Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 20

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I And Other Prices Corresponciing I PHONE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 1167 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette, 45 1 7 I A~~ember limce tnbevof <Commerce - PATRO0NIZE'OUR ýAD VERTISRRS, Lkron't f Put Them. in the Bank! keep their planes at i-aI-VVaukCe air- port, on Milwaukee avenue sou'th Of Wheeling, use themn a great deal for business, as well ýas for pleastire. Chester F'oust, oné of these owniers. returned tw,,o weeks ago.froin an air trip to the 'west Coast. where hie wvent on business. Lasýt %eek lie.imade a similar trip to ,St. Louis. and, this week planned tog New Vork. Mr. Foust is ini the'advertisinig business, 'William BÉovd is another private own- er at.>Pal-Waukee wrho uses bisý plane, a Verville, considerably for butsiniess., Mr. Boyd is advertising manager for the. Curtiss Publishing Company. North Dakota Man Flies From'Northwest in Cessna, Claude Skinner of ,langdon,. N. O .. arrived at Curtiss airport.,Clenview. from the northwest last Thursday-. Skinner's. plane', a Cessna l(wverc(l vvith -a Comet motor, is uuisual in al)-. pearance because o fthie numierouis pieces of honie-made equipmienit thalt the Qwvner bas p)lacer! on it. iiuto - mobile tires are uised on the wvheels of the shîp), which are larger than is usuially the case on "a plageof thiiý type. Skinner uses spctliglits for landing lights. He býas i nst; lled iuntv other hiomie-made fi\tu ireýs coh tho lane. Major Schroeder to Give Six Talks on Aviation Six talks on aviation x ill ]lîen this rnonth by M.-,aj. R. WV. Schroeder, president of the Skv, Harbor Flvinig club, before nten's, clubs,. Masonmc group.s' and other organizatiolis. Major Sch.roeder. whlo during tlic war wvas chie f test p)ilot for the go\.ernl- ment at McCook field. Dav-ton, Ojîlo, and who has hiad a long and lntCrCslt- ing career ili the aviatiol ndinlstr, is continuall\, in demnan-i as a speaker' on aviation subjects. Last Friday, nighit he sp)oke hefore the. Marshl Foch post of the Amecrican Tcgion in Chicago. 49000 Items to Check. on struction of the new Gioodyear Tire and Rubber company dirigible do'-1c at IPa-Waukee airpont bas been ]et to the Austin company of Clevelan l . Ohio. Steel girders to be used in tl'er building of the dock are nov bein'11 pre pared., and ground W'ill, be broken foir the. massive iiew hangar soon. .The dock. which will house one(i the Goodyear blimps, wvill be ýlocater! at the inortbcast corner of Pl-\Wau- kee field, clean of all the nunwav s so that it will flot interfene in' anv" wav wit .h the present facilities of the air-, p o rt., - -- ---ý ' 1 : : . It will beý the largest building in. this vicinity. two hundred feet. long,. eightyfeet %vide and ninety feet high. and wîll be, the onlv dinigible dock in the Chicago area., The dock is to be used as the permanent Chi- cago base fori one of the Goodear bmp.The lease betwýeen Pal-XVaî- kee airport -and the Goodyear cou 1- pany is for a. period of ten years. The Aùqtin comian%-, hic as the' general contract for the~ constructl(oîî of the dock, bas buîlt a largenu- ber of airport lhangars throiigliouit the cnitry. Ch.inese Students Making Progres*s at Air Sehool hetwenty-onie (hilesc tdu Miîo are taking grouind work inistruc- tion at the Curtiss-Wright Aero- nauitical tiniversitv in1 Chicago pre- paratory to learning to fly are niakinig excellent progress, a mnemrber of the staff at the flying scliool reported this, Week. The class was organîzed whctn newvs of the Sino-Japanese trouble, ithe Orient %vas filling the front pages of our citv dailies recently, ieerl of the Chineewoaelr- ing to fly are studenits at the L'ii- versity of Chicago. Curtiss FIying School Is Largest in Country Curtiss-WTright Aeronauticil uni- v%ýersity, with 225 students, is now the largest commercial aviation schfool itii the country. Ground sclbool couirses are taught at. the downtoivn school il, the city and flying. instruction 1 is given at Ctirtiss aiflfrt npear' fleiu.. 3640 Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 99 Mlcncbi l'Wýfmte (Chamber of Commerce of i.urtiss airport near l now associated with Ame r ways ,hInc. 'He is teachn ing at Cincinnati..hn G L. M. . Churbuck, manager of thie [nager. Curtiss-Wright 'Aeronautical univer- ew, is sity in Chicago, spoke to two thoni- iAir- sand students at the University of ýd fly- Chicago on "Aerial Transportation aid; Traffic" Iast week.

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