Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 10

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ZOTOZ, M4ost, Wondérfui 0f al Perman ent Waves.. No macbn#el No eleétricity. No burning No pulling *A beautiful Nafural wave.. 'Juàne la t Ouar Special Wave Gabrieleen or Duart $7-50. alto National $5 Mme. Huntin glord cosmet ics uited etclusively i167 Wilmette Ave.. Phône Wuimett e nR mauter ot extrnmng the permit, When the first vote *was taken, tie rèsulted. Village Presiclent Ralph Hawxhurst cast the deciding vote in favor of granting the permit for a Before takinig action on this mat- teri the Kenilworth board sent oui 575 officiai questionnaire cards to- vil- lagers to determine whether sentiment in the Village was in favor of or, op- 1 posed to allowing the Good H.umor company1 to sell ice cream f romi its truc.ks on Kenilworth streets. 0f the, 207 replies received to the officiai questionnaire, 116 were. opposed to granting the permit and 91 'were i favor of granting it.* îTwentyý-seven-.unofficial cards were received by the Village, board f romn Kenilworth residents, most of thein in favor of allowing the Good Humor comnpany to operate on Keiiworth streets. IN PIANO RECITAL On Saturday, May 7, .eight~ youlig. pianists f rom Kenilworth and Wn netka, pupils of the young Russiali pianist, Milton Treshanisky, will piaY at a musicale to beheld at the honte. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinding, 627 War- the afternoon will be Theodore Lett- vin, five-year-old piaist of Chicago. who wiil give three selections. TimWIONBD&K]BRY Aak& you to tr.yMteir MILK DREAD It is made according. to U.S. standards and contains ait the but ter. fat and minerai elçments of full mîlk, as well as .the valuable vitamins. Bread is a vital part, of the diet of tbat growing: child. Give: him thé best! MILK BREAD, large glass of rnilk in each loaf. S Pound loaf ................................. Phonse WiimETFE 414 Phone KENILWORTH 4775 Ifeni?,r Wbnmette Cqbrof Com merce t: rizeiDug, meuersip cIJ airman , *VLs. wtirever mosquuto oreeding is d -~ Loreta Engel, publicity, and Mrs. Wil- tected. Three inspectors check t112 a liam Morrison, better film., chairman. district each week. h The business meeting *was followed The usual seasonal ditching work Iby. a musical program. Maymus Mur- bas flot been started, according ïo Iphy gave a group of banjo numbers., Superintendent Meier, who added Miss Rose Lichter and Herbert Kus- thiat it is doubtful if, much iiew work: *mertz each sang,. and Robert Bezdek of this nature will be done this year. tand his. sister, Miss Rose. Bezdek, due té the financial zondition result- *played the Hawaiiani guitar. After the ing in delayed and. curtailed receiDts tprogram there wvas a social hour ivitii;of tax money., dancing. and ref reshments. The 'extension of the 'ditch f romi ri__________ South, avenue, Glencoe, to tlie COUitv 'ChUreh Garden Gets line, put in by the East Skokie Draini- Bicentennial Tre2 J weeks ago and will materiallv aid i ' The :rector's garden of the Chur .cli the drainage of, this section1l of the ofte oy onfrerws rs -tdNorth Shore. Mosquito Abatenment, with a bicentennial elm byRya district, according to Mr. Meir Walker. Th 'e tree was dedicated b)v i The. next meeting of the. Xurtil thé children ýof the Sunday. school iShore Mosquito. Abatemient, istrizt Sunday, May. A srnall tablet iva xvIill be lield the third Thursdav or affixed to the trunk -of the tree 1w this month, at which tinie furtiier (e- Tomimy Keith 'and Miss' Janet Colviîitil fth e s' ork xii w (Jî teceived, on behaif of the parisli. a cuissed. small fragment of the original eltir- .under.which -George Wa'sliiiigtotn as- French Consul Speaks' sumed command of the armiv at the1 beginnirig of the Revoiutionarv -,ar. at Rotary Luncheon The garden now is greatiy enhanced Paule Rene WVeiller,, French consul i i in beauty and historical interest 1bv thi git fom r. alk)V Chicago, spoke at.the regulair ilnchecon meeting of the Wilmfetté -Rotary club WedneSdav1 of this week at the Shavý Wilmette Has Eleven lie . Couiitry club.. His subect was: New Measies CasesWeedasRtr rravxsth Txxeîve new cases of contagious first'of a series to be hield h)y the XVîl-' ciseases, including. eleven of maIs mette club throughout Miav on the geni- and one of chicken box, were re- eral;. thenie of "International Rela- ported in Wiimette bv thé local tiois, which is. the .Sixtli Object of lîealth department for the m-eek end- Rotarv Interniational. .Domninic Pag- ing Tuesday, .May 3. 111 addition to liarulo. \Vjlmette j.eweler, is chairman thlese new cases there are still activ'e!of the conimlittee ini charge of tliese in the village eleven oid cases of meetiiigs, iiieasles, three of chicken pox, twoI-t ofcarlet c fevernd..I O,!HU NT TREASURE ON SKATES ____________________ Mr. .and Ms Howard W. Knight, 575 Stonegate terrace. Glcncoe,, enter- IN NEW LOCATION tained a gr»Oupof therfins ita The north room of the three-room treasure hulnt on roller skates ýn Sat- suite occupied 1) the Wilmett am urday evening.Api 0Atethhu, b)er of -Commerce at 1137 Central ave- ýwhich w'\as confiiied to Glenicoe, they. nue hias l)een. sub-leased to. Geralil retuirned to the Kniiglts' for a b)ite - to W. Swine, of the Ajaýç Roofing coin- cat. panv. The roomi formierlv was used for coniinittee meetings of the Chain- Nrs. R. MN. CanjwII i. o 4'..iitr.-.] %J"alauyp VA IJL OLL RIDC ?OAUIFLORISTS 333 Ridge Road We Deliver Wîlmette 757 Member lVilrnette Chamnber of Comerece

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