LINGERIE Dan ce sÎ~lave lbrassiere pannies: trinî ,.ed iftiilave. Priée........$1.95 * Priinted silk patjtiima. $2.95 Nino gons;floral pal teril of pastel slia<ies: bias vu t. Prive.........3095 Slipie. rel)e de vlinie; ,Fretnel, finiisiled:. iiaîîd made. daim tiI1 * enîbroidered, . . $2M9 Cosfurne .%'ips îk. lace trimiledl: tailored to fit iwell: Iea rose and white. . $1.75 Stej~-is; ailored .or lace triinmed and einbroilered: fine silk:, hamîd îîade $. 1.9s Paja nias; t1o-piece; boue koit îiadeou olors of vi-l a-nd redl. white and liùe. rer and trombador .9 Petticcu s;si 1k latve triînn< or talloeed; fit tedi voke fron Liii gerie; rayon. banidea combinauions.: goîmns: bandea slis: etîvots. . . 75 Tiib frocks; nvm su les; aý sorted colors; materials ar eý elet.batiste. d(lted Svs linen, Frenchu inuisijo,, an handkerehief Iawn . 1.9ý Ttb frocks; printedsilk; sluor sleeî es or' sleeveless; trimiei witil fagoting or kafe p!eat n~ Rous' drésseis; eoUonfloua prit n eeral Styles; SIcv or sleeveless ... 754 HQtJSEFURNISHINGS Lunicheeau set; for four; pop- ular VatigonCo)lonÏial ail- ivoýr-v 20-Pieve LtiHUieieotiÏset. Opeî stock . .$15 Stertiuare; eeCa e Cod" pat- 1cmi to inateli the ahove set:ý earlv Ainericani; iliMI)rheîs lal, or royal Mlue; gobIeft iir tets tiînhles, lpates, 25c; Loicer Eloor t: CURTAINS, RUGS AND DRAPERIES Reltg rlig%, siie, for sumnuer hoines a it early nmerivan ro<>ins:'fas t clr-;( 2 Prive .- . . . $9.50 Cuiinls; bobbincit ailored;, dj beattiftil' quaiity;lain pat.- 15 terns; pair . . . 1 2.85 rt Cuirtains; chiffonese voile A . shcer curiains for your r room aami dining rooin ; tai- ~ or;I)air $. 4.50 Il Nonr#-skid mats; special back ,à to prevent slippling, on waxed ýC floors; . . $1 Chintz draperies; ruffltd or tailored wiîlu bedsp)reaids 'to mnatch ..........3.25 Cuirtains; Freiielh marqui- Fro mEvrySýecti Girdie; îe-i:fr tue lder figure; peal) olor: isilk -bro)- cade. t14o-îwaî btretvll; elastir back.........3.95 Thirti Floor MEN'S WEAR Pajamacs;. broadcloîli andl mercerized vot toi], fillcit, lipartý elastic bel t; oea t pa tterois: si-ze-, plain %litie anidl»~ Iiemtstit(lefed heis. 6 for .$ Hose; rayon and( silk; ravon and liste; docks and other pal- temos; sizes 11) to 1l ý-2: 6 pairs for . . . . . .$ Sitrts; fine volored broad-. dlotlh, full Size; nevat patterns; elastic and lie styles; 38c or 3 for........... i i Underssir(s; vcot [on nb or ,Rfat. knit; 0(gOodýqtuality: 38c or 3for....... .$ Shirts; wlie'l 'roadclotlî: col- far attached or neckbani; 'or fancy striped Iroa(t(lotlis 4ti collars to match . - 1.15 ,3 for .. . . . . $3.25 First Floor FROM.OUR TOILETý Lux Toilet'Soap; 16 bars ior#%. Squibls' Tootk Poste Pepsodent Tooth Piste. Palmolive Toilet Soap; 16 bats fo Jîergeén's Lotion . . American Family Flakes; 43c or I'vory Snow; 8 for. lvory Soap; guest size; dozen CANDY AND DELI Clhsse and Sanborn's Green Bris, 'Preserves; 6 one-pint jars .Mixed Salted Nuts, the po'und, Dressing, inclýuding1IRussia;4f Ilmported Cheese;,1' dozen for Beecli-Nut Tomato Juice; 6 botîl.- Old Monk Colossal Ripe ies 'FI