Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 8

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io aeviop, ne coi inasery nasna country. match. H.is appearance is being spoîîsored The New Trier affirmative teamn com- bv the Glencoe chapter, Daughiters posed of Glenn WValker, Anne Lupean uf the American Revolution, the WVo- and Bruce Ellison also wvas to meet ;ê man's Library clubof Glencoe. and negativýe team f rom Morton on the Wt\inietka Post No. 10).'Americati New Trier platform-last Friday, but Legion.: this debate .vas postponed.to Wednes- day of tliis week and wvas held at Cicero Injuries Are. Fatal to instead. NVedniesday of, next week the New Child, 4, Hurt.by Car Trier affirmativeta wl1ee an Dotty, Stiles, 4 'cars old, 804 Elui- Towunship High- school of Des Plaines W.ood avenue, died at 5 o'clock WN-ed- at Winnetka. Glenn Walker, Gladys nesday evening in the Evanston hos- Pancoe, and Bruce Ellison 'probably., pital «from injuries suffered Tuesday will be the New Trier'speakers, De- afternoon, when she ra i into the side bate Coach- Chester. E. MacLean said of a car being driven west o n Lake this week. There is a possibility that avenue.by Victor'Joyce. 1011 Chestnlut Tom Antritr, one of last year's ex- avenue. Before the accident, the Stiles perienced debaters, may lbe used in place girl had been walking east. on Lake of onie of the other speakers. avenue witb the nurse and Margaret Both the' Northwestern university Vesey. 8, years. old. Officer William f reshMen and York Township1 Hight Scbmidt and Ed, Morley. cab driver, school1 have written for debates with took Dotty Stiles1to the F.vanston hos- \New Trier. If' the dates can be- ar- pital.1 ranged satis factorily, it is..likelylthatý Nev Trier also will meet these teams BAHI L 1ECTURE ion the débate platform. Albert Vail will speak on '*iiici f Resolved. that the several states Healing" on Sunday afternoon. '.\a%, should 'enact legislation providing for 15. at 3 :30 o'clock at the Fouîtdat'nc) omp1l-"rv unemployment insurance" is', hal ofBah'i empe. inden avenue the subject which, theNew Trier teams near Sheridan road. Wilmnette.ý are tisiig..foir their'debates this year. The first of Mfav brougit NIr. and Finish "Pioncer Mcii Vrs. WV. F. Little and their familv tu Wilmnette. The%- are renting the Campaign in Wilmette hoine at 1 130 1.ocust road. M-iss Betsy Shapker, Xilmette chair- -mani, reports that the total amount of Tender crust, criss-crOss Style. ................. 1....... .............. SA DDA CERR LYER CAME A golden irich *loyer with cherry fillanig end riach icfng.39 per dea., 19t; 2 doz ...................... ........35 Molasses or chocolt., per doa., 14c; 2 doz9-.*.p ........... FILL UP THE COQUIEJAR When you ihmnk of bread, think 'off Wiluon's Milk lrad end remember-. large glass of nilk in eacla lo.f. Per Pound I«f .............. TiuWU.bSo iàrpNDKITY WILMETTER 1162 W*lu.tte Ave. Pào,n* WuErrm 414 KENILWORTH 406,Green Bay Rd. Pàent KENILwoRTH 4775. Member Wilmette Chamber of Commerce A~A~ ~ ~ A. à. on F00DB at O SMAS BI I monev cnIIiet > iinW14**-- .. . .t *lau vtC ffor the -Pioneer Meal" fund was i$121 M,3. troui the iollowing precincts: *Precinct I. $ 51 Precinct 2-... 11.113 Precinct 3 .... 16.30 Precinct S1: 3: 1 Precinict 6... . 11.03 Precilnct 7.... 11.56 Precinct8..1.1 Precinét ..123 Precinçct. 10 .... 2.46 Precinct Il .... 88 Thie final collections wvere nacle in Wilmiette this week'for the "Pioneer. NMeal Proiect,* wbhic hasben atn Opportunilty To Buy. This Week A $7,«00 HEATING: PAD Phone, e214 Member UMMette Chamber -of Commerce pua-a-feraforTh 848 CeRtral Ave., il ý 1 am + 4. IF IT 15 A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE MT Prk Um 6- .im Wý W IN

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