Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1932, p. 28

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SUflSCRIP1TION PFRIC-E $2.00A YEAi1 Ail communicationls must be accompanied by the namie and address of the wrlter. Articles for pub-. lcation must reach the editor by Tuesday noon to insure appearance ln current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu-.,. arles., notices of entertalnrnents or other, affairs wihere ,ah admittance. charge Is publlshed. will be e.hàrged at regular advertising rates. The ann,.oulncenient that Ravinia Park would not present this sumiller its usual prograins of oprs and concertscanieas a imiost pe a sauiit No Ravinia sbock to hundreds. if fltthol0nl.s a ud , of This Sm merpeople in Chicago an(1 its urs To niany it meant np good times this year on surnîner afternoons and e venings. The nîaintaiingi of Raviîiia Park has laid heavy responsibilities upon iMr. Eck-, stein and bis f ellow--workers. North shore, children and grow'ýn people have gainÈed great JleasIlre and profit, froui the labprsý of these philapthropic people. e should lîot be sùrprised.. therefore, tbat the bur- den this vear is 100 beavv to be taken up. W'e cai nIulý hope tbat conditions in 1933 will permit the resnptiont1i of this Ideliglbîful sumuiiier programn. Doubtless, we can (10oiucb 10liihten the load for- those who do the biard work, of planning, seling tickets, and carrviug. forward this ilost praîs;eNortlby enterprîse. ýNo final naine: lias been given 10o that biglwvay wh N-Iich wbwen entirclv coiffllete(1 will enal)le; the iiiotorist. to travel speedilv% "Railroad and-coôniforýtably iiis*tý weè.t: of tbe steam road Bouevad" froin McCormnick road in E v a n s t o ni îhrotughl G1encoe. So -we bave temporarily . dubld it Rail.road boulevard, tbe lberetofore sug- gested naine, Hoover Hlighnvay, îiot fiav'- ing been received ývitIî sufficieîit çntliisi- a sm - his reputation will suffer. Such cooper- ation is a spurious couunterfeit of the real thing. Real, coope ration is a free-îvill offeriug. Au excellent example -,as tbe votiug of tbe. Wiunetka pu blic scbool ; eacb.ers to accept a 1272,% ct, in salary fo r tbe sec- ond baif of tbe current fiscal, vear. In tbis connectiou it shonétld be cle arly understood that th.e teachers were not Iegally obliged to accept the cut for the second baîf >of the year. Tlîeir contracts called.for full. pay tbrougbout'tbe, entire fiscal year. This aci, of the teachers wvas au act of real co- operation.- The board of eduication ac- knpwledgèd tbis fact in a published state- ment, containiug .tbe significant words, "cwith a fine spirit ofioaltv 1Xieta tbe entire staff have volnutarily w'aived their contracts, and have -accepted tbe cut forý the scn haîf of the present scboQl vear." Tbis* is*thie, kind of hielp that counits mps t in these trv'inlim ines. One vcry. effectiv,,e w-ay of hastening-the returu of less stringent times is the re- ducetion of buidgets for- th e cominig fisçat y ear. Strict econ.omiv is ýthe kev to suc- cess- in. mauy. fi lds. Slashing, of, *north shore. private and-pnl)liC estiiates forflic year 1932-33 bas(loue u1icbtO revive. bopes of better davs to couic. Tbe action of the WiIîiette Village board in passing an ordinauce that no sbrubbery at street or- ailev- intersections, shahi be over four feet, higb is an ctio deserviug cordial coimeudation. Ofie of the most frequent cauises of ac cident fil village limits is bighi shrubberv at inter-ý sections.ý Triminiiiig.dIow-n of these sbruhsý not ou-ly reduces uo toriln g hazairds, but in nianycases inc reas .es natuiral hauv Cildren slîould be pn-the strcet asI ittle posie., ardty one north shore sîreet frefroli automlob)ile s during day-l],igt DiliS. Mor-cover, children plaving in the reets. iierhaps on voler -skates or lii- WVaylie King, as we pen this, is dà: tio lend inspiration lo the task. at .ha hlâme Iilmi for the ultirnate resuit. dont \ýTaN-iie, iiicidenitally, is p)roviding some. harmony. between hroadcasts of Primary election returns. Right- now, it looks like Henry and Lent for. gov- mrnr Let ils hope the latter will be on the.small end cone, îxt Novenîber 8. But wve (lare not permiit our rather decorative hecadlile to be conined to .election1 chatter. April. for instance,* brings opening day at Cub's park, also, of course, atComiskey park. (Nt,tée: We-'ve repeated, this for severai A prils w-t,'mt resûIts in the shape of season passe*.s.) Then. also, there are the April sbowvers which hriiig the inevitable' May flowers. Fr.rtheriore. *this imonth clainis the dubious dis- tinction of dating the heginniug of our wvar with. Spain and our entry into the, World war shambles. Other historical events designated 'on the April slip of our calen(lar (in casé you're interested) include, Patriots' I)av ln Maine and Massachusetts, Southern Memoria'l Day': Grant's Birthday, andthe Louisiana l'le chilly, breezes ofthbie past several days mnake one- Ni%11it vere june.: \e were.,iinîrigueèd, after carefpîl sorting of the Primary camupaigu literature hrought by Ujncle Samis overb rdenied -carrier, to discover one card penned in thic'Germantoitngue. Obfflously, the candi- date. iiiquestion w~as opposed, te "das'tyrannisehe VoIstead-Gesetz.' Having given ovcr several years lo the study o M.Von Hindenhurg's native longue, ve f ound no> difficultv i n (eiphering ahove. Moreov*er, %vcsuspect the early training -as ill-advised. Had therc eheen any doubt concerning the existence: ot an econionhîc depressioi, w'e were destined to be convinced this wveekw-heu hrought smnack up .against the disbressing f act that damnage from moths is This% inriorulatioin. e trust, may serve bo some of thie hoarded dollars ont for an airin'g. \'e failed to mention, that this. parbicular Ar. significant lu that it. effectcd a reunion with1 *"Hall FelIoN. Wlet. Back from California wvelcome! Cordiall *v a> ve d~i to lharp onthe subje the current econoie d eclînie, it is with .diffic,îlty w-e refrain, froni couhifenting on the paucitv of sl poetrt. bring petite .an ýctoCf rthat ;pring tiôrthern Wilmette will be Paved beifore snow files. Perbaps it's tpo inuch to expect that ini- dividual communities can and will do au întierconmuflity affair asý one job. 411 Uv-- *..ý, r'ilty-one inms are couîpeting for the W iliietùe sornetbing that is somewhat out of your Water works job, but, at Ibis writing, they haven't regular line. Colleet stamps. Study bugs heen able to suare a customer for thne $600,000 of various kinds. Become a good -bridge Nvorth of bonds to pav for the project. player. Write s h o r t stories. Improve your u eigbborbood. Make ypur life more An&, ait Ibis,'writing,. it's still Henry adLnnx wortb living., Novenîber. -MIQUE. fl~=. -"7 I i

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