Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 35

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lar iature ofthte club. M\ondays continue withi the regular * bri dge gaines including botl. pivot and progressive for womnen ini the aifter- "0Mi';;day evenings are especially!1 m nen's night' at -Shawnee and, the: members indulge in bowling contests, .... swinming, or> cards as the spirit nioves. On Monday eveninig of.this week there y wvas a. special -Bowling Dinner and,. Matchies scheduled. This gave an op- portunity for the many new mntbers' to get acquainted and to enîist In the* ý'< various teams. This week Friday,, the j uniors hbave a dance scheduled with an'entirely iiew orchestra, dancing 'beginninig at 9, o'cloCk. ' On Saturday, May -14, the seniiorsý * will have a special dance withi a din- rier ýserved at 7 o dock. The atomittee will present ait Exhibit of Applied' Arts by nibers and their f riends. On Saturday, May:.21,PhtbyCrs with a" luncheon -served' at, 1 o'clockl. This \Vill open at noon andj offers a Oit Saturday affernoon, April 30, spleidid opportunity Io entertain guests. .lIss ariet JohnMson, daugliter Vi'le work of the amateurs is most o..!r n s ihr Jiutn * leautiful and gratifying as well as ini-. fM.adMs ihr oiso spiring and it is interesting to see. what 3)Mers aeu, ezvrh is being done in our erjmds.becam;e the bride of Qwept Garfield 0O1n Saturday, May 28, aniother. big. of New York,'i t the presence of part% is ' scheduled called a Monte* about seventy-five friends and rela- Carlio party, announicemients, of which "Ill be madie later. Th ese special eni-' t Zes. tertaintrients at Shawnee> alwaysý offer; gala nights and are highly' enjoyable.' Rev. anid Mrs. E. R. Garfield of On Decoration day the club will bel Iiddleboro, Mass., parents of the quiet except for early supper or din- bridegroom, arrived on Friday . and ner served f romn 4:30 to 9 o'clock. were the güests of Mr. and Mrs. John * Ainong the women memibers of WVilds, of Kenilworth. Dr. Garfield Sliavvnee Country club who enter- read the wedding service. tained guests at the regular weelv 'rThe bride wvas dainty and appealing luîcheon bridge party at the club'inl a white Irish point 'lace and hand last -Monday were Mrs.. Thomias I.. emibroidered net gown which had been Grisamnore, Mrs. M. A. ,Johus;oti, Ms lier niother's, and she carried a gorge- * W. J.. King, M rs,. W. A. Kendrick, ous shower bouquet of white lilacs and and Mrs.. A.,J..DeBerard. habys breathi, which was later caught __________________byont: of lier close f riends, Miss Mary Milliken-Burt Engagement IFarin1er. tedn asle ado * of,-North Shbore Inferest honor, Miss Ruth Jolinston, Who was, A\ recent engagemenitannounicemenit1 beautiful in pale pink chiffon, and of interest to residents of the north carried deep purple ilacs. shore is that of Miss Yvonne Minli- Thie bouse was beautiftilly decorated keti of Calumiet City and Henry jlack- in snmiia.x, ferrns,, and masses of spriug . - - -- -- - --- - v- 4,- - d - .e A c.L . rom the affair wili be 1 wel fare work. mias L. D. Hll, 1008* enue, Wilmette, i s in cets and table reservations shore., tor, Woman's Soci ety Speake Mrs. Edwàrd H. Smith, president of, the' Presbiterial society' of Chicago, will he, the principal ,speaker at &h reguxlar meeting *of the. Wotnan's so- ciety of the Presbyterian church to bel hield Tuesday, May 10, at the Womian's1 club. The meeting will be an al-ýday one, with, sewing, and business in thé :norning. Luncheon will be f ollowed b:, Mrs. Smths talkeat io'clock. Mrs. Smith i, a member of the Fourth Pres-; liyteriani churcl of Chicago. NMiss M.\arjorie Pitts* of Baltimùore and Miss- Ella Dreslher, of, Munich., Gerrnany, wilI be the week-end gue9s of 'Miss Jean Dutticati-Clark, 228 Woond -court. The girls are ail stu- denits at the juveniile lInstittute for- Researcili iniChicago. CHICAGO iNORTH SHODrlE MUSIC FESTIVAL. NotLwstern UniveritG7umaiu8' .5 GALA CONCERTS MAY 234-26-28, Mon.,.Tu«.p TEIrs. & Sat. Ev..1 Saturday Matin.. FREDERICK STOCK DIRECTOB Festival Chorus of M0 Chidren'a Chorus of 1500 United Geuma Maie Chorus.. University GCh. Clubs Cthicago Symsphony Orchestra, Stawmmerong. sxcie*fifserIJy cared Like a tblng la cbas . ke: cagea animais go 80yen Who stammer, restlessly long for that frelom et spéeech.- Wby Wat longer? Ila ashort *six Weeks or les$ yen too eau freely tale part la the tlings about, Yom. The skaclkles of th.e stammerlmg habit will be -brolcu. tou'fl enter * new, wouderful, 1ife. 1.eau cure you asi 1dd myseif,, for 1, tee, st&uimered. A telephone, personal. eall, or letter wIII ,b. worth. *Imité. IC1ARLE PFERDMENGBS 30West Washingto, Street %,1&.t. l1211, 1 Chiao, 1 No0 Matter How You Stretc-b- .It, It's Stili Luncheon >or Doala 115.38 Highlanc Mrs. Harvey A. Çraig, 71(j 1ak2 course; and M avenue, retiring president of the Cen- man, '/07 Wasl' tral-Laurel Parent-Teachier associa- hiostess for the tion, will entertain the out-going' Mrs.' G. E. board members at. luncheon and information cc bridge tomorrowat berhome. tranâsportation. Wiliamn E. Shieli- COURSE TICKETS 140W ON SALE n avenue,, will be Ticket'Offce: Lyon f Healy, 615 Davis Se. is in charge of Course Ticket Price: $5 $7 ,811. $14. $W6 THE POSSESSION OF A COURSE TICKET ning ticket.; and WILL ASSURE ADMISSION TO AIL THE CONCERTS OF THE FESTIVAL. BUY NOV.

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