Utr1r4qUrt$Lt YILU: MAKE GOOD CUSTOMERS AND GOOD CUSTOMERSI MAKE LOYAL, FRIENDS Store-W ide Sale. AP»EX MOTH'CAKES. Just bang them up-t"eave no odor -absolute. moth.proecton.' Airny Emplovre,Will Serve Yoit The New "Parliament" Broadcloth Shirts English ýbraadcloth shirts wth a' rich, silky lustre. >hf in collar - attached. and neckband styles. Solik blues and fans in collar aftached styles only. Theyre S a fi- f.ýo r i z e d Shrunk, which M ea n Sper- nianent fît. You Can Atuall YSee Through Shadow Garments, Feature Etariay 240' i"Weave AttudoceSEMI-GANT, $ in the Corset Section-LORD'S-Secofld Floor IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, PHONE WILMETTE 3700, VOUR DAY, NEXT SUN DAY, MAY 8TH ORDER WILL BE CAREFUILY FILLED AND SPEBDILY DE LIVEREDI Men's.store