made Monday, May 9, and will, of course, be the last collection. JEverv- one is~ -urged-to niake the savings thiis wveek total a contribution worthy of \Vilmiette. Miss .Betsy Shapker, .Wilmnette chairmian, reports. the- total a 1mount collected 'in* Wilttee last week wvas $162.33. The precinct to- tais are as follows: Precinict I. ...... ....$18 Precinct 2............... 21.38 * Precinct 3.........1,2.47.1 Precinict 4 .................. 19.76 * Precinct 5 ........ ......... 10.61 Precinct 6......... 16.59ý Precinct 7 .. ...... 30.53 Precinict 8.............12.70 Precinrt 9 ..19 meitte with automatic gate s. Village Attorney Willis D. Nance ,was instructed by the Village board to oppose the railroad's application. Several months ago, when the.North Shore- une approached the. Village board t'O get its appr"oval on the pro- 1)osed installation of the automatic gates,, the board wvent on, record as disapproving such. a change. Stretittous objections to the, propo- saI of the' railroad to instal automla - tic gates have been 'Made by resi- dents, and property owners whvlo would be affected by the change. Pe- titions covering theseobjections were filed .ith theVillage board when the q- L . . . . . . . .P~d prpô aw s origiiiaiiv made, Precinct 10 ..... 9.9> __________ Preint i jOPEN HOUSE AT LOYOLA Parents of students in the Loyola ELECT OFF ICERS îUniversity college of arts and sciences At the 'recent election of offi-cers have been invited by the president an.d lield by the Central-Laurel Parent lfacultV to attend an informai social Teache r association M rs. Lowell'rgathering on the lake shore campus. Snioi-Uia c1isen president, Mrs. jon N1ôther's D)a-y Suinday. Mas -8.- ,Martin H. Bickham, vice-president Openi house itil be held froni 3 to 5 and program chairmar,, and Mrs. F. o'clock. -Music, refreshme.nts and an P. Parry, secretary. 'The terms .of Iinspection of the campus lias be 0 r the other officers' havenot, as yet ex- raiiged for by the studenit counicil. j>re. isitors -ae been asked to. register at the gymnasiuni, 65P5 Sheridan road. The Men's; Whist club met Wed- nsa evening of last week at tle r Miss Ele-anor Lipp*ncott, 1132 Ah homne of W.Nevin Pomnerov, 1 l1i land avenue. entertained at tea Siun-ý Ninlti)stie. evenivlr. ABIT 0F NEWS- We have joined forces 'with over.200 of the best inde- pendent druggists in Chicago and suburbs under the leadership of the 1. D. A.-Independent Druggist Alli- ance of America, an organization th-at is national in -scope. Only the higbest quality, guaranteed merchandise îs. available, ai rock bottorn prîces. This means a real saving for you on Drugs, Toilet Goods, and-Sundries. WILMETTE 1145 Wlniette Av. Phones: 2814-731 WINNETKA 796 Ehmi Sbot Phon«,.: 4-M3. HUBARD-WOODS 910/2 Luiden Ave. Winnetka 417-418 IVEEKmEND SPIECIALS Bacon, 14-1.590 Broilers Faniey %dressed l.29e Lég of LmbI From f4pring Lanb's, Lamb Steaks Choie. l.29e SwedIetbrad From Iresn aressea canes Dudus Long Island l.25e Pot Roast Choice.cuts of beef Butter Flnest Creamery 2 lbs. 41Ce A few Special1 Suggestions for'NMother's Day:* Candy, in Mother's Day #i i Doulmw'ad Dvug Store Louis A. EiisBuRcG, R. Ph. G. 1101 Central Avenue Phone Wihnette 4298 J<enber wilm.,te Clio,>îber: of Comm~erce 1C.o0.