Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 47

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âtnIi Anniversaryi Oteof the big uortli shore events i uluuuruw. aitu 1 uiiît>rrou * .Varsity *Varsitv del Lago >del1 Lago Wilnmette, Wilmeétte .1 Varsity *...Varsity ty House )del Lago )del. Lago .\T Minette X'Vilnette ty House dlel Lago House on, Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., dashing, handsome and happy-go-hucky, is the star, wvhile pretty joan Blondel inspires hini to earn the titie of hero. The picture lis -based on a day of events at a,.union dePot,.anîd-everyone will enjoy looking, saucer-eyed and vwvondering, "What will happen next.?" -Fihn Estimates, too, likes "Union Depot"-%«-e11 enough, in, f act, to give it th1e iollowing rating: "For aduits, excellent;- for youth, 'very, good; for children. "good." "*You wÎill regret. it if you let the chance slip by.ithout seeing 'Uniont Depot !" warn the Community House sponsors of the film. Lionel Barr ymore'Has Y-Atother Movie Success i of Ille Y-ar is the qe:cu)rati oi ofie "rsn p T'eatro del Lago's fifth anniversary, 'CI Lpin to be observed during the week "Firemnai, Save iiy ' starti.ng Friday, April 29.. . Friday, April 29 liu addition to excellent, filis, tîiere "Polly of the Circus" Teatro \will, be unusual enterteillment, by ",The,.Gay Caballero" Teatro players from the Northwestern U-Uni- "Business and -Pleasure"e versitv circus.. Clowns froni this cir- "Tomiorrow and Tomnorrow" cils will distribute candy to the chil- "Arsene Lupin"..... dren. "Firemnan, Save MyCliil,1" Polly' of thie Circuls" and -Th'ie Gay '-nin.Depôt" ... Coniuii Cab)allero"* will ent ertain thée many Saturday, Apr il 30 TJeattro patrons for.the *double fea- "PoIy% of.the Circus", Teatro ture prga hrdy riday and. "The Gay Caballero" Teatro Saturday, April 28-30. "Ladies of the jury',.. Clark.,Gable and 1Marion D1avies heFaldio"... star in the thrilling, stunt-filled "Arsefle Lupin" draina. "Pol ly of the Circuis.". The "Firemiani,. Save 11y Child" storv is wvell'known and the.-pictur "Union Depot'" . .. Coniiii i., even better than thé yarii.: suàdayb May 1 Scenery lis Magnificent "Arsene lutpin" '..,.. Teatro* NI agnificent scenery,, picturesque "Arrowsmiith"........ 1,... native costumes and the enchanting "Trapped in a. Submai-,riine" architecture of the low, red-tiled abode Monday, May 2' structures of the great snuthwest maàrk "Arsene lupin" . .Teatroc *TeGay Caballero," starrin g George "Arrowsmith'.... ('Frien and Conchita M\ontenegro. 'Trapped in a unrie .\alspicious event of the 1()3-)I"Shop%%orn"....... scireil seasonas. the .,showing of *'SteadI1- Conipaliy" *-\rscu.ie Lupin" on Sunday.. M1onday' - Tuesday, May 3 aiTuesday, :ay 1-3, at thée Teatro "A,'rseiie-Lpn Teatro del. Lago. *'A;'rsene, Lupin.' presenit-s 'rosih jo.in Barrymore and Lionel Barry- "T'rapped in -a Stl>miariiie". more iii the flrst joinlt appearance Of "Shopworn"... thie eelehrated stars in. a. icttire. Stid- oin'a.ny l\a.rei.N Morley, Johin ljan and Tully We ay My NIrsialhave important supportiflg Broken [,tillhy . Teatro nIsii the production, which w~as ý'The Beast of the Cîîv' dire'cted hy jack Coa:wav. wh1 la't Xawr..... score(l in "Paid." Il'lie weI-known niysterv ,,toie, of .Iowo NI auaricu Le Blanc, .whicbi tell of, the "tay o1paa (Ichonair thief, Arse 1cie.,Lupin, SUI)-"Brken ula TMayr5 pilte .motivaitioni for the first ap-, pearance togetîier of the twvo.Barr- I Thie Beast of flic C 1tv- niore, brothers. The screen version avad offe.rs john iBarr,.moére as thé cbaýrin EA E SPP ing roliber, ani Lionîe1l Barrymiore, is Real NEWSP,-a aPEth thle chief -of..the Paris plc loare Ralnws pernlay tI'ý l)atlel b th bugiaie NEMSS Mor-assistant editors and'repo.ýrter lev s thé police SPY who s a Fnldii*"coevda c o;tanitcss, to ..tia ck. down tl-te-t1lsiv'e Fourth Estate ini whichi Pal ravi .room niminl. 1 Mýiae Clarke aîd :N{.rv Dorai HereIs owerul ilmal-star cast at the \Wilinie )Broken 'Lllaby," one of the year'si on Saturday.Ari 0.L ai Jotiest filmis, wjiI be. sllo\\a at the'andd Holi,y-\vood scr-ibes bet\v Teatro del. Lago. on enda and mnents orý "at Jhry provide( 'I'irsda\av Mav 4 and 5. i stic. atîîîosphere. MEN le roles of Ts ini"Tiel nia of: the t O'Brien', in head the fte theater os Angeles ~ea ilassigi-, ýd the real- Publlx-Balaban hKatz VARS$111 Evanston-Plione Ui. 8900 Trhrs .Fri., Snt.,April 28-09,10 i.m. Show * t, 7 ,p.u. Doora open Bat., Suit .andHObud.a e t 11:80 P-. m.Show at 8 p. ML. 00%:. Box orne. Closes at 8O3sewPm* Thurs, Fr..ýApoil 2-2ý-2 HiSsi WilI Rogers-Jette' Geboudel'- m "IBUSINESS & PLEASURE" Stant both deys 7:18; 1015S and -Ruth iChattertonlin «'TOMORROW & TOMORROW" Start, both dayi et 8.41 Set,. Apail 30-2 Hili Edna: Mai Oliver-Rosco. esl "LADIES 0FTHE JURY". Sfarfs,2:.18; 5:05; 7:38; 10:14, l .aadi Pe.t 0Iri.n l "THE, FINAL EDITION"i -trs321; :1;8:51 bun.. Me UIIkII1tN IHAYE' Sun., 2; 4:44; 7:28; 10:12 Mon.-Tuaes.. 7:16; 10:00 urs., May 4--3-Z rxtsi Huston-Jean' Harlow a,- ?you P-leasure,' wi'icn is now s:îuwin a m Wiimèttc tlîeater. The story lias been adapted f rom the novel, "The Pluto- c rat,» by Booth Tarkington. MICKEY MOUSE CLUB The Wilmette theater, is 'planning to, hold its first session of the Mickey j Mpuse club-on Saturdày, May 14i,., SMITH and DALE 6W here East Meets West" RUTDY VALLEE "6Musical Justice" coming..-"BusiRess and Pleai ire" I t lune Clyde-Zasi Pltts Barrymiores, adds, another splendid del Lago characterization to a lifetimne of dis - \Vilmette tinguished acting with bis porterayali \Vilnette in "B roken Lùllaby,'" featuré' picture1 V'arsit-, at the Teatro del Lago WVednesdav Varsity aand Thursday, May 4 and 5. ilI this story. based on the play bv dcl agoMaurice Rostand, fanious French \Vilnettû 1tplaywright *and author, Barrymore, Wý-ilmjette essays the role of a middle-aged, Ger-1 Varsit,! man parent who, althoutglh the wari Varsitv lias *been past history for a decade. as $tîli a bitterly nationalistic partisan.I cIelLago LAW FIGHTS POLITICS Wilmette: \WIilmctte! Law versus underworld polities and v arsitv' the wiles of a woman used as a tool to Var*sitv- wreck a city are tle highilights on which was built the plot of "The Beast of the o (ei Lago City," dramatic, saga of thé police, \\'iiueîe ,vich wvil1 be' shown at the NVilmette \\il -nette theater on Wediîesday anîd Thursdlay, -I -a4 and5, l

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