Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 45

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t. :uay play golf for practically notbi- Sing. 'Tle plan is for tlic golfers to titril iii their tickets after play. Thev wvill bje recorded, and after a certaini number ýof rounds have 'been plave(l, the rest of their golf costs. nothiinç.. There's a special. rate for both men and womien. AIl the details cati be had at the ticket. office., "The $850,0( playground" as Pickwick ii 1knîo\v'n,! alone offers this unusual opportunitv to golfers. There being two eighiteen.i- hole courses of championshipj calibre. locker and shiowers and a clireenîi dining room. Reservations for liime mnade be made by telephone. Many -of the golfers vho have -al- ready. played Pickwick have- failed'lu play the north course. This course is a trifle more diffictilt than - îl'le south. Its length is 61710 yards. Par! is 72. The sotb course bas 'a lengtli of 6,585 Yards. ami par is 71. There, are 177 traps and bunkers on thec two .courses. The Chicago DailNy Fee association. of which the Pickwick club is a meutll ber, ivili hold its second mneetling Monday afternoon at this course. Twenty'clubs are.inoýv. represe»ted l this association. Golf ý vil be, played in the afternooni.. Dinner at the club I which will be followed by a bûùsines-, meeting. in the evening. ELMGATE Jack Croke, manager of the chlb iquit.e a busy mnaii these (lavs. B-i sides getting out and sayiîîg Hwy to his mxnany friends who played tet last year, he'.s been keeping a watclî- fui e ye on thte course, epcal i the directioni of the sand îraps. A\l1 the traps and bun-keis at l'h mgatC are getting the onice-oveCr amIbcîî recon1ditionied. .Putting, as .iye recaîl, seems to hiave b1een Jack's hobby, so he hias a Planii to, bulild a . 36-hole putting course, alon-g the south and w~est side of the club bouse. Tilis course . vas started lasi. faîl, and it is expected, thlatbeforu i nxany more vveeks roll by, iît wile ready for Play. .l mgate, fori:îcrly being a ral Club, still offeis ail the' faç.ilities.ýI 0,765 yards of real golf; làcker anîd,' NO CHARGE FOR RESERVATIONS, Mlonday to Saturda$' Noon 75c-Saturday P. M. $1.50 Sunday Morning $200-Sunday P. M. $1.25 (Lockers at 1No AddltIonal Cost)I 27 Holes-Tuesday Is Ladies. Day-Free Play .TECHNY FIELDS GOLF. COURSE Wttukegan Rtoad and WiIlow Road You will enioy playing golf here. Visit us-"we aim to serve and 'please you. TASTY MEALS PHONE NORTHBROOK 190 GLENCOE."t GOLF CLUB' HOH LFELDER LANE .. NORTH LIMITS 0f GLENCOE 18 Holes of the Finest Golf in the District PLAYV ALL PAY AT THESE RATES Monday to Saturday N<oii, 75e - Saturday Af femvn., $1.50 ,sunday & Holiday A. M.'s, $1.5Oý-Surnday & Holiday P. M.'s, $1.25 rwilight Rates, after 5 P. M.: Week Days.. 5c; Saturdays, Sundays & Holiday&, 75c Ladies! Play -Ft-e Golf ai Gle0coe on Tuesdajýs LOCKER SHOWERS, 50e-DINING ROOM OPEN TO PUBLIC PHONE GLENCOE 981 . .. No Charge for Reservations NORTHBROOK GOLF CLUB I)undee R 4,13,/4 miles west of Waukegan Rd. (West of Sky Harbor) Formerly UNIVERSITY GOLF CLUB (Private) Now DAILY FEE Monday ta Saturday Noon 75c Saturday P. M. $1.50-Sunday A. M. $2.O-Sunday, P. M. $12Z5 RESERVATIONS FREE PHONE NORTHBROOK 181.' The Largest and Finest Greens in-the.Area ELMGATE GOLF 'Soulivt h iecornler Shîer,î.r .und Glenivlew 11(. 1 (Turn lbit) 18 Hole Chiimpionship Course (For CLUB 1miile iiest of ini.w note the iuier of goiters at Sports- mnan. Well. over a iuudred camie out,. many of themi playing 18 in the iiorning, staying for lunch, and then out for more golf in the afternoon. Last Tuesday marked the fil-st ladies' day of, the season. That's the day the ladies.get frèee gof at Sports- mani. Rather cold then, too;--but--a number of the gais took advantage and came out for at least fine holes. \Ve mighit say that every Tuesday is ladies' day, and ail of the so-called .weaker 'sex" are invited to play as guests of the club. H4arold Heaney, m ianager ofL the club,, sais he's. lôoking forward to a record-breakiiug. season.. Last year the course was 'not opened until june., The long yardage, many wvatér h az- ards and sand traps catis ed consider- able difflculty to some golfers, and tbey were out to conquer 4lîe course. This one feature alone gave the course considerable publicity, and for a new course, 'play seemed to spring uip1 over. night. So 'again this year great crow(7ls are expeçted.: 1eserva- tions iia1- be ma de by calling by phone. Sportsmnan is a member of, the Chicago Daily Fée association. Jqck Christie, thepro, offers spe- cial attention to beginners at the g anie. NORTHBROOK 'lhle newvly rechirxsýtenled Northt- brook Golf club, which was fori:nerly the University Gol<I club of Chicago now provides its expert course and Iuxurious surrotindîIngs at tlue lowest daily fee rates. Built iii 1926 by one of tie out- standing golf 'arch itects, Nortli brook standsi out as oiiw of the miost per- fectly designed andil maintained links~ iii the Chicago arca. t provides 0,500 yards of roll'ing.fairNays, dotte[ w ti gianitoak trees 'and scentIfically de-, signed sand traps aid W.aterl. lav'ards. Northbrook is especially wel known for its. woIi(lcrf*ul greens vhicl: are the: largest -ènd iinest iu the area.. Everyoné is built up afid,(lesiglie(l lu liold a 'pitclî" slîot.Here the golfer ex-perinces the tîbrîl.l of putting on1 greens that are soIt, smooth, and true. Every greeî n o îlw en çtire drive and. a spoon.bilce Boob M c- t~scnd.r act, tus goo nenws lur ai l ic1r. oentthpblcTee elMit Donald Smith, hie hits Nitlb the 31 minlutes ami2 eods-leoent h uli."i' r elweight on the heels rather than on Àmerican allilete, i 1928. made a Announcemient is made this week of anylthing missing ai this courise Ibial the toes. course of 6,1.07 yards iii 43' minutes. reduced pl;ying rates, througbiott the is: 10 be found iii a private chl.b. es- Here is another kind of record that Ltu erfo n week, Sundays and holidays. And ervations for playing time inay hbe should interest the New Trier seior bv~.~ his off! A Ladies' day hias been made by telephone. .glfers:. beaten, any1 of. te abov e records.-- arranged. Fach Tuesday, froni dawn Par for the course is 72.- Tlie total Len Richardson made the Mow- Jock Anderson, :Teliiiy 'Field.. to dusk, the ladie9 of the north shore yardage is 6,574. f-1ý '

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