reoas arUi~~ainu in aiienc LlL.. ve the Stolp and Ho'ward school girls of the flfth, sixth, sevent'h, and eightl grades durixig the past two months. A f ew tests were elective and oni: girls, who desired to gain points b; taking. them or for . ther reasons wished to do so, took tests in stand- ing high juqmp and ;pull up. ýAil girl: of the grades mentioned, with the ex- ceptioni of' the fifth grade girls, we required to takç tests in basketball goal shooting. Each -girl was allotted ten trials. and wasrequired to make at least two baskets before being aIo. lowed to pass the. test. The tests were. givenl by the ph,% - sical training teachers'in charge ýol girls at the Hloward and,.Stolp schools, Mrs. Gertrude Fanckboner and M1rs. Lester F. Bal, respectî-velv,' under supervision of Mr. Davis. The classes Mentioned in the, tests do flot indicate the degree, of pbysical proficiency of, the girls but are so classified that girls of the s*ame height and.age compete, with only those girls who are of the samne height and age, MNr. Davis announces. The results of tests completed to! date,.are:- Stolp: Grls' Goal, ShootIng Tests: Clasga A: Betty Cle nen!ts, 44,timiesz JaneLanprey, 3 tlmes, Betty M.%cCollur,ý 3 tinies*,qtal Yates, 3. tintes. C lass B: Katherine Shank, 6 tirnes, Charlotte Anderson, 4 tirnes, Hùlen, Peterson, 4 tirnes, Naney Pickard, 4 timnec. 1Class C: Jean Flnlay.son,> 5 tirnes, Ma- jorie Shank, 5. tinie.-,. Betty 'Rosen, Clasýs D: Joan Halliwell, 4 tinies, Helen Cotseres, 3 times, marie Gaither, 3 times, Eleanor Lewis, 3 tirnes, Ha:'- niette Lagerlof, 3 Uintes, Margaret Speer, 3 tiflies, Josephine Russo, 3 tintes. Class E: Julia Booz, .5 tirne-, H1-elenl Hall, 4 tirnes, Doris Frykrnan, 3 times, M:arie Hardin, .3 tinies, Peggy Scott, 3 tintes, KXatherine W'enter, 3 Urnes, Nancyý Robb, 3 tnes. CasF.: Frances.AkileN- 6 ti:nes, L( s Rôseni, 4 tintes. Dorôth%-,Yariani, 4,tinie-s Iniogene Kauifran, 3 tunes, -Julie M. Intosb, 3 ti1 s ggest. Recordi%,.of Central itI 'taUdng Hlgh Jinp Mfiss Brown.- rooni: Hai lene Wr.3 inches, Ruth. Seheibel, 30 inche.s, Bar- bara Ripley, 29 inches. Miss Fox's, rooonî: Mary Jane Ed - dington, 27 Inches, 'Nancy Bercaw, 26; Inches, Suzan Clark, 2.5 inchef--,Jallop 1* Eager to go skimiii#iing oz'cr the sinoo th sulrface of praeavn, 600 bl ock, ihsec hildrei' are atvait ing the starters' signal in tzo Jeature raresý of the sixth annüal r 011cr skatiii n cet sponsorcd.bil the Playqrozind and Rec- reâtionhoard on, Satturdav mniug, APril 2. More than,100 competciors itudei- the aile of 14 i'earsf skated in the races. Publish Winners'Namnes Omitted One Week Ag I the record, of. resuits of t he sixth annual roUIer skating meet conducted 1w. Me Plavground and Recreatiôn board. published iii last week's WiL- METTJ LinE,thie third place winner of the girls' open 100-yard dash and the three place winners of the boys' open 100-yard dash were inadvert ent-> ly omitted. Dorothy Holmes, 1054 Chierokee. road, placeçi third in the girls race, and the following were place %in tiers in the boys' race : 1. G"erald Spinner, 624 Park avenue, 2. Frank Koenen, 706 Linden avenue, 3. Walter von. Reinsperg, 726 Laurel avenue. The offilcials for the voler skating mneet were: Daniel M. Davis, director of the ýmeet, Glen W. Gathercoal, clerk of course and announicer, Dud- ley C. Stone, head finish judge., and John Fin!avsoti, Lowell F. Todd, and James I'-erso-n, judges of the finish. .Daniiel MX Davis to Be' Speaker at Con ferenice Daniel' M. Davis. director of rec- reation, lias been asked to' be one of the speakers at the annual conference of recreation superintendents and di-. To Charge Entry Fiee This1 Season * inà Play Leagues For the first tu Me in 'its history and only because of the present etonomntc situation, the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board will charge, an entry f ce for its athletic leagues and tour- tiameits this summer, it wvas announced at the si -th aniual rally of -recreationi wvorkers and participants at Howard school April .6. .Henry C. Fowler, chairman of the Recreation board, and miaster of cere- moiies at the rally, announced the change in the recreation policy at the sanie time of niaking public the schied- ule of activities which ill be con- ducted during the summiner nmonths. Becatise af a greatîy reduceçi budget which does not cover the cost of con- ducting the activities, inclusive of items > such as officiating and upkeéep of' grouinds and equipment, it wvas necessary to make thi s charge, Mr. Flowler stated and added that the f ee wvou-1d bW$5 per teani for. the entire summe r f or play- ground baIl or -kickball and $1 per teamn for horseshoes. A transferred play-er or a ncev entry on a team will be chargcd fi f ty cents. additionally to thel Lake Shore Players Enjoyed in, Comedy The Lake Shore Players of WVil- miette presented a one-act play, "Hist! She's a Man," wtritten- by George York, at the s;xtb anniiual rally of Recreation participants. and workeri held at the Howard school Wednes- day evening of last week. The PlaYers are, showing iniprove- ment with each performance, and, goç>d stage presence.. This s a cIe-ver conedy and gave a fine oi - portunity for lively acting. The cen- thusiasm of the audlience waxed hig,-i ivbich was proof enough that the players were putting the skit acros,. Those wvho took part in the î'lav were Da isy Sanford, Sam Tulrler. JaprColton, Philip Dawson.. Mrs. Tiny Atwell, Phyllis Dalton, Robert Davis, Kay Panushka, Vic NIcIeIg- hani, Ed Ryerson. Ed Smart,-Jean GaIlagher, .'Gorrv," Eddington1. ,ai Kenneth Treacy. The play wàs eI direçted. byOliver Lloyd, Bicycle ýHike Features Calendar -for Monday A bicycle hike for boys of. the piÏh- lic and parochial schools bas been announced for Monday, April 18. » Glen W. Gathercoal, recreatioii as- s istant. In Bnt ln ches. Class D: Jean Gori ljlghest Illedrords of Rloward Girls' Bas- Class B: Dorothy 1: ketball Goal TIrow: Shirley Garniss, SA, Cl"ss A: Virginla Marsh, 7C, 3 tumes »Ilman, 6A, 2 limes. out of 10- trials, Dorothy Hoînies, SB, 2 Class F: Pearl And times. 1 MriamRn oss, 6B, 7 ti Class B: Dorothy Nuil, SC, 5 times, beck, 6A, 4 times, E Dorothy Masslg, SC, 5 Ifrnes, Elizaqbeth tintes,,Irene Baron, 6 eJs. tii. Ill be con ducted. However. ti ~,Il tinies, be no charge for attendance Lois Kun - place. Free swiming lnstruec be given for chlldren eachi ýB, 7 tirnes, a t the Wllmette beach wîthou ances Ha- to holders of beach tickets as >dd, 6B, 3 done ln past summers. 1'here be a 4elub for boys, IN wtt: The playgi -non monday folg large, and the frei been the beach wi a L'o fDaniel M. D, field announees. Lson wlll open the le close of sellool ýifg instruction at at the sarne tine., etor Of recreation.,