Tvo of hilmdom's most popular WCeek characters, ju E.' Brown and Chic Sale, \\-it star in' the double feature ,'The Lost Squadron" and "Dancers prograni 'at the Wilrnette theater on in1 the 'Dark" will tlirill and entertain Friday ;id Saturday, May 6 and 7. As te mn wth fre ii i~ hartandat the Varsity theater'S double f eature' \valt, (on Ibis brain,. Joe E. Browvn wilI rga >frdThrdv rdy'n cause plcnty of roaring, amnoig film Saturday, Ma .:57 fanis ~1 io 'sec "Fireman, Save> My In *'Thé, l.ost SquadIrotn7 Richard Cbild.- Chic Sale will he resPOnsible Dix cornes througli with his best per- for the.concdy, patIbos and te.nse drama Î orruance si née *"Cimarron." The star (i 'h sceti as the captain of a trio of fly- A thrilling baseball gante is an un- f ogeahi eentof*Fremn,'Sae yers who. at the termination of the war, Childl.". Just as nmémorable will be inake the Thre Musketeer pledge. the 'teamiwork of Chic Sale and littie TheY evcntuially find themselves stunt Dickie Moore in . the heartwarming flyers in a moi(tioni piicture. It's a.great <Irama, -The 'E*xpert." story ably interprctcd hb sucli stars as -ady XVith a Past" and ýBchind the Richard Dix. Joci McCrea, Hugh Her- Nlask" are the W\ilm-ette films for ecd hcrt, Robert 'Armnstrong and Mary dloub le fcature programf on >]SiiidayN and Astor. 'odaMay, 8 and 9..' Miriam Hopkiîîs and Jack Q.akie (;a~ ai brlliat, 'ady With aVin the laurels 'for their characteri- l'ast, is anothier Constance Bcnnett l ions in thefilm. "Dancers in the Dark." .:arin bi. Amodm cnic stong George Raft, 'the slcek bad man of the 1v dashed with romla nce, it. is plaved 1picture, is cQnsi(leredl a real flnd. a ans olfurfin fashionable back-1 On Mônday, Tuiescdai and( Wýednies- grouiids. 'and provides the' dazzlilg 'd1ay. May 9-11, the "Varsi ty "las a< blonde star wîth a perfect vehlicle. Bei double ftur prograni \wit rs Lyon giv'es what is pcrhaps is great-,tigé"u and -Thîe CodRoars." cst perlormance. 1.xquüisite phoiography and Ann Here Are -Thrills and ChalI Ha.rdingk's platinum loveliness, accent- jack HoIt has. t.he lcad ili '»Behind tated by thle,,murky- setting of a trop- thé ason fhe 1etcil n ical penal colony., distinguish rs thrill îictures ofý the year.,tg. On: T1ues(lav an(] \Ved:iesdav , MaV Breath.lcss. .excitmng thrills of auto 10' and 11,ý the \\ilnliette dou1.ble fea- racigplaetruh"h rw turcî>r>gra wil ofer hangai x- oar."* starring Jamfes Gagne' .and prs'and -A HOuiýe Diid(cd.' o" - Joat i lell. "Vou)tr lhair wil rise 0ou crf ni dramna anid fine characterizationi vouir liead, f<"r it's the hcst speedway are the ky ote i tiiese pictures. stif that\> cvcr. hecii douie," gasps larletne Dietrich and Cfive BrookPht.l' aaie ý-tar in -Shanghai l1{xp)re.s," vibrant w itii\îstery-, action and suspense. Ina Claire Enjoys First W*alter 'Huston, Kent Douglas' and R l fN w C nrc Helen Chandler ail %vin hionors for R l fN w C nrc their wvork ini "A Huse Divided,- ant One of the gayest 67 stage, corà-ý initense dtrama that packs a %vallop. disirentyersresa n "Poly f he irus~ ~vthMaronClaire's first screen vehicle under beri IJavies and Clarke able, anid -Thc otrc ývt Saue GodynIt (;a3 Cabalçro" 'taring Geoge.Tlie Grecks Had.a Word for Themr," O'Bien coprse fie oube fa-and it wvilI show at the Teatro . del tur biI ~ te Wimeteon Thu-da%' Lago on Friday and Saturday, May' and Fridav, May 12 and 13. 6~ (inid .7. On Tursay igh ofthi ~vekthe This comed' f ront the ,%itty, pen ot1 Wilniette offers "The Beast of,' the Zoe A-kinis %vas one of tile big blitsý C'ityý" and "Wýýayward." of the last New York stage season. Sidnev Howard, author of sucb' its star, 'leels he lias one of the finest' roles of bis, long anid brilliant screen' career. Supporting Barthelmes's ini the. picture. the story of which is by Hlouston Brandi, arc Mariati Marsh, Adrienne Dore,. Norman ,Foster, Georgie Rosener. Oscar AýfeI, Claire Dodd, Regitialdl Barlowý. Lucille*,La VTerne, Wallis Clark. Arnold Lucy, and 'Robert Farfan. M.Nichael Curtiz was the director. Barbara Stanwyk Has "Lingo" of Waitresýss Barbara Stan-wvck,:I earned thîe "lingo" of ýwaitress es during thî film-. ing iof "Shopworn." lier new Co1lum- bia starring drama at the Teatro del Lago, on Wý\edtiesday andl Thursday,' May Il andl 12, The ear1v scenes of Publix-Balabau a Katz Fvanstoii-P1eUnic u. 8900 I h r,,i ., sut., iMay5-6-- RICHARD DIX '-LOIT SQUADRONI Joel 3[e('reit Ta(k (akI-M-lrlanîià utl m'Ln' Attend Our Blirgah: )-latiliep,. wqek flays Saturday ChIIdren 10e Co lion.. Tues'.. eLe. lfay -0-1l ANN HARDING 1 elIpi:cMee [evyn DoigIit 1:30 tShow Lt 2Up.lus. Uost. Box pilee Cloisn at 98s30 u.m. Lest 'imes. Tonight Weltor. Huton-Jeen .Herlow in "BEASt 0F THE ClITY" Steits 7:09;, 10:11 and Nency Canroll-Richerd Arien in "WAY WARD"' Stert 8;3"nce oàlyl- Fei., Set.. Mav 6-7- 12 Hilmi and "Choc" SaIe-Dmckey Moore in 66THE 'EXPIERT Sun., Mon.. May 8-9-2 HifsI Consfence Bennet-4en Lyon in "'LADY'WITH A PAST99 S-,4:43,.7-:46, 10:33. M-:18, 10:11 and Jack Hot-loels Kerloff in IbBEHIND THE MASK" Sun. 3:27, 6:20. 9:13; Mon. 8e45 Tues., Wed.. May 10-11=2 Hitsl MARENE DIETRICH Both, deys 7:18. 10-17 Walter Huston-Helen Chandler on 7A HOUSE DIVIDED" Both deys 8:48 Thurs., Fr1.. May 12-13-2 Hit "PoIIy of the Circus"-Devies-GebI. 'Gay Caballero'--O'Brien-McLigI.n Saturdey, May 14-Return of "EM MA" with Marie Dresse-eIaso FREE Morning IMatinee et 10:30 tlieater. -Ou Saturday, May theater will hold the lirst mele the club. A feature of this will be a free shiQw at 10,;30 o'( the morning., Buck Jones wi Jo. Brown star PER GAY' 1 n Ut OSTS" ON is Save 19Y 'uce