tain, nsnowrs aa îensItS U~ ng program in whloh the juniors were pended disc Jettered WCWC (Wonm- to, participate. with a rev.iew of 1931-32, an's Catholic Club, Wih-mette) and its which was thon given, cleverly, effec- microphone, took on thes ae tively, and charmingly In scenes alter- of rei rdiosttio, frou iach ating. at each aide of the soreens. The. of area raio satin, rom %Ylichgardon party of this fali with Its pretty was broadcàst the interesting. and tea table, the fashion show with Its, diversified prograîn. Mrs. Friank chariming brie, th toy hospital J. Rtig chairman of the program, with itij busy workers. and 'lnvalid" Rothig1 toys, and, lastly, with the light falling became 'the, deft announéer intro- upon the fiag, the, Girl Scout trooP duigeach mumber. isponsored by the Juniors giving, the ducing pledge of, allegiance" and Its own Scout The firîst number was given by Mrs, 1 pledge. Louis Crush, organizer of the fine ýarts ign0' department. -She gave a brief history Ât~ WCWC .'signed off" until next of Iti first meeting as a culture de- i fMs oglsFod hirmno partmnent, of. Its laying asIde Its 'study the deprtment, w Fo oed, he prao- to do Red. Cross, work du ring, the war, tedýýtet h pndtepo then oflits renaming to the fine arts gram, gave announcemrents, gueste of. depaîtment; of its meeting lu 1919 with the qepartmentý and of members, were sevn peset,. tre ofý wom ereonannounced, the spring luncheon date, thee presera, ntd.three o!wom w see o May -4, was emphasized and all were gthrga, and asof o its s tfteadynvîted to remain for tea* at the charm- taenofwIsand 0f js dveopet f heîg,: opringlike refreshmeént table with tlnSow Its membrs. wrkits pewter bowl of spring fiowers, Its ShowPhlantrop Wok Igreen and pink lighted tapers, its cakes, ThecurtaIns, iu parting for the sec- and:,,ilver urns. Mrs. Harry Davies, ond numbe, di sclosed a group o! philan- Mrs. E. M. . Mundee, and Mrs. A. M. thropy workers_ gathered, *!th their Rodenkirk *were hostesses.. Mrs. Flood work, around a long table with its buAy. and ,Mbrs.. Robert Fontham assisted humming sewIng machines. In clever Mrs., RothIing In arraniging the program. verse each one of the workers'reveaied ail of, the, varied activit o!, the de- partment. Reâflisthally the scelie rep- MO VIES FOR C1ILREN resented one of the weekly meetings The James Nelson and Anna Louise held in thé home of Mrs. P. J. Joyce, Raymond foundation wili. present ai even to the luncheon served. fe rga ffu oinpcue S The. fine arts department then pre- fc rga ffu oinpcue sented itsown program, this tume by, for chiidren Saturday morning, April, those outside. of the group. Prof. Eduard 23, at Field Museum of Natural His- Defresne with a sympathetie, trained tory. The films to be shown are, baritone'voice with tenor qualities, sang"ren Buao,"Br Nihor" ,a group of French and English songs, ,FrendÇufaoo Secrt" nd hr"Th his voice at its best in "Possession," of Te Cco' ert"ad",ý the French group, and in "The Silenlce White Owl." There wiii be two show- of -Night" in the English group. -Syl- ings, one beginning at 10 and onie at via" by Oley Speaks ho sang as an Ilocok nteJme ipo encore. ocoki h ae ipo Many words of praise go te Mrs. M. theater of the museum. Children from B. Morris, who as an accompanist for ail parts of Chicago and suburbs are *Professor Defresue, showed the inîiate invited to attend. sensitiveness and responsive ness to mood anid rhythm o! the true accoinpanist. The beauty .of tone, technique, and mu- NOVENA OPENS MAY 2 sicianship of lher own playing followed, The annual May' public novena in yet supported, the singer and. further honor of St. Jude "Helper in Difficuit bore out the fact that a real accom- panist Is born, ncot made, that accom- Cases" will open Morîday, May 2, at papying la an art In Itsef,. the Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus, in On Prograin charge of the Doininican Fathers ou Mrs. John Falvey, a new meruber of South Ashland. avenue, Chicago. The the club,,was the pianist. Strength of. atteudance durinàgthe last novena was tone, facile technique and a niice sense tiae a of phrasing and rhythm marked ber est ae t. 45,'000. There will be playring which had verve and Intelligent four.devotions daily at each of which eXpression., the sacred relic of St. Jude will be of- *Edna Seidel Atwood, soprano, gave fered for veneration. TÈhe Rcv. Fathers another part of the program. Graclous- ness and ease of nianner, with a wel, Thomas F. Conlon, O. P., national di- trained voice, niôely controlled, in- rector of the Holy Name society, and telgentli used, wfth striklng power. iu W~. JOi0son, O. P., wilI conduc-t serv- FIEE OIL WEL Bob 'n' Mac man. St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilniette 3334. tive team going to the city. On the negative team are 'Albert Ackerniann, leader, James Kingery and James Donahue. The affirmia- tive teamn for New Trier will be corn- posed of Bruce Ellison, leader, Glenn. Walker and Anne Lupean.. Walker is a freshman -Who shows, great *promiise as a debater,, accord- ing to Debate Coach Chester E.;Mac*- Lean of New Trier. Tom Antrim and John. Griffith, sophomogres, who last year ,von their laurels as freshman jdebators, ivili takeý part in one. of, tlheý later debates. New Trier wvil1 meet Main Towvn-. ship High schllool in a dual debate next iveek or the, week following, Coacb Mý\acLean announced, and 'on May 6 adualI debate wiIl be held'Nwith Morton High school of Cicero. 'Mor- ton always has strong teams,- and Iast year won the state debating cham- pi *onship. Xew Trier teams, divided honors in their clashes with Morton last year. ConsiderabTë interest is being shlownvi inthe Ne .w Trier-Roosevelt .debate scheduled for this Friday. Only once before lias *New Trier met Rooseveit on the debate, platform. That wvas fo'ur' years ago, and New Trier wvon. a close déecision.. The Roosevelt de- bate teams hiave a reputation of high standing in, Chicago. Mrs. August Specht, OId Wilmette Resident, Dies Mrs. Frances A. Spechit, wif e of August Specht, 1136 Greenleaf ave- nue, died Tuesday, Aprîl 12, at the age of 70 years. Mrs. Specht was, a niember o f Ye Oid Towvn Folks, having been a resident of the Villagýe for neariy sixty years. She was boni> in Germany and came to this'cotnry as a young girl. Besides lber husband she, is sur-. vived by one son, Henry of Wilmettcx and six daughters,. Mrs. M. J. Feron of Evanston, Mrs. H.' T.' Fisber of Evanston, Mis. Glenn G. Miller of Boulder, Colo., Mrs. R. E. Fjellnîan of Wilmette, Mrs. R. W. Obnetb o'f Wilmette and Laura Frances Spechit of Wilmette. In a field of eleven candidates Lynch ran far ahead in ail of the New Trier townships villages, in Ev- anston,'and in Lake county. His, de- feat 'was accomnplished by Charie.s H. Webe, who carried thecity wards. LOW ftICESI Lifetime Guaratnteed SPE ED-WA'Y Supertwist Cord Tires Ne'w Higlu Pe à16 b, Goodyear Valuel. Rusydpedableguaranteed tltééand ub«-ou get ti... rnatcesbargalns because mmnps more people bu>' Oood>ean Corne se therni CA H PRIÇES OvenSz Frice V.di à Tube - 4.0 -"17- 3ft4.N0-2L.-. 4.37 4.23_ gjL 28x4.75-19..-. 5.13 4 è--7-44 29x4.,5-» .. 540 5.94 2Wx.0-1 ---5Sw» 5-23 IM 3ftS.00-2t. 5.45 5.29.x£44 3Sx5.0-21 .... 5.72 5.6 1.16 280.5-1 - * .z *5 l54?1-« 3IX5.15-21.- i0 . a6*1.11£6 8a836 l~ 3571 3.46 . 740 Twelfth Street Phsone.WILMETTE 691-696 T Eâçh in %Ir*