Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 34

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ana. By JEAN TEN BROECK * UanixîoslyeletedtoServe asý new officers ini the WVonxan'ns club of.NNVil- mette for the ensuing season .,%ere Mrs. Wiliam A. Durgin, fiist vice-president *for one year to fili vacancy; Mrs. Fred- eric O. EbeliùgO second vice-president; Mrs. Henry E., Cutier, third. vice-presi- dent;, Mrs. Howard E. Ringholm, cor- responiding secrtary; Mrs. C. ý% arrecn Cozzens, tréasurer . Chairman of depa 1rtients -M'rs. Frank R. Adans, literature; Mrs. Frank W. Churc h, c ivics; Mrs. R. 11. Campbell, department of cooperation with ex-serlice nmen. Chairm en of ,standing committees Mrs. Herbert B. Mfulford, programn; Mrs. George D. Conlee, social; Mrs. J. Clarkoe Gapen, rentai.; Mr's. H'arry A. Finniey, ways and means; Mrs. Hi. Oi. Weishaar, bouse and grounds. The election preceded the afternoon progràtn Vcdnesday, April 20,,as part of the regular ail-dày business> meeting, and the results of the balloting were an-, nounced at the opening of the meeting. As it was the occasion 'of the annual. meeting, Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon read ber president's report, which showed deep appreciation for the support she has had from the mnibers of ber board and of the club. Iii an interesting way she toucbed upon the work of each 01 the club departments, and spoke of two new developments in club activity, the newly f ormned departmnent f .Qr coopera-, tion with ex-service menx and of the motion picture council. - Botb lier re - port and that of the treasurer showed a year of fine achievenient. Mrs. Dixoni announiced ýa meeting of the ncw board on May .3. Amiong the announcemients made f rom the floor conccrîing club affairs which 110w arc over, wvere two of fu- ture interest. Mrs. WVllianm H. Holmes announced a card party at tbe Wom- Jessie Roc Taylor, iwhio >Is to aop- /'cor oitthe Pro.grài)n gizen l'fld-' nesday, Mlay 41, on thecsioçn of flic anmal sprin.q lunch'eon and _iîay festival of the Womiai's Catholic club of Wilinette at .Sha,,ee Country club, is said to l'e one of tire, not original. artists oit the A;mirica;,t Platforiw todav,.. fler wcork is considèred quit e dît- uf'en.înique, art istic, and u'holc- son.Crities acclaîi her a da niatic reader who is an, 'art i.t inVý lu'r zork. On Nominating Committee The. WiImette League of Wonier Voters bas appointed: as the mcmbers of its nominating committeeMs Floyd L. McGrath, chairman; Mrs. Harry Burnside, Mrs. 'William 'S. Hedgcs, Mrs. William. A., Durgin, Mrs. Slîelby Singleton, and Ms L. Clarke,.ex-officio. Mrs. H. Tr. Reiiing is the delegate of the, Wilmette' League of W'omen Voters at the tentb convention of, the National League of Voters in Detroit this week. *Unique and delight fut was the ex~- Shawnee 0 f f e r s Dramatic Ilibit, 'a tour through .every land, pre- Reader and Chicago Trio *sented to the public recently by the- 'Junior auxiliary of 'the Womani's 'l'le annual spring luincheon Nvlîiclb Catholic club at the Woman's club cornes as the gala event at the end, * The. crowd whicli attende d as of a busy season. for the Wolian's more than pleasantlyý surprised by the ICatholic club 'of Wrilmette is- to be a clever arrangement of the local shops May, festivýal next Wednesday 'at into nieat booths-each. booth repre- Sbiaw*nee Country club at i o'clock. seniting a differenit country., Mrs. Harry L. Barker, social -chair- Mor thn fften ~unrîe ~ man,., is. in charge of. luncheon ar- represented - England, Germaniy,, racongieets lad membuersofTher France, Italy, Spain, Holland. Switz-comtewllctause.Te e rland, Japan, Normandy, and India talent to beprese 'nted in the af ter- as,. wll s ,Aniric,. àvaia n 1noon ivill include Jessie Rac Taylo.Ir, as ellas nieica Baari an dramatic reader, and the Chîicago trio Scandinavian countries. consisting of- Madeline C off man, The local, shops whichi exhibîted violinit; etrc Ry pianist; fo te uio chaiY cause were Jenny Siebos, cellist.. MIrs.- George Fran'k Hlavacek, florist; The Ridge Beaudin hias arranged the prograni.. RodFlrst lofGriffisjohn Mi]- Miss. Taylor 'has been bèfore1 the ien,'Datnnark, Bevrer, Dutch Ovein, public ail her life, beginning as -a Patty Shop, 'Wiison's Bakerv, Asta- reader, then becoming an. actress. Marie, Dutch. Miii, Pagliarulo,, Wil- Ufer stage _c areer, not realiziinglier .mette Mu sic, shop and. Miss Jane, ambitions, she turned to. the concrert )ohnson's1 Art shop,' in WVilînette; field in ivhich she. finally found lier- Normandy Tea rooni iii . Spapiisli self, unfettered, in ber ýefforts to in1- court; The Mercer Lumber company; terpret characters which' appealed to John WVeiland, florist: 'Shop and h ler and whiéh she was certain would . Save; Tatmian's; The Cellinii s'hop, and appeal- to bier audiences. 1-1r pro- the Lace shop, of Evanston. granîs aresaid to be spectacular from Both purposes of the Junior tx the standpoint of contrast and -ex- iarv ingvn hsexiiinwr tremeiy artistic iin the miatterof, (e- givngthi ehibtin wrctail..She ýdoes not caricature îîor Locarechantstore as sil 1at-burlesque her characters, but, instead Locl iercant' rad wa stmuli-she 'makes theni essentiallY humnan. cd and Nvell advertised through the iler keen sense of humor en ables lier 'exhibit1lti and general' club éaivto, take her' work seriouiv w.Nittlt; ivas acleqltately, recompenlse(l for. thIiý tak .ing lierself so. great amnounit of work so carefully Mliss Taylor lias. an munusual Noice donc ' 1w Miss Dorothy@ Bicl; l, arof low (Itiality which easilv enables Mi, n and lier 'coniittee. ' ' lier to include male characters lit lier prograni, She 'uses more thaîx a tlire'e- A.ri. .Dleae octave range inilier speak îng 'voice, s A.of C E. elegtesruinning frorn the clear. Iiigli trebie TueColegecoucjlof he a-of childhood through the varvinig tional Ccllege of Education is' seiid- <jual)ties of youth and old age,' t'o tfl c î.ng two delegates.t o the 'coinvelltîi« 'decp, resonant toules of xlîo. oif the. r ýOitoio hllio.'Her characters range froni the .céri-, Eduatir 'ssoiaionof hill'hodous, iwitb' a dash of. comedy relief, to, Edlaiïl v-hieh fmeets iii \ahn. utecmey ihan ,occasioxial. toit. 1). C. Mai- 4-î.' M Niss Marcia touch of pathos. Sbe varies-ber pro-~ e Lunitdgre. president -of. the councif,, gramis to adapt them to the'occasion. and MIiss Leila Coldepsint0 The Chicago trie, it is said, has cx- thé Student Govcrrnment association teilsive repertory and already bas %von tof the dorniitorv, have beeiî chosetî great praise for its exceedingly' rare for 'this honor, a-nd wvill be accomi- conibination of brilliance, universaiiy panikd 1w another student, ' Miss appcaling' interpretations, and good P Pettv Chapple, who wil visit rela- ensemble. tives in the capitol during the con- 'eatrièe Royt, the pianlist, lias- 1venitioxi, President Edna Dean. Baker been acclaimed for bier artistrv by anid, Miss Frances Kern of the -col- su'ch great ien as Lbevinne, Graini- quality, beautful in its control, diction, ýfluent, round an, phrasing, and expression. Her' range' is numbers were si wide. The volume of her voice is re- and Mr. Parson markably even and the tonç beautifully to show the ver clear, whether singing out in dramatic and they graci power or ýsoftened. to nîet moods more cores. resPondeci to Women of Rotary to Meet The North Shore group, WVoxnen of Chicago Rotary, will bave its regular business meeting, luncheon, and bridge party Wednesdav,, May 4, at the home of Mrs; frank D. Fulton., 884 Hill road. inittee Wednesday, Apr il 20, -t o 1t a.1k I over lunclîcon plans.' 1FRENCH PLAY' APRIL 29 "Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon" is to be given in special perforniancé Friday evening, April 29, 'by th& Inter- national theater of Chicago. *1

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