1045 Elivood avenue. bas been se- lected b%, the menibers of the Play- grouîîd and Recreation board's na- turc stuev class as the site for its first outdoor project. the. construc- tion oi rock ga,,rden. Tbe praject -wa s1 proposed by H. L. Beach, 1114.Asbland laveniue, organi,- zer and'i'xistrnuctor, of 'the class. as a practical nieans of giving the class * iembrs racica experience in .con- structing rock gardens, which bas * been tbe subject of théir studv for the past ftew weeks. Tbe. class meni- bers will subinit designs for ýthiegar- den and tbe most suitable design will be chosen by class vote and this de- sign will be wtbmitted to Mrs. Rosen for her approval before the actual work .begins. * Mrs. Rosen's garden was one of three offered Mr. Beach for the proj- ectý and its selectionwas bY majorit.v voteof a committee chosen f rom the class ieembers. AIl class members are to subinit their deiigns this jtfternoon at the weekly r.eeting of the group at 4 o'Pclock in. the Girl Scout roomn of theé1Pirst Baptist church. and tbe se- lection'ot the wining design willbe the imnprtanit business of the ineet- ing Since there are no availab)le funds(.ll i or tbefiacn of the project, al niaterials ilsed ini the rock garden %vill be donated. A Glenview landscape gardener'lbas donated Tuffa rock for t.he purpose and a WVilmiette land- scape g.-rdeiner. George. MclnitNre. bas donated two. yards of fertilizer and r.. Beach is waiting for sonie other Public-spirited citizen to do- nate so)ine sand and cenent. Starting . a anafternoon .chess c lass for ehildren under fourteen vears of age, MNr. Beach ,extended * the scope, of the classe. activities and coninued after the cbess season hiad closed hs a nature st.udy and art ap-. preciation group. One of the 'first projects the class workecf on w'as ýmaking daS' chess and checker sets, ray of kites. Since the first event was for contestants baving tbe most unique kite-wbich had to be built substantially enough to fly-most of the aspirants for the morning hon- ors bad.- seemingly devoted their youtbful enecrgies in constructing kites along those lines. Bill HLrvey achieved, the honor 'ol tbe most unique kite, flyiiig a star- shaped kite of cley 'er design. and! cnnstruct;on. The judges awarded Harold Borre second place in tbis' event for bhis nondescript kite of pe- culiar shape and design. Third. place, was aw;.rded J-Harold Palmer, w'ho. was flying a dragon. Har vey also took first prize in best, designed kites' event -wNithi HarolcI Borre again in, second place ýand H-oward Jones in third'place. The largest kite contest was. won bv..Haro'd Borre with a kite three, feet hy four feet that staved iin the air several minutes. Paul Lang was4 second in. this ev'ent and Bill ttarvey. third. Howard Jones had the sniallest kte. a midget of 1!/4 inchi by 2 inches, whicb raced through the air for sev- eral minutes to qualify for' its first place. Only one place wvas chosen ini this event. Harold Borre won the 100-yard dasb, flying his kite across the finish hune thirtv-one seconds after it was put in tthe air, just three seconds abead of Bill Harvey, and six and a haîf seconds ah.ead of Paul. Lanîr. the secor-d and third place winners. respectively. The hast event of.the prograni -,ent to Paul Lang for the strongest pull- ing kite and Hlarold ?orre andBili Harvev f5nished in, the respective second and third places. Athough the tnumber of ,entries iu file kite contest was comparatively snaîl. tbe event attracted the la rgest number cf spectators o f aniv juvenile event conducted by the Playground and Rec.-eation Board, accoÈding to Glen. W. Gathercoal, recreation as- sistant in charge of the activity.' nounces an ail-day bike for club memibers Saturday morniîlg of this week. Boys taking part in the hike -,vjil leave the Wihnette Village Green at 9 o'clock and hlike to a destination being kept secre t by the leader. Each b.v miust briug bis own lunch,Mr Gathereoal bas instructed, sinceý the hike l e to a place where there are, no coDncession stands. T he Boys' Hiking club is, an o rgani-_ zation open *to anyr;bôy in Wilmette. Tliere are nio dues. There. are ncb charges cxcept when the group goes to Places, Whcre admùission fees are required. Its purpose. Mr. Gathercoal states, is sirnply to provide an op- i portunity for bo.ys wbo enjoy, hiking and -beiù9g -out-of -do ors to take. ad- vantage, uf the miany places of. inter- est vvithi,î this vicinitv. For informa- tion concerning Saturday's bike. boys are requested to get in touch witli IvIr. Gathercoal at the recreation of- fice. 914 Central, avenue. Mav 16 Begiins Another Poin t I Award Period. Becauise Mav 16, inaugurates a tiew year' for competition for the y 1ear-i round trophy awarded atnnually to the organization or team wvinning the *most points during the year. Direct- tor of Recreation Daniel If. Davis is puhlishing the rules governing the point system in whicb. the various organizations compete, so that tearn managers and cavtains may plat' their tearns accordingly: Following are the methods h which po)(ints are awarded and the awards made in the various events: A silver trophv ,shall be. awarded the orgaî.ization winning the greatest number ýcf points every fiscal year i a pioint system hereinafter stated. The organization placing .second shall be awarded a loving co Th-e organization .placing third shal be awardied a loving cul). Medals will be awarded to individu- al nhers of the winnings teams in playgrounds is more necessary n)ow tjian ini normal economietunies, E B. Knudtsoh, president of the \\'Il- mette Rotary club said this week. "At smiall cost, publie recreation helps to sustai!) courage arnong growrni.ps, to.protect chikiren froîîî a senîse of depression and (lefeat. aiul1 to prqvide wholesome: activity that, combats thé dry rot of idleness." Mr. Knudtson pointed out that nianv families have no 1 mo;ev ibis 3-ear ,for vacation trips. gaine equtilp- ment, or c ommercial recreation. "Park anid 1layground actîi'îties l)riflg fun and gladness to the neighibor- 1100(." hbe continue(l. 'Tor childre;i, the plavground serves as a needqii escap>e fron b ornes that are steepced i n t he glon of 'ujîernlovnenét. ýThe hurnan services of our recreation. centers are e vidence that the cîty places a value on its citizeni mein- bers. even though temporarily it bas no place for manv of thei as earner'. and pr.o(lucers. Tlhe'spirituial hunger thiatcqs froin 1ack of ating to do is sý,coiid onily to the pîsa lionger ihat cones frorn lack of Tbr. recr.eation proiperty and eqtullP- inent. rç,resent an impprJat t nvest- ment of- public funds: over a perîod of v.ears. be stated. Conîpared -\N-tiî th-e, value of tbis investienit.. it costs littie to provide opçratinig exnenses and leadlership so that the groulids niay carry on their work of Proteci- inig chiid lives and buildiig health anid good( citizensbip. In tbeir ptUl)];«c wvorks prograins to provide emplov - mient, mýiîv cities have feattured Ille deelpnetof new phav areas. sîiice they realize the impiortanice. of recreation to building coimunii:1. life. - "Public ,recreation is onie., of îîeý most productive depattnîent of citvý governinent," Mr. Knudtson stated. "4It, is producing results that have 1,a definiite.econornîcvalue i ipreventiing .crime and disease an-d in safegilard-~ ing' the lives of children who but for the plavgrounds would be driveii 11110(' the streets for their gaines. Our recreation areas are addine to the beauty of the çity an.d to its réeputa-t tion as a progressive and friendlv place wbere people rnay reallv live NESEXERCISE official capacity. Other niembers of G. For m In 1924, a joint comrittee of the the recreation board are: Hrenry C. league, Ainerican Medical association. and Fowler. parkc board representative Note:« the National Education association and retiring chairtuan of the board. G, each stated that the growiiig cbild re- Mrs. Herbert J. Leach, representa- the highi quiredea-lrç*. n tc four or five hours daily 0f tivea-age m tayC ennett. but fot 1 outdoor exercise. Vilate lboard. representatve H. Fori place' in any nment end competing until elin- nated.- 5 points. 1 place in any. 1. For w2nning first place in tourna- ment, 15 points. ents D, E. F, J. For winning second place in tour- Myscore for nament, 10 points. Note:, No organization to score for more than one place ilu any one tour- namIent.