Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 33

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from the Warnetkai and Kenilworth public schools and thec parochial scbools of the township. On both days the pupils ivili nieet at the higlh schoôl auditorium at 2-.20 o'clock in the afternoon. Sujt. M. P. Gaffney of New Trier already b las visited the, grammar schools of the township>aiid talked to eigbth graders who expect t6 attend the high. school next fall. On Wednes- daýY. and Thursday afternoons of this week nmieetings were held- at the pub- lic scliools in Glencoe and MVinmette respectively for the purpose of dis- tributing1 registration cards to the eighth. grade ýpupils and to give ýtheni final instructions on registration. Members of the Newv Trier faculty who vîsited the Glencoe' and, Wil- mette schools, to conduet these mecet - ings weré: W. L. Brown, director of referenice.anid reQsearcbl;'Frederîck.. Kahler, dean of boys; &\iss, Elizabeth Packer, dean -of girls; and the two ireshmiiaii advýisors,,. H. Herron and -Miss Ella Shaw. This saie group of New Trier teachersNvill -go to the Sk okie schlool in'iii inetka next M.\ondayv aftrenoonl, and to thie Joseph Sears school. ili Keriiworth WNedniesday afterniooni to gi've the eighth, gradeý pupils their filial instructionls ou registrat-ioi.. Mallinckrodt News The Seniors of l'le Mallinckrodit mill present "A Page f rom Colonial Tinies.". on Stinday,' May 8, at 8, ().Clock4 in the Mallinckrodt audi- toriiiii, on Ridge read, inear Lakte sîrcet, \Wilnmette. * The plav is a four- ad draina, full. of pathos and hiuan iliterest. hi, the charining sett ing oi a colonial 'hom0ne. a' group of' leue Pi'1.class,, ii.lI(liflg L..<\ady înton evll esceni lcd-î estlv trcading ,thë iî,u-let. 1H)ot I l Ie .~st1iSan(l the -sccnerv,..ini. harnîony withi te titie of th.u piay, ýcreate an' atmosplierc of color and( beauty, so charactcristic ofcoîil life. The principal., of the cast are: Marv \Ic Nt\, .anctte Brennati, (..athenne icPear-sonl, j pîi. Baer. venture, i o ijuasa in vîsguise and 1 "Jungle Trails and Inca Ruins," i addition to several books on eastern languages and dialects. It was this knôwledge of dialects which enabled Mr. McGoverii to travel, disguised as a 'coolie, to Uhla,ýa,. a ciy fbrbidden to white o M.en.ven' -The. subject o i éoens talk basbeen.>announced as "'My Ad Ventures in the Far -East.." M.rs. j'. C. Carpenter, Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained ber bridge club on Thulrsday. of this Week at lutncheon. Restled. $1.75 mmiii up. Hast& mma te Alil heumine&. PIETER VAN BREE $18 Century Dldgf. 20M S. sit t St2d«u40 service snd 1h. exoollent façilhlles of the North Germen Lloyd. Tours as low es $199, Write or phoue for descriptive orml.re THÉ ANor th Shore TRAVEL. SERVICE Afflated tsoUk Site Bank and Truasf Comîpaniy Evoason Gm. 5000. Wil. 5000 lm. Sm0 0This P.unie! and win. a new 1932 Long and Short Wave Superbieteerro PHILCO ýRADIO Just ln Tinte for the Repubflican n d 1)mocratlo National Conventtion. fleur France, Engisul, and Geruiany on titis new Philco Raio. 10 BIO PRIZES Here is an opportunity to win a beau- tiful Radio or one of the many other prizes ABSOLUTELY FREEI Read the rules carefully and send iii your answer at once. No0thing for o to buy and nothing to seli. You, do Mo have to buy this newspaper-a pencil copy of this puzzle will serve. Cap Youi Do It? FrtPrize JIlphnSo Long and Short Wav. Radie Model 470 RULES 1. USE ANY NUM BERS FROM 1 TO 13, INCLUSIVE, AND ARRANGE THEM IN THI'. B LA NK SQUARES S( -) THAT THEY TOTAL, 21 IN EVERY DIRECTION. 2. No number can be used more - 7 Second P rize, Midget. Radio 3rd Praue-Eleeta'ieSUD- b.mMix Master &Bd Juicer. Ath Prius-Deautiful Juua ior FIair Lasmp, onyx, imas. Sth Pnim-Electrie Clock., eiL Prime-TmhIa Lama. The \Wijmette-Wiinetka chapter of the \Vomen's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs.> John C. Martin, 921 Tenth Street, Wil- mette, Monday afternoorî, May 9, at 2 o'clock. It will be an annual meeting with élection of officers. und, Upright eand Poye DAVIS ST.,

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