Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1932, p. 37

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to the iutrost to keep withinI its cash t i receipts. In doing tbis the number of'a emploýyees lias been reduced 10' such an . cxen -ht e cati no longer, doxtn ht\ the iiecessarv ý%vor..< o the Village. Service Suifert For illustration:ý There are tel] Men~ besides Mr. C. C. Schultz in the Street department. ,O(ne of these mien is in' the municipal garage, six of them de- vote their enaire time to, collccting aslies and refuse,. leaving only three men lu takc care of the: water distribu-. tion svstenî, maintenance and*.repai rs-. flush -sewers and i ntakes 'and do the urgent strct repairing, etc. Vie.have more thati 60 miles of streets to dlean, hihit NvilI 1)e inipossible , t do with, otrpresent crew. This spring we will reqltiÈe another truck with three meni to 1(dispose of the additi<inal ruhbisl, etc., throughon)It. the suminer'and fail. Il îcretore. 'vone eaui sec that it -WilI be. presenit reduced crcw. The Fire clcparthnent 'creýv las heen redltced to'six firenien and the~ cicf. This. ilnber carinot lie re- duiced fi, rtler if ve, arc, t( keep ,wîthini the rl1es of the BHuard (,.) Un- (lewrtes. If wc were 10o reduce- ml-ore, thaib.tlis, the- citizenls uif tiis village* %votld undoubtedly pay hecav- ily by' irae nurance rates. 'The additional men rccîuired at fires .a.re *suppIiC( by volunlter firenien, ~h are pai(l for the actual limie the%- âslst at ti res. Curtail Every, Department Thelc Police departinent lias heeni rcduced tw,,o m'en, which wonld have lacil impossible except for the addi- tion of two miot-orcyýcles ; thus il- creasing the territb'ry- each policenlian can cuver. B'y arrangement %vith the Sclioo,] board, four special policenien hi.ave. .lC 411)en relcased froni gnardîng school crossings anîd -their duties takeni over hv school jaittrs, and The Electrical departîmient lias been re duced to0 one mii,' w~ho suiperin- tends and mnaintains the street li.ghts. T'he nuinhle.r of street lighls lias beeni reduced 'approýx.imately one-h1aîf. Bly redutcing the niunber of cri- ployes of the village an(I reducilng. t'lie salaries of thie reinaining enip1ôy'es. the p?.yroll lias bectn reduced froni approximnately $157,000 per year to $120,0K per year. You must realize that to continue' times, which seem prone to cal] *forth' unjust criticisni. This accoi-1 plishes no good and it is essential in these times to have complete cooper- ation. You nmay be sure that we are always glad to furnisb you any in- *formation yoru desireso that in turn' you mnayoffer us help by constructive- art *icking"; 1b do ~ishvou but, cooperate mith lems of their various departments and discuss ways and meanis of mak- woid realizet i" c.-ivin£vs,. Eachi and every one of TELEPHON Eel f1TAKEy.vu .ALMOSI ANYWH ERE- You are within spealçing distance of miles awoy - across -cities, states and 1. _________________ persons even in

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