APRIL COATS *From $19.75 * W EAHERpredictlons -are for, a cold spring-it is wsdlom. now to p*rovd yourself wfth a Spring Coa-nof a witry lken one but a chic, lhght, gay one- young -but not ingenue-wCh ay e. worn wth. a scarf or separateý fur piece. We. have fhem- from $29.50-with Fox .collar from,$49.50-"with -Silver Fox friom $69.50. Polo Coats of qood matrial, ait colors, $1 9.75-$29.75. N. A. HAN NAINC. 952 Spanisb Court Wilmette 467 ROT- WATE iaowt PATRONIZEOUR -ADVERTISERS At the Iast meeting Qf. the unit thle C.. D. A. INITIATION 'following siate of. officers was pre- The junior Catholic Dauzghlters of sented by the nominating cominittee: America wiIl have a joint initiation President. Mrs. J. D., Kinnear; first on May 1, at the Drake hotel. Ail vc-reietMs F .Dwd senior members desirîing to go are second, vice-president, i\rs. Russel requested to cail Miss Catherine jhsn raueMs .B e Wagner,; Wilmhette 1222, Miss Enimia Vinniy; sýecretaryý, Miss Ida Guiider- Feltmfan, Wilmette. 1055, or M rs. son; recording secretary, ML\iss Cula Walter Wood of: Evanstonl. Al ick Election of officers wiil oc- reservations are to be ini bv April cur at.te a- meetng. AUXIL 1 A1 RyPupils of the school contributed tc> LEGION AUIIAYIarelltal interest in the April meeting' (Peier- J. Huerter Post- 669) of the- association bv app'Iearinig in, The meeting of the a uxiliarv wvas ?three numbers. ,I'lie.school orchestra held, at Old Gross Point sLiool fo-uie h ieto fKteiie day, April 11. Thirty-six. meembers were age plaved a Spýirited program of present. :After. the business meeting a Amierican nmusic, a foretaste of what social hour wvas enjoyed. I inYv e expected at, the Spring Coli- cert. One alwas marvels' at tie An old-fashiôned (lance will be lieldileffect achicved Il% these young chiild- aNorth Chicago Mondayv. April .18. 1, 1. înan'y of whiom are novices . M\eibers are asked to 'bring their! thcir instrument.. f riels,. and as mnanv cars-fuit. as pos- Ms oc' oniaceel jSible. Meet at the Ridge Av-enue Pharni . strged pyt rn.writtn àby tW: I ay.chldren. proved -thev are Iearning Mr.and~'Js. . - jrighit food habits, through their school, r.nod ,rW. C.. »uetlle Of 13.1'instruction.' Thèe carrots, beets, ,let- Gre,.odavenue,, hav-e gone oit a tcsinci nd other, vegetables t%%vo nonth É ruise to Los Angeles,- bout the pletefihil sailing'froniNewl York. Mrs. Buethe -boreé "sure enough'" apples. and was Ji11 visit her, mother: and Mr. Buethe mlade doubly attractive by the human, .Will go to a resort. Thev wiIl be a*ay little flowers whichi grew in the shade unltil the end of -May or the first Oi of its branches. J une. The banking, systein, which lias p ro ved of sucli value to -the pupils. wvas emnstrated by upper grade children., Introductory remarks anmd st explanatins as» to how the bank functions -were made. by Robert Smith, bank teller,--and Elise Jane Edge and Theodore Field, wno is also a teller. Billy Knepper and Evelyn * ~ n m .Schiuber are the other edtlrs Ncàw ~~~By the;use of charts addmnta7 ing howý deposits, and withdrawals are rnade, ýthe chidren showed how, r business exper ie nce and, the savi 1ng, instinct are fostered by this 'proje.ct. .tIIll III Mrs. A. W. Dilling, Who spoke on. "Cornmunismù," ýgave her audience miuch food for thouglit in lier short talk. She portrayed life under the Soviet regimeand,.showed hcow the E'U. andi were generousiy applauded. lu 1 L arpet Cleaners Teascaini prcaie.o [NI. 289 iltntte 4110 the associatonris ape cib v . n NI. ~ ~ ýT 1289 Wimtt.'11Vtheff ithontted by cmr.an ;4 Central St., EVANSTON .J V mthadth ike1on .mittele, headed bv' Mrs. Van Invagei., Ito the su1ccessof the show. a~. 11