Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1932, p. 51

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Fifteen side shows are to be present- ed at this ycar's circus. Three new attractions are added to those of last year. The ncw shows inch * de a shoot- ing gallery; a "Teni-in-Onie" show wvhicli will include a magician, a yen- triloquist, a midget,, and freaýks which %vill present ini aill f rom five to ten acts; the other ncW show bas flot yet* bécen decided uipon. .The complete list of side shows and. those ini chargeý are: pony rides, Chester Traylor; auto park- ,ng.1>atl Younlghberg; fisli li011(, Peggy Jonces, Bill Mesick; fortune. telling, Alarjorié .undalil. 11an nah IJewett; imagic ink, leanor .Gwvii, Hollis -Peck; souvenir stands, Juîîe .Manson, Kîtty Shepherd, Bob.MUndy; barker, AI Ray- miond. Award for Design Marjorie Cowan,. 1446 Touhy ave-, nue, Chicago, a Junior ini liI>eral arts and society e di't o'r of the Daily Northwestern, was awarded a prize forsubittngthe beqt design to bc u sed on circtls stickers,prgm cover and other advertising miatter. The sketch of the design is a large elephant ini purple on a silver back- ground to carry out the theme of the silver annivers'ary of the circus. Ring.ý events of a. bigher' calher tban usual arle in store' for. circus- qoers this year, judging froni the high classý of features presented. at the tryouts beld Wednesday, April 6. One *group bas- a clever s.wimiming act that carnies out through the aid of a huge glass tank. A numbfer. of eX- perienccd swimmers make this act worthy of note. Taking to, the air after the mnanner of a popular f ra- ternityv stunt that. bias %%on a nuinber of CUPS, one of the sororities is introducing a trapeze act that al- rea(ly bas a professional air. Make CupAwards Niiie cups >will . awarded for vau.deville'stunts this year. l'le cups. will bc awarded 'as. follows: first, second and tbird to tbe three lca.ding sorority and fraternit'y competitions; the remain.ingý tbree to the winncrs in t'lbee unaffiliat 'ed or combination group class. A circus dance will be held in. Pat- ten gym, May 7. According to pres-, Photo by Carlos 910 MýAary Katherine Gleason, 91,Chestenit avenue', Wihitette, i: playing tue Ieading coineçdy role on Philip Barry's sophisticated comedy of inarriage and divorce, to be given by,.Northîc'csterit University theater oU T.iesda, Weditesday and Thursdav, April 26-27-28.. A t Vistadel1.Lag By VALERIA OF VISTA Mrs. C. A. Keîth and Mrs. . J. Albert %verc the hostvsses at pro- gressive bridge partv, April Il at the \7ista del Lago. Mrs. W. J. Lamb, the former Miss Grace Goodman, entertained at luncheon.Ilier 'guests were Mrs. Lkislie, Nlrs. Mianideli, Mrs. McKnight, and Mrs. Hunt of 1,vastoi;, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Best, of Chiùago, and Mrs. Rittenhlouse of \Vinîiietka. Mrs.. Alex C. Wal1ker, of Evanston ivas'the guest oi Mrs. John C. Marshall. Amio ng the other mcm:in b)ers attending the bridge were: Mrs. EÈ. A. Antrim, Mrs. C. f. Albert, Mrs*. H. E. Greene, Mrs. Allan P. Houston, Mrs. Percival Huinter, Mrs. joseph T T2 N ,.i' - A V~.1, M_ and Miss iRicniord were guests of Mrs. Joseph B. Edwards Fridayr af- ternoon at luncheon and cards. The tango dancing classes being held at Vista on Priday evenings are popular with tbe memnbers and their guests. Dinnter is served before. the class wbicb S tarts at 8. M r. andMrs. B. Witb- ere,1i entertained friends Wbo are mneMbers of the class at dinner. Amotig tlie guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hicks, Jr., Mr. and Mrs., E. A. Howardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gold- ing, Mr. and Mrs. H. McFarland, Me. and Mrs. D). Bligb Grassett, Miss Marion Keeney, Dr. Trurner, and Mrs. D. A. MrMillan. Mrs. J.î F. Wbitney ;and ber son, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.ý A. Blackburn, Mr. anfd 'Mrs. Carrol Shaffer, Mr. and I---S. Clarence Bur- pee,ý and -mir. and, Mrs. Beirnes;. are among those who.are mastering the. Parisienne tango under the direction. of1 Marian Keeney, and Kennetb* Foster. Change Tszngo'Ciass The Tango Dancing class will bc beld on Tbursday evening, April 21, instead of Friday as many members Who attend the classes wish to be pr esent at the recital of Clarita Mar- tin (Mms MeIlen C. Martin of Vista) at the.Goodman theater where sbe will appear in joint recital with Milla Domninguez. Both artists have charm, grace, color, and unusual ability and the recital should be one of unusual interest. Saturd&y evening. April 16, at the dinn.er dance, niembers were enter-. tained b.y colorful folk darices by Marian Keeney, Parisienne tango by Marian Keeney and D. A. MacMl\il- Ian. and a ballet traitied by Mi"s Keeney. Tbere wvere. many large parties-Mr. and Mrs. .Rglph' H.: Crandal Mr. and Mrs. R. P.- Keck of' ChicagoandMr. and, '\!rs. John T.. Chadvrell were the guests 9,f Mr. and Mrs.. Edwin P. Snyder. Mr. and, Mrs. A. L.' Cumminigs, Mr.'and- Mrs. Otto Baer* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McReynolds, Mrs. L. A. Devore and Donald Dixon were the guests of Mr. Intid Mri.., T.A.Ar,4.ambault. D.fD.11 author, is being brougbt to the iiorth shore for one of bier absorbing lectures, Friday evening, April 29. At 8:1M o'clock, ini the new Parish bouse of Christ church, 460 Maple avenue, Win, netka, she will give ber talk under the direction of the social'comimittee, of the, Woman's guild and. auxiliary of Christ church. Those who goto bear bier, at the samne time that tbey are being diverted, the comfmittee announces, will be,.contributing to charity, for wit he procceds f rom the lecture, the, charitable organlizations in wbhicb. the guild-is interested, will be given aid. Among, the organizations for wbicb the- Christ Church. guild does reliei work are Chase Housej Housel of: Hap- piness, Church- Mission of HeIpi Cathe- dral, Shelter, Cburch Home, for tbe Aged. Inulber, talk "Black Kings," Mr Hastings will recount bier exciting.ad- ventures and experiences with the chiefg of cannibal villages. Tickets may be obtained f rom Mrs. Wyndham ýH. ~Chaflner, Wiune*ka 2071; Mrs. Francis Hinckley, Winnetka 1495; f rom the Parish bouse, Winnetka 884; or f rom Mrs. Bessie Grant of the Winuetka State bank, Winnetlca 10. F-amed Woman Potter _Dies in Kenilworth Mrs. Susani Stuart Frackelton, 85 years old, active in artistic circles in Chicago and Milwaukee for -many years, died last Tbursday at the home of bier daugbiter, Mrs. Herman G. Secly, 700 Kent -'road, Kenilmorth. Thie funeral services were held Sat- urday morning at Il o'clock at th'- Church' of the HoIy Comforter in Keniilwort h, witb the Rev. Leland Il. Danforth, ofliciating, and huril took place at Forest. Home cemetery in Milwaukee. Mrs. Frackelton, a pionieer w omaii potter, wasthe first président of the National League of MineraI Painters. Sbe was the tdesignier'of.the Frackel-ý ton blue and gray ware wbich woni awards at the Chicàgo World's fair of 1893, the Philadelphia centennial,' outslcle publicity. iFrOm iKeniworth, Î' 1.alL '.. J - - 1 - ----- Loretta White, co-chairman of the anston and their daughter, jean, and sixty voices. Dinner wilI be served dance committee. Mrs. M. R. Gordon' and daughter, after the concert. R ________Peggy Lou, of Evanston were the Mrs. Frederic d'Aix, 307 Meirose guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Row. Miss Dorothy Davies of 624 Elu- avenue, Kenilworth returned last week Mrs. Charles B. Officer entertained wood avenue, bias returned from -a f rom an extended stay in Arizona and at lunch and bridge Friday afternoon, yisit at, Toronto, Canada, and Californi ,a. -April 15. Among her getwreNiagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cory,ý 1519 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, bad Miss' Margaret Bail from Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, as.their guest hastW.eeZ- end.

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