hiow careless the genetal publie js in rechon of the suburUan stores. regard to the preparation of mail Miss Julilly House, hostess of the entrusted to the department, were iancy goods section, downtown, and related by Arthur C. Lueder, Chi- one of the most enthusiastic pro-. çago postnîaster, in an address at a moters ofý this needlecraft Renais- joint meeting of the Northeastern satice, will be in Evanston this Fri- Illinois, and the McI-enry County dayto spend the day exhibiting quilts, Postnîasters? associations, held, at hooked rugs, tapestries, sweaters and W\ýoodstock, Wednesday eveni ng, suits of wool or boucle, that, testif%- April 27.* Wilmette, Kenilworth,. to what the womnen of today' are turn- W\itiictka, and Glencoeé are included ing to to express their need, of cre- m' the NKortheastern Illinois associa- ative work iii these timei when ofteni tion.it's too_ expénsive to create téas, Medi- Postmaster Lueder declared it toes terranean cruises or Vionnet gowns. not look much like a financial depres-, 'Reat beauty, c'rafts worthy of, the Sion when people. will be 50 careless labor. gi;en, tbem, merchandise whose ,vitli more than four million dollars. quality jstifies the skill expe nded on His geperal subject was, "The -cou,- it-thatý is what the-wise and: clever mon and easil y preventable errors Of needlewoman 'is, lookingî for today,", the mailing public."' He said that ini savs Miss House. "And she has found tl e. Chicago office several hundred lit -at Field's-. There, at cozy- tables, clerks are employed almost exclusive- in sturdy chairs, with soft 1iirhts care- Iv ini the, correction of these errors. fullv trained upoin their. work, -tley FwrMistakes Now have' rediscovered the spirit of the 'The public, however, is improvi 'ng. iltn e n h nutyo h Postinaster- Lueder ýdeclared,ctngmdea convert. Ifyou have a ten- as ati exacuple the fact that. severai dency to -smile, don't; this is 'as. true vears ag o, when bc entered the serv~- as your, new Spring bonnet-and just ice, the public made one mistake in las exciting." faulty mnailing out of evéry 149 pieees 'Miss House will exhibit wools and of. mnail posted, whereas,. last year, novelty yarns used in the creation of there was only one in every 461 some of the things women are making pieces. The press and the general now in the fancy goods section of public.have been giving the depart- Field's, and also will show tapestries, ment wonderful support in the effort hooked rtigs, quilts. embroideries and to. correct this needless waste of many other things that have , been timeand money, he said. created. Women are cordially invited At the Chicago "Dead' Letter" office to meet Miss House and to consuit last vear, àlmost, one-haîf million lier on sonie of the problems of mak- dollars in short-paid postage ,vas col-1 ing the things which are exhibited. lected; 585,000 packages hiad to bc re-wrapped; 10,000,000. letters. were CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES returned tô the sendlers because of àAaiadFlenMi ilb faultv address; 1,500,000 letters were the subject at the services in First received without postage; 154,000 Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil without any form of address what- m .ette Sunday morning, May 8, at * ever: approximately 75,000 letters are' 1l o'clock. Sunday school convenes received 'every day without street 1at 9:45 o'clock. aidiîmberaddresses. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 'Blthardt and Ni.and Mrs. .Albert Webster and 1 famnily, of Essex road, KenilWorth, fanîily have moved from their r esi-! have returned to their home on Essex dence on Oxford road and have taken road, Kenilworth. after a winter- spent an apartment in Spaflish court.. ini the Carolinas. Throu g1 TEJALASKA by Ril]udRiver Steaumerý Take the ýYukon Rivet Circle Tour of Alaskca eisSummer. loto ethe Interior via Tne A"ka Railroad- where you'Il sec grandeur of, stag- ors frameci by mountains -of snow; migjiey cauaacs; lakes of ineffable, beaiuy. YouIl take a comfortabîe river steamer loto the weird,, wild beauty of little-known Alaska. You'Il sail the faLmous Yukon, sand visit Mt. M4cKinly National Park. YoulI PMs through «Five PiogerRapiispea ahuIil eo be knowa- juse once in a lifetime. Goiogsud retuming, yoWUil ail te famnous Inside Passage of the Alaska Coast, viewing ethe vas: moving Pan- orama of the wildest snd loveliest coaseine Mi the world. Senci for descuiptive map-folder, 81iv ing information of the Yukon River Circle Tour and several lnersiot Alaska trips. The- U. &D.partnma ofq the.Iaerer ALÂSKÂA RAILROIU) (Mt. Mlniey Parke Route>)6 N. C Dickens, Geneal Pmmoeger Agent 33 Nrt Michigan Ave., Phione State 5798,Cia» I EVANSTON On Davis St reet Wilmfte1100 01«H-Al,& 80iz MOVING -or Free to Main St, Wiéboldt's Rasement-Rvanstos