Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 40

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Talks to Pupils of Eighth Grade Mm.(afuev principal of New Trier High bchool. talked tu ail cf the eighth grade pupils of WViliette ini the How- ard school auditorium, on Thursday, April 28. His purus was to get ac- quainted witl i \Vlîette students and to introduce topiies con1cerîiiîg our en- Hr~e OtlnejV 'Iriefl. the subjects we are ýeligibIe to take during oûr fresh- Anan year.- Mr. Gaffnley, aso .mentlioned rules and regulatioîîs of the school. He called theni traditions.' The principal c alled our,,aittention te clubs we miglit His talk. eertaiîîly stirred everyone and made tlhe pupils wonder wvhat sub- jects to take., It makes uis feel very grown-up tao îu wi e, are entering high. school.-H1>etty Rosen, Stoilp IB. Seventh Grader$ Have Worl ini Social Science Iii sL'ýeiiti gradle ve are: studying twol new , subIjects. ýsociLl, science, and literature. Social science. covers the 1istory, geography, anîd government ofý the, different countries. \'«e have coin- pleted Oid, Euigland, i.te Colonies, and howv she devcloped itito the country Of today. We aIse) studied France and Germany and their iindutstrialprogress. \,Ne are now workitig on Russia. 'fle ".projeét Work" we dIo îîakcs it very iii- teresting for the pupils as wvell as the teachers, and we. get extra points. for it.-Jean 'Macdonuald, Howard 7C. HOLD PENNY' PARADES Theýgirîs and boys of Mys. Meéyer'sI roomi, 5B, decided to hav'e, a penny1ý parade every Friday. On. that dayý" cadi persoii wouid. bring aý penny.1 \Ve would march aroUnd..the rooin once, and the second tune we wouIld dlrop the pennies. in the baxik. Then> we wonld mnarch arounid the raoom once more und then-go to our seats. AIl these pennies go ta the poor.- (Carol 'Speclit, I-oward 51B. I Basebail Games j lE-I played E-2 in its ljrst basebala gaine of the season, April 26. 'fli gaine was very exciting until the lasi Înning. The score was 2 to 1, in favor of E-2, when on E-,l1's err ors, E -Z .made four -runs to end the game, 6-2, un E'-2s faývor. E-il's lineup follows: Chiarles Milhauser, captain, Jim Cie- inents, Robert Hmes, Cushing Smith, Arthur Brereton, Paul Haake, Franxk L)odge, Bill JenningS and Louis Mel- choir.-Louis Meichoir, Stolp 2D. F-2-defeated F-1 in basebail,. 28 te 8, on April 25. With' the exceptioný of .Alici'a. Haake and Imogene Kauf- man, no ýgirls froin Stolp sh6wed up, and, conseqùently'only seven player s took part in the gaine, the other five on the teain being from. the sixthi grade. The gaine was, started out of doors, but on account of the coldness, t was fiisbed inside the gym.-Alicia lia ake, Stolp 2D. lD-2 beat C-Z, 26 to 20, int a very exciting gaine Wednesday oi last. ee.The D-2's lineup follows: Billie Popp, ]Eleanor Herbon, Lorene. Buzan, Marian Mootschall, joan Porter, Helen Cotseres, Nancy Dur- gi and Ruth Durhamn. The C-2 lhue- i> came in this order: Mariiss Sinîth, MNary Lou Peterson, Mary Franceb B3adger. and Jeanne O'Brien.-E-leanior He~rbon, Stolp I C. April 27, the C-2 team played base- baIl with the JI teain. In the irst iiniing, the II team was leading by at least ten points. In the second andl third, C-2 was far behind. Itic. fourth inning, C-2 was gaining slight- lv, but'still was eight ,points behind. lut the fifth and ast inning, C-2 gave its best, and' finahly overcame the Il teaun and won 26 to 20-,Helen Liîud- stroin, Howard 8A.. Thie Reds of the National league clashed with' thé Cuibs of the saine Piping of OId iMa» ln Miss Flaskered%\ mcmn, we arc starting todramnatize a ticw story, "Old Pipes and~ the Dryad.- h is about'an old mnau who.pipes the, sheep andgat homlefroni the mountains for the peu- pie in the village. He i ut l is pipes are liot beard h Y 'tlhe cattle, so the chiidrei f rom hie village are sent for the animais. He does îîot know:thati- pipes are flot heard and keepsgettiing, lus. oney, f rom the, village. Whien lie, learns that bis pipes are mot. heard, lie starts t'O take his pay back to the village. On the way lie heàrs a (lryad ini the tree. He lets' her out and sheý touches lis cheek two times,nakiug ,liiiim twenty -;e-ars younger. T'he dryad also hçelps lim in other ways. \Ve enjoy-draina- tî.zing.this story very inucl.-Geraldiiîe L4ewis, Stollp 2D. New Form Is Adopted for Rcportg on Books Since our book reports~ arciin tlie haiids of Miss Perrîug, tlueir boru lias been changed. férmierly.ounr tcacluer had us Write the story, flebukini as brief a form aws possible, or else'. organize it and give it orally. Nu»#)v ýwe have printed fornis on ivliclî we btate our naine, grade, room'. teaclier, date we completed the hook,1 title, -author, under what class it beliugs, wvhether or flot we like it, if it, was hiard or casy reading, and thincr-iticize the book. One report 4rnotflui 1.,ruquircd. -Vera Schapiro, .Stolpi Bm. TRACK PRACTICE- BEGINS Stolp and Howard started track prac- tice Saturday, April 23. 'l'lie irst thing, Mr. Daàvis taiked te u1s ami told us ixow. many evN-cits.t herc \Vürc to hc fin the nmeets.. Wç hope to .ha vé, a -goind season' this year-, hecause tlue inateriai is, quite good. \\Ve'are to have eue large meet, and, a f ewv dual mecets. NIrl. Davis .said that this year*s lighlt\cights are the largest we have ever liad aîîdý we hope they are« the h)est.-JoIjiiîîdt- strom, Stolp I C. NEW TRIER TO HELP Several New~ Trier studeiits. are go-1 Sing OId 7uneis Some 'Thursdays Amioiig the inaîly inituréstiiîîg diver- sions tlhat. havé beeii started at ýHow- ard. 'schooi this Year, the inîost unusual, is the singing. assemibiies whiclî are hieid ev ery other, Thursday afterinoon. Then, directed hy cither M.\rs. Clark or Miss McKay, the sixthi, sevenith, and, eighth grades select siides. The siides wvere given to the senior, assembly by I ie Parent-Teacher associ ation and. ini- clude nineteeh old f â,orites. Those wvhich we have suing so far are "Music iii the Air.- "I.ove's. Old Swveet Song," "Anvi*l Chorus,", >"0 Sole Mio, "i "y Heart's ini thé Hi.gh- laids," and "Oh, No, johin ! We are veryý gratefutl to the P. X. A. for this enjoyable gift andl to> Allant Stah4irso-g tecr( >lIvaccompanyîîîg lis, at the piano. I i rnsure that niost ofus enjoy this asseinl Si nging and hlope to continuie it uuxt year Betty i ) dds lloarl7B. Grammar Sehool Band Practicing for Concert, Tlihv rînua school band is now practiciiig Ni> . <r aîî,tu. e pla5'edý --ooun at Huwardjl ulN i the parents and-teachiers. rie baitd liais fthr'et cor- iIets ,andl seven -truinlîw'(ts vwhich al takeý the, trunipet parts., Tliere 'are -te n cliariiet's, flotir utes, two IFreilclhhorils. two tromiionesý. two driiniiers, one tuba and two sxpuîs 'l'lie band is trving to be vcry ion iits. prac- ticîng, and uiider theu direction of M-r. Fair, we hiope to he the bcst ever ini Wilnetc.Bo, McMrraî,Howard TOSTRIVE FOR TITLE iAmo-ng: the spring and 'suniînlerý ;ports, basehJll is very popular.. Lasi vear the 'sixthi gradcs Won the, chant- pionship- against; Howard, and this year these. sainie- girls woid like 't'O %vin the chianipionisil. We fouind tliat the percetitage o.(f childrcn coming c'ut to playý basketball ini the, after- ilOon was no.t tU) to stand(ard of otlîvr- vears. We arc bolii that the aver- age in. basebali vill ]>e ery ligh.- Nfary Ftances Badger, Sop2A, irAw ir c& Ri v r i 1 'D A IAN WRQNG SIDE OUT! KdU1a . . Jurcanr CIIFwas onl'uI Heri- The boy across the. alley lias a Hoard 8Bapi. -Dne iky Craig Uazelwoo d's* teain recently tent, and he invited me to coine over8. beat Hall, Clark's team, 28 to 3. Ini andl pitch it. Aiter about an hour the first inning we scored 12 runs.. It we got- it up, but to our amazement The-White Sox lost, 12 to 9, to St. was the first playground bail game we ha& it. Up inside ot.-Edwin Oct- Louis recen.tly.. The ptcher for the our teain had played.-Wayne Hotze. tinger. Howard SC. Anuerican league was Prank' Koenan. StQi.p 2A. PREPARE FESTIVAL SONGS Mrs. Clark, our music teacher, saicl \ve have to learn five songs 'for the North Shore -Music. Festival. So far ive, have ohîe soîug Iearned. . The date iMay 28.-V'ngceiit Weis, Hoiward 8A.

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