *eh and .very error. s GREenleaf 7200'ý WiImete 724, ,Just Amrried! .6O. or $5 own and for a-