cited by the boys a-s one of the things thev liked best ini camp. Ma-Ka-ja- \Van canwers have always been hap- p)v with 'lie excellent eqiuipnient aud facilities th.ey have for their Camnp ý\'aterfront prograàrn. Boyýs andl parents 'will 1w happv to learn .th t the ~terfront leaders of ]ast vear arc, returninig to agaili pro- -ide the îine pro9ramnx tiLdlholdth saietv tr-tiiti(ois of \Ma-Ka-J a-Wan.1 'll..le:1ders 1,are Fenton Ho:pkii,. %vaterirotit (lirector. and Frank \\icli- min. - r. and Flet rvw Crawiord, lus! as>-i1-tants. Ail of tiese mnen are' traincd. experienced instructors iniý this woýrl:. 'rhere will be at least four Ainerican Red Cross Life Saving Ex-: e-. ~m»~ 'Catioe kîlling" Is a Greati Health.. Safetv Iaddne~iionIiP the reguk r., water- > Paramount With, Iront staff, there will 1w organized. a reLtular Junior and Senior Life Scout. Campers1 (tiaii crew of ca nper sto help safe- lThe ,lea Ith antd safety, ofý every guard all water activities. Scout and leader' who goes to Màa- ,\gain tis ear, canoeing. hoatingL. Ka-j a-\an is first in the minds of sailing. swiiming rneets and water thos)ýe ,plaonling and mianaging the carnivals will l)e featured on tîxecam) h apn omte a > vaterfront. Training boys in the art I pent nitcli time and. expense ini get- of, ý%îwig boating,Ca.In. lg(Iv ting tîhe best- where it hias been a s~vnlmng caoeig. quettion: of expense or health. îng and, life, saying is a-part of the dIailv- progrùam. A ifleet of sixteen rov A resident doctor is ready twenty- hoats and twelve canoes are available orhus Ia t b fadi to hecaPe~.waersprt i timergency. H s tehealth advisor )née of thefn.wtrsot te instructor to the campers. \Var Canoe 'Teain Races. Each of Everv safety precaution is taken tll - big, sturdy.' twentv-five -foot ag,,i,,st.water accidents and other pos- cat11 o es>ýViIl safelv hoId teri bo -s.,and Isîbîle azards. tl!ei-I leader. What fun stroking to- Foods are the best, water is care- vý-tlir iPi a. race do-wn Spring Lake fuIll tested every week; the whole ~ .Vi-('aoe.Camp is checked, before camp by the ,tate bevalth department. IMore Books Needed for Order of A rr ow e Cimp's Library Shelves T'letCamp Nla-lKa-ja-\Vaiilibrary is goigvear 1w' year. This' year s~l moebooks wvill be added. Scout * troops: have lielped to get books by collecting, used b)ooks from their *JfrIýids. Bokèollected are carefullv e,ýrte(I aid ofnlv those recommlllended. bacomlpetent librarian are taken to ________________campil. Manýc higýh grade books 01on .1 Çrid siihects are n.ow o\%,i.ed by the. Water Con:test -Safety Award can near tnat when boys get to talk- ing about camp. Happiness and health are two principle factors in a success- fui camp. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan does inspire happiness and stimulate health. Parents are. asked to visit camp and. judge for themselves.' The -balanced, program includes many things attractive to boys. The actual planning and carrying out of this program. is done within the. troop but. the camp staff experts. are' al- ways alert. and eager to assist. George Boyd, the. camp nature expert, -is great on teaching boys to teach other boys nature work. He works wvith the troops, through the Scoutmaster and usually the.whole group is "bugs" on nature before heis through. Cal, Gartley. in charge of hiking and Scoutcraft,, knows ail the best hiking trips and trails, how to 'pack,' the duffie,, camp, out and- troops get a big thril out of having ;his guid- ance. *Let's flot forget the eats'! This year artd Derby wjll be. btc to camp adwill be the dining hall director. Hie sees that everybody gets enough to eat. It's a big order' but he can fil it. The ."eats"' Ma-Ka-Ja-ý\an chefs cook are -good. Alarge variety of special actiivi- ties are conducted from which a camper tnay choose to enter as many as hie likes. Here are some of them: Canoe tilting, swimming meet, can- oe and boat meet, sailing race, base- bail, barnx yard golf, crazy king, treas- ure hunt, song fests, camp auction, wvoolhunt, scalp hunt, message relay, hay relay, f6sh frvs, stories and stunts,. troop and camp council fires, orches- tra, druni and bugle corps, pageants, Scoutcra fti eet, g-oofy golf. Instruet ini Swimming Boating, Life Saving. At, camrp. conilete waterfront in- struction is provided ini the followinig activities Learninz to swim. SNvirnmiinz Menit Badge. lIe Savinz Merit Badge. Caiioeiiî,io Xfrit PBc1ce. 35. Raviinia. is the Presi( M\a-Ka- Ja-Wati-chapter. The - ScottÔathi and Law are th Only Laws at' Ma-Ka-Ja-WVan Visitons are Always .Welconie àt Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wain lI. the Trading- Post only ten cents inin .- J Iletc adav niay be spent for candy or.reet.. I ..swýeets." The post wil.l be wellstoced 3., Health -physical examination, vihScout uniformis, camp equipuient health bistory, wvater tests, etc. and various other supplies to be for ,4 Reaching a high standard of A' Wooded Camp l'rail Leading Fronm saeto Scouts andofces The Trad- advanceinent in swimimiitxg and life One eot the Troo> Camps igPost isthe camrp store and bank., sav ng ts.t h anLedge f w , CAMP MAKAJAWAN NORTH SHORE AREA COUNCIL Bu, S. A, or