MAY 84 Subjeci': "ADAM AND READING ROOM- 1 14 Open Daily (excepting Wednesday Wedneoeday 9 A. M. to Sarurday, 9 A. M. tc The Bible a>id. Works' of Mary Baker1 Christian Science Literatucre may be read, Readimg Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY>, INVI CHURCH S13RVICES AND VISIT PATRONIZE OU.R,. LEN MAN" sectioii of 76th street and Indiana ave- nue, Chicago. The other car wvas driven by Glen Finnail of Chicago, who 8Centrel Avenue asassriiiyujr.lirnc y) A.M. o6P M.Were taken to tlie Jackson Park* hos- i 7~. M.pital. 7445 P- M.Mrs. QuÎin a nd her daughter re- @ ~ . M.turned tô the MNordoif home, last St 'urday fromh the hospital. MNrs. Mor-. Eckly and, al ober antboized dof i jthe wife of Dr. -G. Il.. Mordoff, borrowed- or purcbased at tbe imtepscan ITED TO ATTEND THE A. J. Elliott returned Io his TH~REAINOROO Eat 824 Ashland avenue. last Saturda%- homa A gricuItùral and Mchani,:s A vE I ERs cllege. This was one, of Mr. EIIîottL A.D E RT I ER S mot .oûttàndng viitsto colleges this year. b .The Best Coal We've Ever Sec» at. the Lowest Price in Years.,.Place Your, Order To-day. A. . Nord, known more faiii- ar/v as *,Jack," becaine pre.sident ef: Y.chmilt-- u<ni. Nord, ic.. E 'illaile Clc<îîîîs, t/he tai<ring. ch'aiuq land, d in"g, busics qi 1152 Central aeu,-Ila-il1,. wlu'n the two con- crrnsý w~ith w~hich iehîad heen iden- <ifird since /!u'ir iniceptioni, rccre nuerted. i -Mr. Nordj, onie of the foundecrsý of Schultz aii(l Nord. Nvas also an exücu-ý ti ve of the. Village Cleaniers wvhich hle, ýand Henrv C., Schultz establislied four ycars, ago. lie lias long heen i(lidetified with Wihmette .civic affairs and wvas president of the Wilniette Charuhler of ICommerce for seyeral ternis. 'Wilmette and Kenilworth rSchools Close on June 17 Oniiy six mo~re weeks of school re- Main for public sehools of \Vijiiette. The annual commencement exercises. %vill be held on Friday, Junie 17. This ycar a class of about 180 will' be gra(.iuted. In Kcnilworth the Jose2ph -Scars iSehool also will close on June,:17. The, graduation. exercises WiI be hleld tlîat- afternjoon.- Môre than sixty pupils, thle largest gradu 'ating class in the h istory ' of the school, wi11 receive their diplomias. rNew Trier Higli school and grain- mar schools in othcýr north shore v]- FOR, mon£ TRAN 40 TEARS Memer ilrnette Charn biler of Commer-ce 1 I sarv to retain an enginee tect, he explains furti, both a designer and engi cannot ,therefore,; accor( be t ermed an architect. sr itneces- An archi- must be eer, and he rig to law, I z E E E. I B UY AT THEl LOW' .4. E. H. ~tr. 1 1