Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 14

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lie is Beginning Sunlday, May 8, we will go on what someone called "the sunînler achedule" for ' the church service. This mieans that the service .wili be shortened to approximately one hour. This change l, nmade at. this Urne inasmiuc'h as the. High- School depar tylent of the 'Church school is.*planning to mYeet at a later hour, 10:30 for a study period and join the congregation in thé. worship service. This is an experiment in which we ini- vite théecordial. cooperation of al i mèm- bers of the c'hurch familles.. The 1igh Sehool league heid 'its an- fluai election of officers iast Sunday night. -Theý officers elected at that tirne will be installed by the pastor next Sunday night. The Woman's Aid Society meets to- day,. Thursday, ut 10 o'clock for General Aid. Sewing and the Executive committee meeting. Lunclieon ivili be served ut noon by the Pourth division. 'T'he. busi- ness meetingý is held at 1.:30. The Runmage sale -is being 'held by the Woman's Aid. socieîy today and to- niorrow,. Tlurtsddiy anid Friday, in the Old E conomy Shop. The Wednesday' even ing Fellowsltip service should have a regulair place in the program 0of eacli churell memiber. It is an) houir of'quiet, helpful medita-, tien, beginning at 8 and closing at là The Wonan's. Foreign Missionary aoclety meets- Thursday,. May 12. at 2 o*cdock at the chiurch. Pevotion.s:ý Mrs. S. E. Leenian ; "Chris;t Cones to the * Village-He Holds' Us Responsibie"; * Mrs. A. J1. Nystromn; sess Mes- dames Déec A. Stoker, A. N. Page, and Plans are under a for flic l1'i32 Christimis Pi.A coinmjittee meeting is calledl for Tucsday., May 10, at 10 o'elock. All cha frima of divisions and ent. T-lie Queen lCstlàr Standrd Bearers are havifig a Bake sale at \,an Deu-7 sen'-. Saturday, May 14.. Ail wornen, are asked to keép.iais date in ii md... A *tuint Nîight" wvili be sponsored by the VVeslëyàii Service Uuild Frid ay Mýayr ZQ *0 Tiais will be ' . întcrest1 to everyone, young and old.. NI.ny organizations. in the chrlawiIl participate.. The Wllmette Girl Scout Leaçlers' as- sitinwil i mcci.tu!tesdaty eening, May,. 10, in] the G;irl Scout. room of thiis, * clîurch. SJan mg~ Our ParetiLs," and a special Speakcer will lead the meeting. Ail the: young people are invited to attend. The music program for the iforning .worship service, as arranged by Miss Erma Rounds, pianist, will be as fol- lows; Prelude, '"Berceuse," Chopin; 0 f-j fertory, "May Night,-' Palmgren:; Post- lude, "March in C," Rnogers; Solos by Mr. Otis, soloist, as foilows: "The Plains of Peace," Barnard, and. Mothe.r o' Minie," Tours. The session of the- church will .meet on Mfonday evening at 8 o'clock at -hie pastor's -borne, 721 Ninth Sireet. The Woman's society will meet on Tuesday at the Woman's" club rooms,. Sewing wlll be ln charge of Spoke 4, Mrs. W. K> Yates, chairman. The'lunch- eon will be served by Spoke- 6, Mrs. R. L. Tosseil, chairman. Mrs. Frank Eager. will tleadnthe devotional., The speake-r for the meting will' be Mrs.Edward H.- Smith, President of the Chicago Preshyterial society. Ail the women are cordialiy invited. Our prayer meeting will'.be held. on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the directors' roorn of the Woman's club. We will study theé.Farable of thic Phariee and Publican, Jesus great lesson on Uumilit.y, Luke _18 :.-14. ' invite 'you to spend this hour of de- votion and study with us. The Mothers' and Daughters', banquet of the church will be held at the WVomr's club rooms Friday evening, May 13, A fine program of music,-ad- dresisesi and interesting pictures.,will be given. iteservations mnay be mad e through Spoke cliairmnan. St. John's Lutizeran ,Wîlmette anid Park avenues, Wilmette1 Herman W. Mey'er, M.A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephione 1396 Church Telepiione 3111 Services 9 :30 A. M.-Sunday school and Biblei classes. .1:0A. M.Srvice and. sermion. P. r. MService and. sermon. Friday ut 7 :4. P.'M. Juniior MWalther leagu(-. ,i turda t 9A. M. classes for chiId- ren. Tuesday ut 7 :45 -'Meeting oft ,oting menibers. Rex'. H. (tookel will ecupy-the pulpit. at thé Sunday naorning service and the Ruv~. W. 1F. Suir ivili occup1y thle 1puilpit at the atternoon service. Again, St. John's cordially aksyou to attend its services. 1'uesday-7 :30 p. m.-Roosevel.t T,-roop No. 2, Boy Scouts Wednesday-3 :30 p. m.-Brownies Thursaday-7 :30 p. m.-Troop No. 1. Boy Scouts Saturday-9 :30 a. m. -. Cub Scouts Trhe boardi of trustees will hold. it.s regular meeting. on Monday,- May,9, at 7:30 p-. m., in theý church parior. The. Womnan's Guild is sponsoxing a Colonial Tea. and Quit exhibit to, be held in Pilgrim hall next Wçdnes-day afternoon fromn 2 to 5 o'clock. 1)etiiils3 concerning this. event are. given else- where ln this issue, of Wilmette Lifù. Friday, May 13, is the date of the. next meeting of. the Woman's Guild. A mu- sical program wiII be given by Mrlis. W. G. Mcintosh,, pianist; Jean McJutos-h, violinist, and Eunice Melntosýh,. eelliý:t. Mrz. Albert, W. Dilling of Kvnilworth 1will speak on "ltùssiit and'tt Com,11- munist Movement in this t-ountr-y.' Luncheon will be served ai. 1 o'clIock, and reservations must be mîaide as tusual.' Theý publie is invited to attend the opeia nmembers of the. Con firmation ýcIass tl partake for the first time of the Lord's Supper. We hope iliat. ai ourù memnbers will comMunie,with them.. On Friday evening, May -6. at 9 .o'clock,,Rev. andMrç;. David R. Kabele will entertain the Senior Luther league ,at the parsongge,. Ail our young people beyond liigh school ageare invited.. Do as.niother used to do-go to Church Sunday.: Kenilworth Union Kenllworth avenue and Warwick rond. Dr. Herbert L. Willett minister. Dr. WilIettUs subject for next Sunda'. May 8, will 1be ".The. MNajes;ty of Mother- hond," a Fermon appropriate to Motbiei"" Day. The Sunday school will Yi t ,9 :4-b Wednesdavýt, May 11, ihio. annu 1al Spring diniwi- of the ehurpch -,01w)t held at the K-enilworth cluba. Dinmner mwill be served] ut 6.:30 under- the effi- cient' auspices of the Social committee. Re-servatiens -should be niade ýwith Mr--. Leen T. Ellis flot later than Monday. May 9. There .will be a brief businessý- meeting for the purpose of hearlng an- nual reports 'tnd électing offic'ers for the comiiigyear. Twice each year the Spnday scehools of the villagc churches exchange visits. On. Sunday, May 22, the KtnilWor-th U7nion Sunday school m-ill be the.get of the Sunday sehool of the Church of the Hloly Comforterý. Thfis cu!stoni js one that is eherisýhd .hy the membe- of hoth schoolq and looked forvard t(, with intcrest afld pleasure.. Chil dren's- Day will be osre Sun- dlay. Jun(, 5, at whieli time baptism will la' -idriniFzt(re(l. There. wilIl be the u.4ui.l comhbinpd serývice of church Rn (1 FrfFvaniselical, M)6 Elm street, Wlinetka n'Il'A . hmpson pso $02. Cherry' street. (Winn'. 2304) Sunifay,. May 9 (MoTthers' Da y) .:0- a. m. Suflday Qehoôài. ila. m. M.ýorning tvorQhlp. Singln g 'Jy -MiIxedqi 4.:P. S. SI mieeting following the luneheon. Onre of the most interesting evt-nts et o the year, will be held on the evening ief Matýy 25. At 6 :30 dinnur W111 be servéed b-y 'the Northwest Circlu of the Gid i The hiigh school freshnivn girls are laie- senting a.one-act play for children and their parents at 7 :30, Yullowing. thi- l)lay there will be an ex 'hibition of, the religiotiîs education tKivîties ofteyer The evening will clo.si with aà<'ne-aet play, for aduits given liby theý high seolupper elassmen. Plan .to brin g voefamily for e-itherý the- dinner (w tlie îaLays or both of them. Baptist Church, Wilmette a.nd Forest avenue-, George D. Allison, Iinister "A Church 'iýhat Cares" We were happy to extend the. band of fellewshlip to the following new mm bers: ut the Communion service Jasn Sunday: M.\rs. Frances E. Clark, Mr. A. B. Batcheider, Mrs. Aý. B. Batchelder, Marcia Jean Anderson, Eugenia M a y (,'hurých, Bertha Juanita Dubbsj and Jùune, i Evelyn Toop. -Next Sunday is Mother's Day., he lastor , will preach on, theý themelt: "Mothers of Tomnorro W" ut the il O'elock mornîng worship ot the clîurch and scholol Ail Sunday school & Vene at 9-:30 o'clock nia for aIl imernberseofii eflgaged inundysh the sane day.frsclt iments éon- ig it psil amily ho ie activitics ut nursery age tinent. Ne!xt ment invites npatitrent to ..-..y t.I'. - i, . in. 4*K oon J it ulien,- Th Mn' Bbl cas i soiinCod-"$ exprse Hst rc, Slo-"Litte Moth'f)f lvline".,Burleigh con on Monday will be, served at the Thwe' il -as ssoigss heh Gd me prsés li lus ord.Walter ,Tenney . Eleanor club and the m~eeting is open tained interest, the attendance Iast Sun- Her words and prayers werc my yôýung l'sldASb~'o.to ail. who wlsh to attend. Dr. Horace day being next to'the highest s0 far at- - spirit's dew-' Symphonique".........uilmaqnt G. Smith, pastor o! the Wilmctte tained., The class was organized 1ast For when shc us'd to leave Methodist .church, ls to be the speaker. Bunday with the following officers: The fireside evcry eve, There willi be a slight change in the Ail other meetings of the aIssociation president, Harper E. Osborni; vice-presi- 1 knew It was for prayer that she with- Church sehool scheduîe. The Primary, are to hé in the Woodlawn ,church..Dr. detadtesrr ar dn;sce, crew. Junior, and Ifitermediate departments Allison. la to be the speaker at the tary, Russell Beckwith. The. class ses-, HOW often ba.s the thought, will meet at 9:55, instead of 9:30, and gathering 0f the Ba.ptlst Executive cOU-n- aluOns will continue well iiito the SUM-1 0f1; rn ourn'd mhother brought the -BeginViers department at li l 'ciok. 'cil. The Womagn's Mission union meeting G i 1.1s,

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