ERVICE FOR 1 YEAR rgest Fireproof andl on, the. North Shore Quialty Skins Direct from' Trappers C1'verly Styled to, th in ud"u Slled Workauiip là the Fur Business for Three Generations qVICTrOR RTER o MA NUFA CTURING FURRIERS 368 CENTRAL AvE-HIGHLAND PARK-PH. H. P. 351 P ay. As You- Play are near at band and are, always, Iwv artists of world-wide faiùe. This mav be the only music of suchi qua!ityv available to you next fait. Send .> our check, today to MNrs. Bessie Grant, secretary. State Bank- of W~inetka, or coin - municate with: Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailev. \Vinnetka Mrs. Everett L. Harris, Wifnnetka irs. NI. D. McAdams, Winnetka 'NMrÉs. Dw'ght C. Orcutt, Giencoe Mvrs. Louis G. Schmid, Winnetka Mrs. R. D. Whitman, innetka who 'comprise the Artist-Recital' coninuttee. Winnetka Music club. At The . T/he Third Uolé SUNSElI? VALLE Deerfield. Avenue GOLF CLUB Golf ( Clib, (*I>rie i the United ia P,rik,. isjýlandanuu of, na1tural ', An hs An im- ,uk.o' Highland Park :CLU, tive us$e, wvith haths fibr incdu FREE GLAZINC & S] W. Have the, Lar gurgarproof Veuit, The eighteen holes of the Sunset Valley Golf course are located on a tract of land just south of Deerfield Road ln the Skokie Valley. Thanks toecareful supe-rvision and expert at- tentiton, the course is now cohsldered the finest comrnfty course in. the ('hîcago districet, and one ivhich com- pares favorably with any co)nmmunlty dlIy, $2 Sunday rates on q mi) ,nmnv,,t,.. c.aay rs cve un Lie, t he first tee throughout the sea- si.Starttng tinie otherwise 'is reg- tilated by the order of appearance. LOCKE~RS Lockers for the day or the seas:on may be reserved. Applications are received in the loeker room. The seasônal fee Includes towels and .sa.For one-day use the locker fee Is flot inclusive. I *III. 'A meeting ot the Wllmette George WVashington Bicentenvnal conînittee wiII be lield Moindas' evening, Mav 9, in St. Au1gusti1ne's Parish Hlotse just north oi the post office.. The meeting v.ill be- gin at 8 o'ciock and the represet - tatives, of the various local o rgani- zations have beeni as-ked to attend. served. Vice-commander, Dl. C. Leach. especially invites ail ex-service men,. whether members or not, to this meeting. Wilmette Post No. 46, -Americali Legion, wilI be host to' the 1 Seventh District, at Odd. Fellows hall, Wed- nesday, evening,. May 18. Past Comn- mander Dr., W. W. Hawkins of Vii-, mette post, is district. commander. Commander, Leal, of Wilmette Post, says- this will be a very iinteresting. evening. Further aninotincemlents %vill be made next week. POPPY DAY PLANS Commander George Leal of XiI- mette Post No. 46, American Legion., is ini receipt of the folIowing circular letter from Departmnent Service Of- ficer 1 . R., Ben.ston, relative to plans fb-r.Poppy Day. May 20: "In the hoples of givifig yc>u a true picture of the 'neéd, of a. Poppy sale, and ln the bplief.that you wlll transmit this information te as many members. of your post as possible,. 1 am prepar- ing the following report, as a summarY for t'his prograim "Origlnally, Poppy, Day, was adopted by tihe Department of lillinois, becaUseý- of. the need of additional revenue to, meet -the deémand -of the largest service prograîn'i carried on by any departneflt in The Ame)ricari Legio. n.l times of depression and unemploymefit. It isonly logical that the demlands mnade upon our organization will invrease.- This situa- tion wvas true last year and undouhtedlv, %%-Ill be more urg,,nt the colning year., "The budget for the Se-rvice Depart- mient is $.53,C,29. T'his is apportlonedl to the office at 209 North La Salle Street, in the amounit of $28,050 and to the office at Hines, Illinois in flie amoüint of $7,976. The balance of the budget -$17,701, is .appi'opriated for the serv- ic work earried on outside of ok i"Ina the above appropriation for tilt- office at 2()9 North un Salle strekt. the matter of $10,.000 relief, provlded foîr the direct relilef of the destitute faniilieq of veterans and for ereature éomforts for, men in the hoslpitals and takes care f îalnldginigs, ra..lro)ad trinsp)orta- ion and similar, items. "It is believed that you will rýecognjize the tact that better. than 805/ of thie sýervfice rendlered- ut t4ie 209 North La, Salle street office in the ,Way of em-, ploynent and dilrec*t relief, as well as the personal co-ntact. work done at. the 1Hines office, is done for residents of Cèdok county. The total amount received hvb the denartment in the 19l31 sale fromn .1 t