Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, Who has serv-ed the associatjon as vice-president ilur- ing the past year, was elected presi- dent. Mrs. Kinnear is also to lie president of the Northridge Wonîan's club. She bas served that group as %vice-p)resident and publicity~ chairini for the past two years.. Her, club wok as embraced active participa- tion ini the affairs of the League of Wonen Voters, whose membershiip cliairinan she is this year. She is, secretaàrv of the Bicentennial com-. mision for the village. Mrs.Kiea is chîaracterized as a shining exanile of the message. she brouglht back f roux the Rockford convention :,-If you %wish a thing done, turn it over to thie wornan i ho already bas, four, or fivé offices.', M rs. F. J. Dowd, Wvho is, to lie first tice-lpresident, has served the P. T. A.. as Èetter Films chairmnan,, and was last year îresident of the Pre-school circle. She lias served the, Legion Auxiliary of Post -16 as. secretar > v hiistoriàii,'and Fidac chairman, and is >the' convention. mothers of eiglîtih grade and kindergarten childreni as- sisted Mrs. Skog and Mrs. Hoffmnan during the social hour. Wilmette A rtist Has Work in Chicago Show.. George Lusk 'Of Wimette. bas a. painting. 'Composition" done il1bla >ck, alnd ,white in the Twelfth Internationî- ai Exhibit of Water Colors current at the Chicago Art institute. mThe' paint- ing is quite a large one,. being thirty- one inches by forty-one. The exhili- it is represented by artists4.from in.ear- 13- every country in Europe and fironil Japan, Russia, the Scandinavian countries, and the LUnited St ates., Mr. [5usk's. former teacher, Andre Lolite. of Paris, 1France, with whom Mr. Luskstuïdied while-iii Paris, lias sev- eral paintings.iiu the exhibit. Annong the menîbers of the jury %vas Joîxît W. X1ýorton1 of Chicago. The exhil>it wilI untîl M1ay 20. tis ear its president. Mrs. Dowd fd lias also acted this year as social REHEARSE OPERETTA h% giene chia'ian for the League of "KYadGra stenm f an M\omten Voters. opere tta that pupils ini the fourth anxd Actie h A li.a:'fifth grades at the -oehSas .Mrs. Russell Johnson comneý to the school in Kenilworth wiil present on sec:ond vice-Presidency through hWrFia~afenoMy 7 eer expeienc yeras oomsaIs are being held now under the di.- this ~ otherrection of Miss Margaret Davenport. in the L.ogan scblool. Mrs. Jobunn,,oi ncag fteiui o lias heen active in church and club wht os inh arg.e o Hiettusic wor work: she lias, served the Legioll at joepHaSelathe Coeet i Auxiliary as Americanism chairîniait j Worof-azlWtsCoe trea-surier, and is this year fi rst v'ice- p)r-entt of the unit, and Fidac chiairman of the district. .rs. R. B. DeVinny, who -,%as r(ý-. elected as treasurer, has heen ou tlie 1e.xecti ve board of the association ioýr the past five -ears.. flrst as chairinati of. scitool l)eautiful, then astreasurer of thie Pre-school circle... She h las Iheen ,.the association treasurer: ior, tlhe last three 'years. The *nit %vould' like to. make lier their perennial t rea sunrer. According to custom the two secre- M taries %were choseti from the. tea-lhers j of the association.. Tihis vear Miss . Let Us Ida {uderson of the Howard school- - Ail Teleplione 'and C. 0. D. Qaders CarefulIy and Qumlclly DeIiveed Charge Accouats So>lcted froun Relimbis Peoaple USIEYOUR NIMEAR U- BY - PALACE MARKET! lu eunerirency, when unexpected guetarmrive or hmuiy lings home a friend, it's a convenience to hav*e soM»onet thé other end off th4 ehonao-a deiialesthat Il ie y u ICK SERVICE, W. are in, business. t. SERVE!1 M. MANNEBACH, -Pruaprietor. FaChiekfor F.ewn.y f.. Fresh drevsd, d"y~Ig picked, lb. .... 7 ,L OIN ILOAS? Fresi, young porkers, 8-10 lb. avg., lb..... 1; BACON, 1c jPearock or Swift's, xwhole or hlfI lb.. I 7 RIB5 ROA&Sr Tender licol, Irons 23C1 6th or 7th rilis, lb...... RolIed shoulder, 1 c no waste, IL I. 1 1 Estmb. j» Pl COU ltgt WILMETTE HOME BAKERY 1193 Wihnette Avenue Ofp,sité Village -Hall wlmette Wflmette 2814land 781- WIRnu 'a rd WoodIs madIeRAie. 417 ani Il$ FANCT -DUCKS, Fresh . dressed Long Island,25 Young anîd tender, lb. . ........