Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1932, p. 49

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Par. ':Uk Ave. Phf. Wi Iljnett 2345. .~Trlt11l1 0AOOS, \WITII O11 ý%vlthout board, nea r trnsportathon. .Xlso garage. .Ph. Wlilmette 154:1 privat5 hoi 1 LTN_- 1te, l'N.RAI. FOI" 1 Oit _' (ENTLE- t as.Gar.1ge avaîlable. (lien. 23. t ranspOrtati<)n. 1>. Wilitette 4254. a uii. Ph. XVilmette 143. NICLYFURLAVC)AORIN ARATE, ahomae, .969 Elm St. I)Vnnek lmh pIîelV PUI. argeoptM «lý Ph. W'R l- F U.RN.I.ED ROM $3,50 LEMWE O inarie cople, rred. 83 Poe . cin- Jngik.lh. Winnetka 2,6. 5 5-t Uavailâbl)eUI, 969 UOUM StIintk.Ph a uICELYç1 2 bl. INmhu~ >.W) Phtt. \Garagiete f16 5ei 1i P.WI m.WATED-OAR AD * ROOM mtte. Garage if~l cld rlis. Ii>Ph. Wii- iietkit 3657, 4TN4-t 55-A FOR fiENT-LT, HSKPG. RMS. 2 l>(':.lS AS) BATH UBIIII 1a, li _h thouseket- 1) i hiiatw;tter. p.tet us fdcluril . ivate '- U UN FU RN. RtOOMNýS. B4TH, 51.1'. 1)orch,> open pglrch; .g.i*r. Cari be t,seci as kitchenette apt. 1ef11'. Kellil- Worith 16.9~~IT5'îl 1on s,îitaî,le fo rljgtîaskeil~ -uidilt.s iànly. 1 33-4) C entrial l'h X 1.424 3. 4 and 5 rooms with tîle bathroom available May J.' ALSO ONE FURNISHED APT. IN LINDEN MANOR. 1095-1101 Merrili St.' :Exclusive tenants. Reasonable rent. ... W. H. CLARIS 9 IÀndent Ave. Hubtiard Woods CHOIC ï.APARTMENTS. Corner,,Im st.. and, Arbor "Vitae l Four room (1 bedrm.) 1.Five room (2 bedrmls.) REASONABLE RENTALS SMITH & GOSS, INC., 726 Elm St.. Wihietka 142 _____ 56LTN45-tfc REASONABLE RENTS 3, 4 and 5 rms., electric refrigera- tion, tile baths. 984. Linden Avre., H-ubbard. Woods. Janitor . on premises or phone, Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 1571 '3heùrnan Ave.. Evanston, Uni. 2600 2 011 3 1j-I. IOSKEII SUITE.' second,. floor, . tý 4de.homew. Li.glit itiry, niewly c.eco-ated. Opens ont<> I.,-ft. opeil porch. Conivenlient t. ttasiporitatioii. Garage opýtional. 1>»--, al(aij1tl1ent. Vilmnette 204. 561,50-t 3 OR 4 ROOM APARTM1ENTS, ýTILE bath -and shower, break fast nhok. electric refrigeration. Iteasohiable rent. Wýo1ff-Gr-iffis I1Mw. Bldg. Phi. Wil-l mette 1724. . . 51TS-t F011 111-NT-5 l2. 2N5 1,0011 RAP>T. vitiahetd garzige, $80 per month. 604Ta'nth St., Spanisli Court Prop- erties. 0spanish Court. Wl!. 432. 36LTN5 0-1 t MIEN 4 WLM APT., STF-AM Tl 1. ('aaj-aeiienrt t)..rnp $45. 905 Linden Ave., WVilletka. Pli. Winnietkut 2104. 56LTN50-1 tli 2 AND) 3 RUONI HEATED APT. AT 1137wilnttte Avé. Fort sale or vent- 6oe in 'ihoue uNorthbrook. lPh. Wi%'lmjette 4947S. , 6T5-t ilM. . W. IIEAT. GLAZED SUN porchi. Electric refrig. 2 apt. bldgi. See owner Saturday or Sna,752 Suniset RPd lXiinnetkai. -56.TDN50-1 tp SMALL APT. ON QUIET RESIDEN- tial Street ln Hubbard. Woods. Phone Winnetka 1127., 56LTN48-tfe 5 ROOM APT. AT 909 LINDE.N, HUB- batrd Woods. Tel. Wintietka 1055. 56L'PN48-tfc, ette apartwwnt near tranpurtaiWu. steam heat, electrical retrlgeraton Call Wilmette 1800. 56L'rN3l-tfc MODERN NEW HEATED 5 RMý. apartuient. Reasonable. Fred Weis- mann, Shermner Ave., NorthlbrÔoi%. Phâ. NoËthbrook 92. 5OLT50-tp FORi-t ÈNT-5 ROOM FLAT AT 504 Park* Ave., second floor; reasonable. Ph. Wilmiette 90. 56LTN50-ltc FOR HENT-3 ROOMS, BATH ANL>ý ;un i>rch. Near, tranisp. Ilh. Wil. 3040. 51LTN50-ltp' Poi0l RENT-'4 ROOM APT. W1TI 1 heatd poeh.Ph. Winnetk'a 3164.« 56LTN5O-ltv ONE 2 HM., ALSO ONE 4 RM. KITO-H- enette apt. Humphrey building. Win- netka 98 or 3328. 56LTN20-tfc 44ROOM APARTMENT. CENTRALLY located, south and east front.: Ph. Wllmette 2399 or,,2427. 56LTN37-tfc $7 FOR or.NTr-PURNIBHED ArTS. IIINMAN AVE. AT DAVIS ST. GREE11LEAF 4100 Hotel roorms.. $60 and up Two roons ......$110 and Up Three rooms........ $150 and, up Four rooms.....$215 and up ALSO UNFUIINISHED APARTMENTIS These apartmnents avallabl'e with 'or ïwithout mald: service. Refrigeration, gas, elec- tricity *a nd equipiiient of apîart.ment included. Near lake and ail transportation. BEA t'I'1UL1LY FU-RNi$FiEi) 31M kituchent tte ap.t.**; gasi ighit and î-efrig. free'; rent very reasonable. Illi. W mette 2791. 1021 Central Ave..'%%il- FOR SUMMEII MONÇTH.S. 5:11118; AND: hath. Garage. if dexired. t lset tcansp.: Reas<îuî:ble. innietka il 76. 571,TN50-Il t FUR4N1SHED 1 AND 4- OM A PTis., conveniently Iocated. Ph. Wilmette 2199 or Wilniette 2427. r7TLTN3¶0-tft- xuag urve, ulencoe 1554 * t. BAIRD & WARNE R 6OLTN5-tue ('harning Colonilal on large wooded lot. ' lk fromn the lake in-. Gleneoe. 4 fanîily bedrtls., 2 batts, 2 inalds' ris.. and 1 bath. 3 Yery large screen porches.. 011. heat. $20Q. :bedrnis.,ý 2 sereen porches, 1 bath. 011 heat. Garage. $75., Other interesting lwomes furn'. and un- furn. in al North Shore suburbs. DORORTHY k. ROSS. 663 Vernion Ave. Glèeoe.305 and 986 6OLTN5-tp lu R.M. COUNTRIY hOME, I3EAtTi- fuily situatéd on %vooded' acreage. 1i. W. :ht. 'atid elcctrlcity. *Brick const. Near Glenview. Ileasonable rent to Fesponsible tenant. also l WIt.F[IO US E S U àTA B3LE FOR HOME, tea room, or irooniing %house. 1104 (' reenlea ft Ave., WiL- 11. W. lit., gar., corner lot. Rent $85. uer nîonth.. Call Wilnîette 191M0., 6LTN50-1tl) W.ILL lIENT MY 8R111. 2 BATH, OIL heat ed home at 1324 Maple Ave. ýto responitible. party for only $100 per inonth. Large vooded lot,.« garage. Builings .unly 7 .years old ~and ln fine conclition. Ites. phone, Wil. 5172; office, Uni. 8383. .160L50-ltc Near'lake. 6 bedrms.,, 3 bathà,, extra, lav Oil ht. 2-car garage. $175. 6 bedrmis., 2 baths. - 011 lit. Frigidaire._ Lovely grounds. $110. Xiee 5 rmi. ,bungalow. $75. Moany o tiier good values. Mr ls. Lang, Winnietkça 1194.. 601LTN50-ltIp 4; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 PI.DTF OOIL ATH, extra io ~n lst floor. .11lihent; -cari4 detavhed gar. 1i or 2 year lease. $75 nîonhi. 492 Madison Av:e., Glencoe. Ph. trCIencoe 145!) for ~ppointflielt. 6-OLTN50-1 te FOR RENT-7 11,1. HOU'SE; BEAUTI- fuI. location near -'L- and beach; ail .newiy <ecorated; garage; oit ieat; renit reasonable. 230 Laurel tAve. phone. Wilinette 29c68. 6OLTN56-ltp) S.8M HOLTSE; GLAZFO IPORCHIES; attachied. garage. Ashiland Ave. near lake.. $110 month. pli. VWilmiette 2791. Ovner. ...601LTN;-O-Ite 7,ItM BtIIIUK HOUSE, -BATH, .2 sirei porch-je, slate roof; and one. -11 m.1at 1 - ririe Ave. .Ph. -Wimpett.e 4227. 60LTN50-ltp [,y. OWNER - 7 ROOM HOUSE, porches, 2-car garage. Lot 66x240' 2 blks. fromn sehool and main part of town. Phi. (lie408. 601,TZ5-tip Phone your classified ad before -WILMETTE LIvn "for more than 20 yeara the HOME PAPER of the community" 'P HONE WILMETTE 4I300,

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