Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1932, p. 38

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Spring Activities Add New Zest to Girl, Scout. Work Trooi1 Corne, out hiking, for the Girl Scouts go hiking along, hike! Thurs- day morning the girls of Troop i spent the day in ,the -forest .1reservù., We drove out-.so that we'd have.pIe'ù- ty of time to vo'rk on our first class badges. Our meal was cooked Over' the open ire, and consisted of7 steak, riolîs,:tomnatoes. scout* delight and all' the trimmings. After dinner wve divided into groups, some girls working on inapsý. others learning pin mnappin.g. and stili others doing hieights and distances. WVe accomnlishbed a. great deal be- cause of fine weather. WVe left about 4 o'clock and hiked home. There were about fourtécen girls on the hike. In view of the hdke, we dispenlsedl with our evening meeting. -.Isalhel Haskin, > scribe. Tr.op .9 *Troop 9: met, at the parishi houSe bright and early Satuirday iornilig to continue our digging iin our gardefi. "Ve dug until il o'clock. While rest- ing. we had a cookv or two which Mrs. Baker had broughit. *Mrs. Baker gave uis our tickets for the Girl Scout dinnier which is to lie held Saturday nighit for ouir parenits. Then we %vent iinto lthie Girl, Scout room, plaved 'Coing to jeruisalim.- sang a song, and went home. Mrs. Baker pronised us that aiter we finish the garden., we can ail go on an overnighit hike; so we aIl are trying to finish the garden as 'sooni as possible.-NauicY Moulton, scribe. Troop 7 Troop 7 had a lot. of fun, Thursday, March 31. First we had to tear pa- per fishes. Mrs. Church, the --aptatin, then gave us stiff carda to fan themi with. WVe had to fan our fishies in- side a circle. We had been nunm- Spring Cleaning Time Arrives SI'ripig cleanl.g tinme :s >10 chore to the Girl Scouit, zî,ha finds fweun Jixiuq 1P lier troof bouise, or "Itthl homie," ii preparation for the activities zih cli -will center arotind Bette>' Homes wveck, April 24-30. Tram Ping GrouP Has Girl 'Scouts Invite Fun Fach Wednesday to Parents' Dinner Twenty-eight Girl Scout leaders The parents' dinner sponsored bv fromn the Evanston and the New Trier the New Trier Girl Scout counicil ,vil council, went to the. forest preserve be held Saturday, April 23, in the for the second meeting of the, Girl mess, hall of New Trier Hîghi school., Scout Tramping and Trailiiigcoulrs.e Tickets can he obtained. at the Girl last .eek \'Vedniesday. Scout office in Christ Church Parish A: naturetrail Wvas fô-Roved by coin- 1-bU\iîîetka, until 5 o'clock, Fni- pass direction, and, Varioustisfcnersda ateroo, Pri birds, and trees studied ou the way.' Leaders in charge of the diiier One snake wvas found and taken along trt: urgingz every troop to have a 100: as a mascot. At the end of the trail, percent representation of girls andi the group found lunchieoni being pre- thleir parents. Thec object of thleeet pared by the six cooks. Haînburgýrwilbtocuaîtpens itth andonin ~1 bnsdii pckls, offeGirl Scout prograrn, if is announiced. and apples were-served befoÈe depar-~ Describes RaIly Held in Chicago M rs. Chiurch, captain of Troop 7,. asked nie to go to -a Girl1 Scout rally licld ini Chicago recently. First, w girls of;each .troop repre- sented hiad l)een appointe( to carry fagN .(troop and American) f romn the stairs from above the altar. After that we. sang five Girl Scout. rounds. 7lhen tliree Ind(ian Girl Scouts, car- ryi1jghIldian flags, entered 1.ith Chiief \VhIirling Thunder and, Pine Tree. Pine Tree gave bird' an(l ani- mnal caîls., auong which wyere those 01f thle eagle, robliiu.>.voo(l1ecker. fi icker. gray owl, song sparrow, r(-me blackhir(, l. >te jay, prairie hawk. mnocking lird. prairie dog, coyote, aut'1 wolf. *-He said lie caine. from New Mexico along the Rio -Grande. Chiief Whirling Thiun.der.gave dem- onstrations of the sigiu language. He ais o sai d that thie white man 'is more warlike thian thé Indian. He said thiat hie w ldo(1 a dance about a a Indian. Then- they gave gold and silver cords away. Tie gold, cord is- for tep vears' nenibership, .and -the silver cord for fiv-e. Onîe girl with a caiidl cornes downl thie aisie. white -other girls cone dowlîi thie stairs above- the altar, lighting candies from the girl whlocame down tlie aisie; Tiese girls represent thie la'ws and thie promise. At the close of th proraim, eiglht golden. eaglets were givren out. About fifty. troops were represented from tdie northieast district.-Priscilla Pollock, Troop 7. XVi Iliet te. Porto RicozGirl Scouts in. Driv,é to Save'Birds "Save Our Birds" is the spri.ng slo- gan of Porto Rico Girl. Scout.s. who have -inaugurated: a drive to jrotect the eggs and the youing .oi -,ntesting birds. The caitpaign is being spou- sored by Mrs. james Beverley,' ile of; tie inew governor of Porto Rico, and .honorary commuissioner of the Inisular Girl Scout counicil. 'fhere arc about 150 species of hirds on thie islan d and mnanv\ of thiemi ar,2 ents' dînner rr ct uiV or mau a dress clean and neatly pressed, a tie, stockings or knee socks tliat match the shoes. 0f course no Girl Scout would f orget to' shine her shoes! Don't f orget the parents' din- ner Saturday, April 23, at New Trier Mess halt Girl Scouts, are particularly ciated with Better Homes weel their, national "little house" in ington, D.ý C., was ,used in thý mnal Better Homes campaigu. bserved wood stoves, tents, canoes, ponchios, boats, and canvas. If you have any asso-1 of these that you don't need, will k, sitice yoî; notif y Miss Grobben, Winnetka W'ashi- 3147. and she will arrange to cal eri- for them. Iy prepareci, and as quickly eaten. Fire spots were proper1y cleared, and covered, and no trace of the trip was left to mar the woods. After lunch- eon, one group of girls laid a trail through the woods and a second group followed. Al ,went home, feel- ing that'the day was a real succes s. I :- IL

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