Golden Memories of Munich Tours Paul Gilbert of Troop 13, Keniil- worth, who wiIl soon returni home after a year.of study in Europqe, had three wonderful weeks in iMunich, for be was entranced with'the German mutseuin, the greatest industrial museumnii the wvorld, the one after wbich the new Rosenwald museum in Chicago, is being modeled.. He spent days ini the. German museuin, thoroughly studying the exhibits that, were of especial ,interest to'hum, such as chemistry and color photography. He and his Eagle Scout cousin. Walter M. Forster, Jr., of Philadel- phia, did and sawv about'evër3-tling there wvas to do and see.- Here, is a snatch froni, Gilbert's niost recent, ltter: 6.We visited the 014 Pinakothek before diniier, a museum of paintingsi of the old. Netherlands school. Dutch masters. of the lth century, Flemish masters, 'Italian anid'Spanjishi masters, and German masters of the l7th and l8th centuries.. There were a few, familiar things, but 1 learned to iden- tify a bunch of different painters by their style (Which I proimptly forgot the next day'>. **When we caime out it wvas a de- ligh tfully w~arrn and spilnv spring da%: we iven t Via the propylaca. a 1Donic niarble edifice. to a r estautrànt nearbv and had dinner.' After. dinnier wve visited the Glyptotheka, a nus euiof ancient sculpture. The b)uildin)g itself is a inagnificent piece of architecture. Greek style outside and Romnan in1- side, but " ei chilly (the temperature, tiat is)>. It contained but four roomus, and thouigh w sam- everything very cearefullv, it "-as flnishied in an hour or so, and we were glad to get out, a.gain iuto the Warinîsunllighit. -NVe had stili a lot of tinie left, so w,%edecided té visit the Bavaria,4and the Ruhnîeshialle (Hall of Faine). To get to thiese we hiad to cross th.le Theresienwiese, popular. for sport; we sawv soin~e nien playiîg a gaine withdik of iron, similar to horse shoes in principle. "The Bavaria is a large statue of a .%omiant holding up -a wreath. (681 Get National Recognition Following is a copy of the an- nouncement made by the National Boy Scout Publicity department to the entire country, announcing the local 'Boy.Scout broadcast put on by this counicil :1 . ..1 . "BOY Scouts of the North Shore Area council, whose headquarters are at Highland Park, Ill,, now have a regular radio aud 'ience estimated at more* tban: two million persons for their weekl pogamf rom Station WIBO.of Chicago. The prograins are written and directed by Eagle Scout George Berscb, Harmon Foundation Scholarship winner, who is assistant scoutmaster of Troop No.,4, Wihnette. Ill. The feature is known as 'Troop One-Elieven of the Air."'" CIVIC RADIO PROGRAM The regular weekly series of talks on "Yout and Your Goveriment" wilI. bhe conducted over station WLS fromn 7 to 7:-30 o'clock daylight savings time, Tuesday eveiitg, May, 10. Thé topic will be "The Campaign and Economic- Planning." S tuart Chase. ec.onornist. ill be the. speaker. sion. They ar-e a siali flowerhouse. àffair, sunk into the grouind, but con- tained much 'of interest. .4On the next day ive took in the Residenz museuin, which,- ontainsi the furniture, books, paintings, and other articles belonging to the kings of Bavaria, and went to the top of the Rathaus for the fine vieNy of .Munich and the Mountains. "WVe ate dinner at a restaurant across the street froin the Rathaus at a table by the wýipdow, so that ive cou Id see- the famou s procession of figures of the clock, ýwhich parade every day at 1 :00. While in the tower the guide had- shown. us the mechan- isi of ýthe figuresý from the'inside*; the tower is 300 feet -high, and, the clock is.near "We walker home via.the Hofgar- ten, a nicely laid oui park, surrounded by important buildings and museumns, and then -throuigh the Englishi garden, a large, and one of the ideal gardens in the world. 2t Ieasi' go*the riz~id New Names Added to Scouting Roster The following Cubs and Scouts have joined the North Shore Area council during the last. week: Kenilworth- Troop 13: John Cunningham, Charles WVright, and Tom Keith,, transferring, from - Pack 0;M Pack 60:- Jack Mac- Low. Winnetka-Troôp 17: Justus Chancellor; Trôop 82: Denney Masoii. Glencoe-Lewis I. Birdsall,' vice-chair- mian Glencoe. District committee. Libertyville-James Madden. Ravinia - Pack .65:, John Laurie re-registering. Diamond La k e Troop 70: Emmett Bilinski, .Laverne eChristensen, William Clift, James Ray. Libertyville-Troop 72- Ray Cooper, David Pennert, Louis .Wehrenberg. re-regîstering, Donald Hudson,.trans- f erring. froin Troop 398, Chicago. Ivan - hoe-Troop 81:, Robert Lieber, Ray Chamberlin. Libertyville-Pack 76:- the Rev. John DeLong, assistant cub- miaster. ' .li News of Troop 24 'l'le îost recent meeting of> Troop 24, I-ubbard WVoods, wvas held at.theý týroop headqluarters. It- began llvith 4 game which Iasted- uttil 8 o'clock. Asseîublv wvas soun ,ded, and the meet- ing,%vas called to or(ler, in the troop meeting room. W\ork.dnsr test'passing %Vas begun iimmediately iii prepara. tion for the iùnonthlv board of'reriewN. The meeting wvas closed at 9 o'clock after a rather strict O'Grady drill.' Plans were made for a mothersý' andI sons' meetngon -May 5, It ill co= sist of iMother's Dav talks and ivork- that ývill be interesting to the mothèr.s of the scouts: The, next meeting of Troop 24 wfill be, held , May 12i It . will, be started off at the Huibbard Woods School groutnds. with a basebail game. Out- door test passinig Will be one of the features., Then the meeting ivili ad- journ to the troop quarters wvheire a. court of honor wiil be hield. The meeting \vili have the usuial ciosin.g. The Sea Scout patrol,"Fin Cloud, vili be consplcuous on MaN 5. 'Members wvill wear their new Uni- fornis forl the flrst turne i n 010r of for Camp-O-Ral Tl'le North Shore Area Couincil Camp-O-RaI wiIl be held, Satturday, and Suiîday, Mayr 21 and 22, ini thé forest preserve at thé county liie andý Green Bay road. The Camp-O-7Rai isa patrol even't mn which each patrol is equipped to live "o its own" for at least, two mneals, camping out over night iimîder. its owvn shelter, and parti.cipatimýigni several field projects which wvill not be known! to the competitors uintil that part of the prograin begins. From' the inspection at the, start, tintil the Camip-O-RaI is officially closed. every action- (or lack of, it) is subject to judging. by- the officiaIs. Th'le Camp-O-Rai is designed to the provi(le the greatest possible oppor- tumity for the expression of the patrol nethod, the competing teains being c ompletely "on their ôWn." Thev are jn(lged on their ability to apply their scout training in meet ing any prob- lemns -which may be presented to thein. Ani entryist be a patrol of eighit bJoyýs froin the saine troop, preferably a n~ia patrol now existing. each scout to0 have beemî registered iwith that troopat least thirtv (lays beicire, the contest. Patrol leaders must lie exclusiv-elv in charge of thet patrOl on the field, as. one of the eighit memibers of sticb pat.rol. Onte or mor(. teanis myenter"froîn any troop. 'lo parti- cip)ate. a -scout niust niot have. rcacîied bis eighteenth birthday. Omly suclh eqn'ipment and supplies1 as inay be carried by the participants or furnishied on the field by the coiun- ilma\- be used in the Carnp-O-Ral, -\Il participating patrols mustpret tbemiselves equipped for inspection at Hcadqnliarters tent on the field before 2 clock, May 21. Trek :carts. are, Two Scout.Leaders Take Camp Training Tivo scout leaders represeniting,;tie, North Shore Area counicil are this % ee attending a National Camp Training school coniducted by the Na- tý%vo r a i C~S SCOUTS' Dr Go Store w RTesý. en's Store I14 Wlmaette Ave. .1142 Wilmette Ave. plu i ç vvuhe im cmpass, 50 Uon't 'wîI[ have a social evenn n rdy failto tted ths hke.May 13, at the Ravinia Village House, A fathers' and. sons' hike is being to prove that there is no superstition planned for a week later. Get vour in this group of honor menmbers.. (lads ont for that date and be in on Peter White, president of the Order a peck of fun. The place hias not vet of the' Arrowv, bas appointed a coin- been picked ont, but y'ou - k i- nittee,haddby John 'O'Conoiir,, to soon. . iake ail arrangements. I v