Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 36

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Gives Dinner and Motion Pi Program Tonigbr; Mai Mack New President The guests of the Junior ýauxliary of the' NVoman'ýs club of %Vilmettç Thursday evening,, May 5, %vill be the mothers of its ýmembers. There will be an especially tasty dinner served in their honor and a 'program of. intenest to everyonle. Will follow~. In. annouinc- ing this program the auxiliary States, **For those Who have visited Yellow- stone National park, have seen. the Canadian Rockies, and the. magnificence of our Western country, - the hour of moving pictures will be enhanced witli memonies. For those . who, have :neyer had the opportunity to travel westward, these viewsof our country's beauties ofered y n ýo the large railroad,â will be of great educational value, to say nothing of pleasure. Do not miss this opportiviîty to travel, and .don't.. forget your mother is to lie your guest," "At this time of the year," the auxiliary continues, "it has been cus- tomary,,to give the children of. the Martha Washington home a party, and this year the, club members, %011 be hoastesses to:the children on May 14. Save this'one Saturday afternoon and do your part towards making some un-, fortunate child happy and you'1l be happy, too. Details miay be learned from Bertha Bersch." At the annual dinner and business meeting of the junior auxiliarv of the Woman's club of W'ilmette on. April 21, the following officers and commit- tee chairmen were lected: Mary Mack, president ; Irene Baehr of Glencoe, treasurer;ý Myrtie, Lund- quist, corresponding secretary; Jane Owen, social chairman-; Josephmine. Cressy. of Evanston, membership; Bertha: Bersclî, philanthropy; Marion WVol f. eý mber-at-large. The off icers and committee chair- men- continuing their term.ls Lare: Helen Hayes Walcott of Evanstoq, recording' secetary; Dorothy Hall, xvays and *means; Virginia, Haiiiah., publicity ;> Society of Chicago on1 ipri 2.o Meeting at Shawnee Twenty-thnee miembers'of the board, of the Glenola club of Rogers Park are having a luncheon anid bridge atyat Shalviee today. M>ain street, Wilmette, 'ruesday atter- noon, May 10, and bc taken on a îtrip through the plant. Tbey will see mod- ern inventions of the "machine age", applied to laundering., The. hours are' from 1 until 5 o'clock. Thereý is nù cost for the trip. The tour is under the auspices of the ways and nfeans committele of theclub' of whichW Mrs. LutherW.. Beinson) is retiring chairmnan. Mrs. George 'Ilifi and Mrsi Earle D. Lyon,. co-chairmen of the tours comniittee,1 are ini charge. Members of the club and their friend-S who intend te join the party are asked to get in touch witlî either Mrs. Iliff or Mrs. Lyon, so tliat the hour nriay be known when they will ,le there. l'le tour wil take only forty or, forty-five minutes so those with. other enlgage- ments. ,Mirs. Il1f suggcsts. may get in both the lauindry tour and other eil- gagements as wvell. The club will benefit yhe flicnmberattendin9. Thbe isitors will be shown the process of modern Iaunidering f roni the titue the bunidie arrives until it is ready for, delivery. The violet ray. machine will be shown. The rays shine,,on al fat work, doing the work of five hours> of sunishine. The ozone machine will be shown, whichi purifies- the air and. blows.- through the clothes. The process' will be explained and questions.anl- swYered by the guides. After visiting the laundry, the men- bers will be shown throumgh the dry cleaning plant. Nort bridge Notes A meeting of the board. of thec .Northridge Woman's club of Wilmette wvas held, Tuesday, April 26, at tlie home of Mrs. L. D. Kinnear, 2241 Chestnut avenue. Plans for the May meeting are as ' follows: The meeting will take plceMn day,.May 9, at thé home of Mrs. Ke i- ineth- Long,* 1931 Greenwoocl avenue. Mrs. Gladys Beam will talk on "Our Neighbors," illustrating bier remarks by motion pictures which will explain the services of the United Chiarities. L)uring the meeting Mrs. Clay Hark- ness of Aurora will give the third and hlast of her senies of hem popular talks on practical gardening. The subject of.hem taJk is to b "Colon in Our Gar- den." ~ythe North Shore MINusicians club on the occasion of its last regular meeting for this seasoii 'Tues day af- terniooni, at. the home oi Mrs. 1-er- l)ert Schra i in Evanstui. Assisting host sses Tuesday were Miss Anna Chinlund, IMiss Dorotlîy Rae, and Mrs. V. J. Killian., Trhe program given %vas announiced, as follows: Sicilienâne ...... ......Bach. Le Soir . ...........ýChamiflade Espara ... ..........Chabrier D)orothy Pound-Erflau Akely Yesterday and Today. . Charles G. Spross Oh, That It- Were So.... Fra-nk Bridge Ah, Tho the Silver Moon Were Mine.......... Hermanni Lohr1 Today ........ . Charles Heurter Dorothy Rae Adelle Hendra -at the Piano Adagio, from Concerto. in G Minor................ Brc Rondino .... ......... Crarner,-BrQowi Caroline H.arnsberger Ernau Akel y at the PianO Chamant Papillon (A6th Ce ntury) ....... Andre Camlpr-a, Tiransformiation ..î ...winter 'Watts The Hills of Gruzia ...M~nkf MY Fifth Ploor Window Malilison Fay Palmer Kreer Ernau Akely at the, Piano Concerto. in A Minor for Piano ....... .... Schumann Paufline Sehram-France.s,,Anderson The, club ý ill have its' atnnual l1uncheon in June. EÊvening Gairden. Club Is to Have Unique Progtam The Evening Garden clubof i- mette. at its next meeting. Tuesdal eveiiing. May 10. at 8 o'cloçk, at the. \N7oiani's club, wilI hear -Mrs. Waltci- Burley Grifin ini a lecture on *As trailian Trees and Flora." In addi- tion, it is expected that slides. illus- trating roadside conditions ý will hbc available for showing that. niglht through the courtes" o f thé G arden Club) of Illinois. Mr.s. Grifin, a resident of Australia tortwe%-ntv vears. Iormerly made lier, honte ini the United States., She ig ant artist who paints. her pict1ures, of., flowers. plants.. and trees on satin. It is these "Satin Pictures *of Fl1 o r a and Trees." (lonie in Australia, whicm1 0. of M. Hostesses .Mrs. Patrick Joyce, 42 3 Tenth street, will be bostess to members of St. Francis Household, Order of Martba, on Mondav, May 9;A complete at- tendance is required in, order to finish up the year's 'sewing. ares at in ByFP. B. M. The, %a nm days of early May bring out the gardéners. Men, women, and, childnen are working in the yards. There. is 'crying need, for new plants, new bushes, new. sod, new« garden tools,. fertilizers, new garden fumni- tu re, perhaps an urn, trellises, ïa *nev bird bath, a feeding trough, or a bird house, in every yard.1 But. evervon 1e is waiting, for> May 14. Sattrday, May 14, is Garden 'Mar- ket d ay in Wilmette. Fromn 8 in -the- morning until dark, the.inarket, sponi- sored by Wilmnette's two garden clubs. will be open on the triangle. of ground: opposite>the Wilmette avenue stat ion of- the North Shore electric. The pro. ceeds from the sale are used for beautifying the village. The sixth annual garden market is in charge of Mrs. John F. NNeedlon and >Harry C. Pifer. Thle committees working und(er thern are: Donated plants, commiittee - -Nrs.- WVilfred, C. Gillies and Mrs. R'oscoe Sonnebomu, co-chairmen,, assisted bY Mrs. W. U.. Clark, Mrs. Earle, D. Lyon, Mns. W. G. Mitchell,Ms.H., S. Davidson, Mrs. Frank A.,Pollock, Mrs. J., Benton Schaub, M.\rs. WN. K. Yates. and Mrs.% Paul Wagner. SWild fiowers committee-MNrs. T. E. Mc\IElroy and Mrs., Cý. R. Normal]. Food sales committee-.Mrs. J... Worthen and Mrs. J. P. Young, co- chairmen, assisted by Mfrs. E. H. Burge, Mrs. C. W. Robb,.\Mrs. -N. P. Colwèhl, Mrs. C. M. Burlingame, M\rs. A. E. Gebert, Mrs. Pauil Lang, andi Mrs. D. I. Gallie. Candy s a 1 es coniîmittee -Ms Chiarles,V\ani Deursen anid Mrs. .. J Naper, co-chairmen; gssisted ,by M Elmeir Price, Mrs. C. P., Berg, Mrs.ý George Williams, Mrs. Hlarry Sher- wiMis5 Kathenine Naper, 1&rs. R. H. Dameier, and Mrs.. Royal C. Dick,- soni. A niumber of commercial concermis iwiIl have at the market wares chbosen to tempiit the fanicy and fill the needs of <ilicriiniatiing garden shoppers. talks on the loveIy gardesand won- derful hospitality of the sotnth. READING CIRCLE MEETING The Reading circle will meet with Mrs. -Edward L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake, avenue, Monday, May. 9. I

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