Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 28

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conda en fi at rg ýf thanks, obitu- r otixer affairs bilshed, wilI be I Gde Separation Will Save Life Let'a Hasten the Dagi If. recreationi is good for somle People it is prol)ably good for ail. If 'you your- s7el1f get p)rofit. phyv'ica1 and niental. out Recratio forof a brisk gaine of ten- Recratîo,, fr nis. wliv shoulnl't -vour Everybody neiglllor- also get prof- Rverbody it ? Everybody- on the north shiore. evenl the f eeble ald ailing, ought to be rec-reated.' And. about tliis timie. of vear %'ve ail ougli to40 1e p)anfi ng. to get more physical recreationi than. we. have found, possib)le during the indopo# We pli the north s;hore are especiallv fortunate iii having- înaniv opportunities for phy sicaJ1 recreation, for: takiin a drink or twyo frolilthe fpiuntain ô f vott. XVheni the Nveatlier permits '%ve cai go swinlminiiig, play tennis; basebaîl, or golf : -indulge .inl horsehyack riding. takiean aifterniooni's hike. to and iii thie fores t preserve. andhad to mention, tw-o or thirce liours ini the baek yard. Tis vear w.e need espcciallv tlie re- freshmienit. that coines froni recreational. playv. We. should take fuîll: and, frcquent advantage of whiat is offered to ilsb-, thé- varioils recrcational aece i u on nwînîiitics. Let il, lise pur playficlds. oi* golf grounids. our- famliliai- oH lake, ('Ill Thie Social- Service- bureau of is endeavoring to flud out h w i dents of that villag-e are intèrè WVinnetkaý Lany resi- sted in a Local away frorninortli Local .Shore comnnities Self-Government shiould b)e vigro, ly, resisted. In spite of sorne slight. dissatis'faction hèere aind there; 'present reth.ds' of governJing north shor e villages are ini general entirclv suit- able.. A bill pending in 'tthe state, le.gislature wvould, if passed, deprive us of these a.lvan- ta.ges: It is therefore most fittig to re- vie.w and emphasize specificallv tliese ad- vantages. At present we Who are nienibers of north' shore commfunities. are in, remiark- ably close contact with our villageoffi- ciaIs. We knpw many of theni personally., They are 'pur neighbors. Those, vith w'homi we are nlot. acquainted we can easilv ree if we so desire. We.canse-lect our'trus- tees intelligently. We can enact zoning anid othier Iaws that are peculiarly suited to local' needs and conditions. We can at close range in- speict our own requiremient.s and act ac- cordingly. Our vill.age halls> witýh their varionis offi- ces are ,not far frorniour hiomes.. W'Vecan tlierefore tranisact civic bulsiness more -expeditiously than if' our cetnters of gov etnniient were miles awav%. Our varionis local goveriiîiets;are mnuich mnore. efficient, more. directlv ab)le to real- ize our wills thian if thiev wvere not ',vork- ing near thopse whio are beiing governed: The teùîiptations; to graft arc absent. It is to b)e sincerelv -and stronglv l1OV)e( tlhat thIn. l Iwîillnot beconie* a la-%N. \Ve hleetliat whatevreau l) i e donc b pre- venit its Cn1actmîîcnt shialh 1 promuîdlv mi vgrptislyone. Discussion about the outer drive ay some day run along: the lake whic h shore Anîd sulidlges bitrniuig 'round, As kind folks' loosed the covertets a Froaz off the waking ground. Theïr hay mois! blanket of snow. Anmd. forcing up througlshardParched soit Causc'tender shoots to ivince; * Fr-iond Robin," too, disstisfied-ý IIad tri'd, and tried, lit vaint To get (1 good square meai for days; Said ho "If *o îust have ramn!" r wa s thon' Ilat dear Mother Nature Ga..e ecor un/o their plea, And soon the word tuas /passed along, To bud and bird anditree; 'rite skY, îW s sddcnl(y o'ercast, Old' "Sol" pèered, through in vain, .IVh ile froin the' tender, broodisig clôuds T/ici-c Je/Ithe' April ramn. -Edna E. Lhnferman; Glencoe. 'bis is scomicwlbat of a wiÎndjammer, but if you have space sotre (day. you miglit ruîî it. Some of our harassed villagers inaY find that.the cap fits. Fvlh(u\%,IWg.Is al ,.actual letter written to a New York banking, boi.se in response to its request for more colteral: * his .impos$sible for me to send you a' check. My present financial condition is due to the effects of federal laws, state laws,I county laws, corporation laws, by-7laâs, brother-in-laws, mother-in-laws, and. outlaws that have heenl foistcd upon an.unsuspecting. -public. Through the various laws, 1 have been held (Iow1, help uip. waIked on, sat on, flat.tencd and squeezed uintil 1 ldo flot kriow whcre 1 am, what I ain, \vhv I arn. "These laws compel me to pay a mnerchatits' tax, capital tax, income tax, real estate tax, property tax, auto tax. gas tax, water tax, iglt tax, cigar tax,. street tax,î and.éarpet tàx. *Tcgvernment lias so goverII(Imyl)ses that 1 do niotkntoýv' wio onsit. I1arn suspended,. t xpected. ýiflspecte(l. disrespected, examnined, re ex- aînined, unitil al 1 know is that I'in suipplicated for rnoney for everv known'need., desire, or hope of t»e humnan.race, and because I refuse to fail and go out and beg, borrow, and steal rnoney to" give' away, I arn cussed and discuissed, b.oycotted, talked: to, talked about, lied to,. lied about, held up., held' down, and' robbed until I am' nearly .ruined, so the only reasoin 1 am clingingto life is to sec what the liell is coniing next." tthe ý tomato es . and beans had to be provided. Railishes bad to be used before they be- came woody.. In dry speils we had to water the garden.. But it paid us weli. We had many 'a- Can we attord to take part ini the building of this wonderful drive? Wouldn't it le better to plan to pay our teachers before even dreaming about such a prpject? And îsn't it a problem for the next generation rather than the present one?, e.' ý,tany rà we nadi our spring lai y. 'J Believe it or 'not, ý.May, Day is just around the corner.-MIQUE.

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