Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1932, p. 1

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"LAKE FR( LEAGUE54. Wlrnette Civuec Leagueto Hear l Kingery ot Regional Plan-, ning Association %V'hlat is to b lite future of XVîI niette's lake front' XViI li e proicel tinder vay'for a .new otter drive des- troy- the l)athing beachi or cati lagoon.s of adlequiale size be retaincid ? Th e se are. soine of the iequstions that will be brouglht ni) at the April round-table luncheon of flic Xilnette ;Civic league, to, be held Friday noon, 'April )q, in1 Marshall Field's. NVedgwvood rooni, Chicago. The speaker of the (laY il ble Robert Kingery of the Chicago Regional, Planni 1ing asso ciation, who .*.,vill discuss the planis now under con- sideration for the projected extensiÏon of thie new outer drive. That thorouglîfare is rapidly approaching -the îîorth shore towns, p)receded in ii many instances by troubles. of civic leaders ani properî.-ty-ov.ers. At sonne stretches of ils fine of' progress witîî- ini the Chicago, corporate area Iliere aire 10, be. lagoons, aI others il would seein. the drive ivilli'be on the site *of the1 present shore uine. North of lte Edgewater Beach hiotel grouinds the Lincoln Park board is encounlering legal snags in divesting property own- ers of their riparian riglîts. Important ProbIem For soine mionths, officiaIs of the several north shore towns have been ini Consultation, conisidering wliat are to bethie principal probleins invoived in' Ibis huge undi(ertakinig. Perhaps,. first inu hie minds of m'ost prop)ertv, owes thIle large.cosl ofie project and how this > viil bc. applied.- Many anîlioriies on routing of traffiic have beeni desirous of ge tting the Iîeavy througl.i.traffic off Sheridan road and o ver west'ho Skokie boulevard... Not a few civic leaders1 have raised the question as to whelher an outer drive does, not destroy our presetl lake and bat.hing. façilities, Il lias' been poiîîtcd out that even %vitl outiets and inlets' Ilirougl anv 'outer dike tîtat nîiigrlît ,Ii ilPUSH -Kenilworth Citizens Urged to Continue Etnploy'ient Campaign Durrrg Springý Cleaning By Dorothy Sears, nIîtnihorth tJ,èi ,îCli irel Thle \Village cof Kenilworth is 10 bc coln r atulated on the c cnrgv m1th. which il is_ allacking its ueîly nient prol)leni. Thi rty-five applicants therc arc. Mi nced of Nvork. Jo date, besides thxe V,ýillage of Ken ilworth ani the Keil- wvorth Wclfare comi'ýttee-%v'hich *or- ganizations aI first wvorked' alone- there are s onie '4 residents wvho are helpinig to keep our fellowv citizenis empo eby supplying tlxem vith jobs, large and smiall, 10 the ixumber of Î37. This service is more important thanl îhey realize, for, Wvere il not for the sulstantial suini of $2,-780 which the Village bas been able ho a(ld in re- turni for "miade Nvork," fihe rate of employmcent, in spite of thclsç other efforts, would have decreasc(i in the past Six mnonth.s apprôxiînatcly 20 per- cent. Must Not $top We havc ni ade a golod shart aîîd ay be proud of il, but We niust iot stop) there. This is spring.- and -clean ulp limie." Xow is our opportnnilv to rol Uip a 100 percent market for dlie work thèse people cari do. If cvery nai 'or woman fortuniate stili 'lu have a, job) Nould .supply 'work., no mialter how slighit, for these 3i 'àpplicants, il is obvions Iliat 'our obligation to our -"ncighibor'. would 'bce met ani be saved f roux what we too shiould ,find( obnoxious-îhe îeed' of accel)tiflg cliarity.. Howv 1é bring this state of affairs about? Munice, Imd.. ha5 raised lier' effi ployment froîxi 30 10 (À) percettOthier comnîuîîiîiies hiave made sinular gains. This lias becti donc by elaborate or- ganization and spiriled campilaigis. Is Ibis necessary in Keiiworhhi? Iii view of thîe good iviii' aiready shown, we thliknkiot. Hcadquarters is writinig 1 kiow wlîat progress %ve lave mîade and the Set T hat Clock Ahead; Daylight Saving Sunday Turni your dock ahead mie hour uipon rctiring this Saturd.ay night, for Sundav mnorning at' 2 a. ni.. Dayliglt Savings. lime goes into effect aan If yoti fail to cornply yo wl~ake u111 dav'nîorning mie hour beliinid sclle(lule. Al cliurchies iii. the conununiplitv %vill hiold their services on T)aylight Savings. lime this Sunidav. Train service on the MlWaukce division of the Chicago and North Xcstern rai hvay wilIl be advainced ani hour, except for the througb trains which supply the nlinimum of regular. service through the north shore. The Chîicago,, North Shore and' Milwaukee railroad schedule is also, suite(l to the newv lime arrange- ment. Villagers are advised 10 c onsuit agents -regarding many changes ini schiedule. AUl train service 6pefates on Cen- tral Standard time. the schedules sinpfly being set ahicad one hour %vith reference to.suburban service. Experts Hear A bout Wilmette Water Pilnt. 'l'lie West Shore XX ateiPrduer association, a groupï of nien ini charge of thienmunicipal', water plants alotig thie -%\est shiore coi 'Lake .M ichilgan. bctwetiChicago and Grcc,î Bay. X>is., held itsls uîonthlv meeting aI tlie '$hawîiee club iluXineùtîc Fridav evenitîg, April .1.. -Paul Hansen of PasGrecelv anîd lianscî, thie etîgineers of t'li \Vil- miette water, plant, 'gave a-talk, illins- Iralc(l wvîh lanteri slides. sli>oNving the design of thie propoçsed IWilîîîette waer plant. ,Tjue modern featur'es of the plant vere Ihoroughilv.(iscusse(l by Iliermetipresenit, atîd il vasthie genieral opiniioni of these water -,vorks niienl thlit e Wiltniette plant will be oneC of the niiosî nmodern sniall water pilants ini this section of' the cottry. XV. W. l)eBerard. cliairinan of lte \'ilmette Village b'oard se\wer, anîd wahcr .conuniittee %vas ini charge of theü meeting. Village Presýideîît.' C. P. DI )bhh ext en(Ied the oilhcial welcoine to dhec (otîferene, ECONOP WJNS Pro-Administration.SIa t e. Is *Carried In to Office by Corne- fortable Majority 'licPeop)lcss Econioîray pro-admnii s- tratioti party swept ils ticket imb office lii the Village elect ion .'ruesday, by a, c9ni fortable nîaj orily. This ticket, Nvitî HarirY C. Kitîtie, S. J. Tidenian atidl Joseph 1-einzeni as candidates.for Village lrustee posîs,' Nicholas J. Mil- 3cr as candidate for Xillage clerk, and. Harry M-. Miller,. candidate for re- electioti as Village treasurer, won seven of the twelve, precfincts in the village. In several of tlie irecincîs the ballot- ig vas, ex remefy close despite the fact thiat littIe campaig nng-tbaî appeared on thie sur facc-preceded the election. \Toting iii g,,eieral wvas unusually light. The wesî side preciîicts definitely turined the tide for the Econorny candi- datesý. -four east side precincts and one ""est side precinct vent "o the Tax Re- dtiohe r Tlute hidprcic he'ax Reduction ticket carried by 14 votes Wlîile: the anti-administration group also' look. Precinct 5, by tbe nar- row, margin of 22 votes ont the face of uniofficial relurns. Miller Pola High Vote Harry W. Miller, unopposed Econ- ()n113 party candidate for Village treas- urer, policd the higliest vote, roiling tip 2,304. iIarr-: C. Kinne candidate for trrustee, '%%as liexl with 1,830. S. N. Tidenian i)toîleci 1,701, while Joseph2 Hehizeii te uther trusc candidate ont thle F.coeioniy slate,.reccived 1,777. N icholas, 1>: Midler, E--conomy party candidate for Village 'clerk, won nine, precincts. frout Lea J. Orr, indepenident cai(lidate for re-electioii. Unofficial re- turns indicated Iliat Mr,. Orr carried tefourth, east sie, precitîct by a large niiajojrity. The contestants battled to a, draw in îlhe second and tlîird pre- cincts. M,~ Miller polled' a 'total of 1,759, he Mr. Orr 'received 1,102. Donald Il. Maxwell led tlhe Tax Re- ductioti party candidates with a ;total 4)f 1,310. lHejamn îB.:Kloepfer was second' witlî 1,241,' while Frank J. JIllert puiled 1,162. ý ibrav Vote SMm*i %vail; creaky boards in the hall; bath- *GOLF STAG PARTY roomi fixtuires that need repair 1" Wilinette Golf club, on west Lake Ail these and many more deficien- avenue is in.viting the men of lthe club cies may be noted. Go ho the tele- hto a Special Stag event scheduled for phone and call Mr. Shree'd at the Vil- Saturday, A&ýil 30. Golfing, dinner lage office-Kenilworthý 1630. Tel, and. entertaînment are on the chdlhim your need aneewishd you * for the dayý h mt fil -il. Home and Garden ....42-43 Juniior Life ......... 16 Music Page............ 30 New Trier News ..... 24-25 Recreation..i........... 18. Society Pagesý........ 32-33 Wilinîetîe Post No. 46, Anierican Legion, and tîxe Auxiliary of the post' are arranging a general get-together social eveiîing for Wednesday, April 2', inî St. Augustine's club lîouse. Cards will1 featuire the evening's eniteÏtgin- nient. 1. Il %A AL

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