rFree Publie liîrary to be electel at C.ontributions by precincts fo110w: the animal Village election on A1prilý Prtecinict 1-$11.80; (2) $14.34; (3) 19 were not filed before, the officiaiý $33.5(; (4) $16.28; (5) $13.66; (0) filing tinie hiad expired. This wvî11 ie-, $24-54: 17) $11.58;' (8) $16.33; (9) cessitate writing ini the names of thi$9l1.l0: (10) $17.54; (11) $9.98. libra ry trustee candidates on the bal-ý M rs. Marcelite Melind SI1terrett lot 'anidrarking ant -X" inî froi ofi las joined the drive as assistant theîr names. Ihirtia.i it ivas announiced thie wveek. 'wo . lbrary truistevs arc ti) .l) Sharp falling off in contributions, electe(l for hie regular terni f lrethis, -îveek 'as thought to be attril) years, and o ne othier is te l)c el-cte,(l tae te the arrivai, of spring te fill a vacancy. A coniittee front J eather, a circumistance. which, it was the WVîhnete Chianîber of Comîmerce feit. tr .ight give sontie villagers- the. andl the Wihnette Civic leaguce lias ;impression that the situation amnoi g endorsed J. Hugh IFestcr-,ai .1ohn wîîîpo~< ~as nowv less acute,. F. Hoiffiuani, mnembers of the Iihrary 1 eaders ini the earnpaigil, AhoNever. board, wlîose ternis expire tlîis siîn . sress tîhe iact tlîai conditions are * as candidates for, reelectioti, and becoining w-orse ratller than , better.. * Luthier W. 'Benson te fi11 the Taan he'î iiinmpîovi-ent situation- reniaiii, cautised by theè resignatiOn of Eldred desperately- serious ai hundreds of G. Bentlev., whAo înoved te 'Grand <ffîîîe nCo eit Vlapds aebigire.t cý niuot. sanfd. ArrivaI of spring lias ialagers are bn it*d n î r not altered the comiplexion of, the( i orm iicdt Wv ~vii i i the niaines of the Library board candi- îîaîu.iti mhszd dlateS on their ballots. Tlhe proper i'ocdueis as fol1oNvs: Keep Y r Raings Fortrutée ofthéWilmette Free m ;~u;bsfteOff Street, Request Lý_ J. .Hugh, Poster Putý ard rakin.ks ini the aIlev aid ~ Jon F.Hoffan fot ii lestreet. That's the requesi To fil vacancy C. 'L. nçulz uprnendent of pub- !x LutherW. Benson li ok.i îkn fwilmette P>rescrit niemiers .ofý tlhe lilîràry, houséholders. l>card l)esides '.,r., Foster and. MIr. in view of the curtailmen.t o f .Vil-, i ofa r .R.ýHarper, j)residenît.ý lage service, (lue to- thie scarcitv cf Nirs. Leslie F.*Gates ad ir.Cliarles operaîting iiunds, the refuse.collection 1)avis. de)attmeîî-it canntot 'n, ake coll >ectionls: asý frequently as ini normal tirnes,' 3r. ýDistrict -40 School1 Schultz explaiiis. c-prt il District. in Ballot tlic waste collectiôon departnient 'if A peintand two iiienîblers, îere wec are te kcep) our streets. dlean," Mr. t-lected te the b)oard of e(lucatien of Schutltz a.seèrts. Sehool District o.40 l'ast Satiurday' at the animual electionl of the (listrict,' Barnett Re-elected *~~~ li(Crad >erve(1 bv the H-iglhcrest .t unco~ior schol. Fou lllnre(l votes %vere cast for- I hu I.Blsepresîdent. anîd Otto R . 1a) ttc leîo last Satuir- -1 us.~el eg. iiieniber of thie board, dav int the *animîal, election cf t le Necw Wbosc~trnis expire(1 tItis spring.,wr Trier Towirship High .sehool board cf re.e]ccted.> Gus Krosciel is ýtlî onlv education .. -,rNi as r-eelectedj lil\vý iinber' of theý board. H e vasl te tlie-,board w'ithotit epl)esition. He clecte(l to take the pflace cf Joesephl !.vas the onilv nieniber of the board Schneider, wliu was. fot à caidalilite ii%,îose teril expire(l this sýprîng.Ote f Or reelection. . . embers are: .1. 7R. Gathiercoal cf. ()filer iil)Crs of tlhe, board are \Vilmette, president ; MNrs. janet S. Peter Carîsoni, ' lolîîî Fischier, A. \'*Gordon of NWiintkça, secretarv; E. J. Nlcl)eriii(-tt and1 Edward Mcier. . Phelps of Kenilîvorthi anîd Williani H.. cli f Wilmnette. Police Would Rid Town Eli ONMTRTI of~~~~ Anoin edlr obert McNeil Burns Il. and iZub- Viss Dorotlîv Proesclî of Evalis- jý io agai is dÎircetiing hie Shazciee 1>ayers. their play. Ibis time beipig kebond,"whose prodjitioit on I-irida v aid .'tùrdav e A CH lq. ./'i 2. c:,d ?3,. Zl'jri d their seasfli. Eleet A. C. Goodnow N. *T.,Sehool ,Trustee A. C. Goodnow of. Glencoe wvaS elected.toiwnshliip -schiool trustee for A terni of fi ve ,vears at the annual towvn- sh ip ýschool electioni, last Saturday. MNr. Goodnowý was -unopposed as a candidate ifor the office., There a re two 'other tow iship 'sehool ~uses J. Edward Maas of Wilmiette a(l Walter T. Fishier of WVinnietka. .. Anýidre\v is towntship treasurer. ATTENDS LIBRARY SESSION \Miss Aime L. Whittrnack, librariai at the Wilmette Public libÉarv, at- tcnided a nieeting of the librarv exteii- sieni cornrniittee of 'the IllinOIS Statc Lbry association Monda\ of. this week at IJrbania. The, conittee mnet mith President Harryv Wo odburn> Chase. of.,the University .of, Illinois a id. Miss Anna'.Ma1y Price, superin- tendent of. the library exýtension1 'I- vision for Illinois. dates in the primary elections. While the Republican vote was nlormally large, the election witnessei what wvas perhaps the biggest Dem- ocratic vote ever polied in the to.wn- ghip, The largest vote for a single can- didate wexit to Mrs. Anna Wilmart!i Ickes of Hubbard Woods, Republican candidate for re-election as State Representative. fromn the 7th district.' Mrs. Ickes polled 10,599, due. to plumbing~ of ballots, with more titan one candidate to be elected. SmaII Traîls Rivais Len Sniall1 may be the choice, of Illinois Republicans for, Governlor, but hie found slight favor in New Trier. Orner N. Custer carried the: township bv a comfortable'majorit, receiving>,a total of 2527. Oscar Carl- strom wvas second, with 2027,, William, H.. Malone,, third, with 792, while Sma1l received only 506. A total of slightly less than 7,000 votes. was registered for governor. On the Dernocratic side Jutdge Hien-' ry' Horner swanîped bis opponients, receiving 2141. Michael Igoe wvas given 505, and -Bruce Campbell trailci with 93. Otis F. Glenn encountered ne, se- noôus 'opposition in the Republican competition :for .United States Sena- tor. H-e received 5119 votes. Williani H-. Diete rich, the Demeocratic nominee, was giv en 1493 votes, with the votes for other Democratic nomninees pracý- ticallv negligible. Zeiss Getz Big Vote Carl H. Zeiss of Winnetka won bands ;down in the Republican race for Congre ssman -at-large. He polled 4370 votes in the township, his total approxiinately equalling the combined votes for his competitors. Interest. iii. thiis office on the Democratic ballot wvas practically nil. In the Republican battleý for Con- gressman fromn the 1Oth -district Ralph E. Church. led the field by a smàl maàrgin. He received 2436 votes as against 1964 for Carl 'R.* Chindblomi (incuînbent), and 1807 for James Simpson, jr. On the Democratic s;de Thomnas J.. been in 1 Los Angeles silice last Sep- teniber, retturtied te their homne a,, 518 WVashington avenue, last Tues- day. Miss Baker, wvho was seriouisly injured in ailauite accident in Ani- zona last faîl, is nowv showing ini- proveifleit. Sl leU. .1 'thankýoii Possible. -Mrs. Henrv for inaking ail fotir '.Cutler, chairman. Note': Ecoionm.i -hop is coiiducted by> the Womai's Club of Wilmette. Proeeds go to eharity. I *In order to obtain the best in workmanship and mate riais select your painter or decora- tor from among those listed ini the Ciassified Colurnns of WILNIETTE LIFE. tenition oft he people ot ýNi.Imette that as an organization the Post does flot sponsor any party or candidate for any political office. -George E. Leal, Commander.'. 1 ý--