Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 33

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i.,5oJi P-st ory,-cvvIIuistreet, Chin- ui..AcuU jariaieLi~. '4-4armenIe.r11, cago. ,A Monte Carlo party, a cotil- baritone ;Wesley Summerfield, ténr; lion, and réfreshments are to~ be in- Finney, Briýgs, impersonator, and cluded in the evening's entertainment Preston Reed, worid traveler, singer, whichi is open to the public. and entertainer, with hîs H-um- Proceeds from the af air %vill bW Strum, a* curtain pole, a string, and a given to child welfare work. cigar box,- were among the individual Mrs. Thomas L. P., Hall, :1008 entertainers. The president of the Grreenleaf avenue, Wilmette,* is, in club is Frederick Budinger of XiI- charge of tickets and table reserv-- mette. 'The executive vice-president tons for the .north shore. of the Chicago Associatio'n.of Com- mnerce, James P. Haynes, a-meniber Kappa. Alumünae. Elect of the Vista del Lago, presided. Thé Folowig Of iersconcert ivas one Of a series of Sun- Offiersday afternoo n concerts ar ranged for Election of, the following officers fea-: the entertainiment of members and ture(l the meeting. of the Kappa Kappa, guests. (;aniia Alumnac. association at the'Mna fenoArl2,Ms homie Mr.ý. G. F". Falley, 2440 Lincon-'y wod rive,. Evainston, ..ednesdav, E. C. Finley and Mrs. Ruth -Tassett April 20: Mrs. Norman Brunkow, Nvere hostesses at, a, pivot bridge presidcnt: Mrs. Rober t Mackay, * v * luncheon. president; Miss. Virginia Bixby, second WVednesday niglit, April 2-1, was vice-president;.Mrýs. R. Carl Evans, Men's nigit at the, Vista del Lago:.. tre~urr;Mrs. Kari Zander, social The masculine members iverc invited chairnin: Mrs. Phillip Henry, record- to 'a party. at Vista. "Para enda* uno ing, .-ecretary « s.Wa- F1hrco-dela familia," but \Vedniesday ighit responding secret rv. Mrs. <I F.ý Falleyý was just'fôr men. ~Vscliosen alumnaiie delegate tiô the Tom, Dick; -and 1-arry, "the corn- convention. mnittee," guaranteed to entertainth li N. S. Musicians Club ,memnbers or made arrangenents so Mvieeting Next Tuesday. themselves. Dinner was, io beservied TJhe North Shore Mutsicians club at6:3 'cok haviii- its las.t reguilar, a fternoon, meet- Thursday. is_ family dinuner night. in ftîe year at -thehome of Mrs. ia .-miiesdinrgularly. O Herbert Schr aîn. 2707 Euli ark Thursdav, April. 21, 1I sau, Mr. and place, -E"a n4son Tuesday My . i Mrs. 'Ira C. Wilson and family, Mr.' 2:15 ; &Clock.. Amîscellaneous ,,,gram,'and Mrs. T. G. Cooke ànd fanmilv, with twvo-pîaiio- compositions its special- Mr. and MIrs. ýC. P. Van *Se'haa c k ty, lias b)een planned for the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kostbade,j wicl ends thie season except for thie an- and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fitz- nual luncheon in june. Assisting iost- 'Simmnons and son, A. F. Klink and esses Tuesday wvill be Miss Anna Citi-: iamily, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M . Lan-' lund, Mi\1-ss Dorothy Rae, and Mrs. V.I singer and char.ming littie -Joani. M rs. J. NIlia. irian B. Gordan entertained Milss 1I0o)el Gillespie H. I B. \VNethi at Spokes M ed(iinier .T!huirsdav *eveniîig, April 2-1. Meet iMr. and Mrs. Wýilliani J. Clark were Spoke Five of the Presbyterian i the ot o . O auelson *o rhurch.met with M rs. H. W. Kingery, HihadPak.M. n r. - ~ 807 GYreeiNwôood avenue, last Tuesday. Moo f- Iln ar er h Trîere was an ail (ay meeting witIli guests of Mr. and Nkrs. Pierre H. sving.lncheoni and. business. ýMrs.. Gilleland. Mrs. W.'H.> Hough' of joljiTalorBoz vasasisin Greenfield, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. F. hostss or te dy. J. Trees of' Wintietka were the dinner Spoke Nine of the Pre-sbyter-iaii gue s ts of Mr. and1 Mrs. Murchison. church met with Mrs. ~Louis N. Bren-Mran s.RbtP.owee- ner, 1330 Greenwood .avenue, last Mraind ars. oret P..owetr I uedayforan Il-ay eetng ith The Tango classes, on Friday eve- hinchieôn and sewing. ning continue to attract the attention Rummage Sal May 13 of many members. Class scheduled ae . to meet April 22, was held Thursdav. A A ard 'and bunco party, will l)e held by the. St. Joseph's Mothers' club this evening :(Thursday) at 8 o'clock, in St. Joseph's school hall. * There *Will be prizes .and refresh- ments. Mrs. R. J. Rudd is,,chairma11 of the affair. we. Sketched handmade GQ WNS$39 Ha ndmade - -Fine Pure Dye SiIk Frenchý Crêpe Nothing has been skimped in the making of these gowns - they're al full length and ful width. The hand drawn- work is that which you find in gowns .ordin.arily selle ing for 'much more. Tea Rose bound in blue or self color.,,Sizes 1,169 17. os ne of the govvns at $3.95. SLIPS - Ail are. bias.,fittedl! Fashioned of Fre.ncb type pure, dye silk crepe these bias slips. are evýerything one could- desire in qualtyend fit. Someaelc trimméd,î others tailored. Both flesb 'and white in sizes 34 to 42. Mrs.. Oliver A. Willianis, 250 Fran- klin road, Glencoe, will be hostess iiext Monday to memibers of the North Shore Alumnae chiapter of Gamima Phi Beta sororitv'.The group wvill have its regular, lunlcheon. meet- ing followed by bridge. ve ever presented in our. Ma Sale I $ 1.95

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