Put On Dy FaxpetWowkmen Work and, ~:4. Materiala * - :Gua ranteed Admonths of wear to your c * comfortable shoes 1by takinig a vantage of this -modern WieboI service! First quality oak -h2 soles and rul)ber heels used' on« repair work. 69c for both! Work Done While You Wait or Delivered Free to Your Home!. ___ Owen J ones, president ot ra1- Waukee airport, on Milwaukee ave-1 nue soutb of .Wheeling, planned to attend the national air show in Det- roit this week. J. L. ,Moss, Jr., vice- president of. Pal-MWaukee,- also is in Detroit for thé. air show. He. is sta- tindat the. Bellanca- exhibit, since. the airport whicb he represents is a Bellanca distributor. Clif f Condit, Pal-Waukee pilot, left for the air show Saturday witb *William Boyd, sportsman pilot,. in Mr. !Boyd' s ship. Several, other priv- ate1 owniers who keep, their pflanes at Pal-Waukee planned to attend the show. Aniong them was« DeWitt Ald Cregier.- who receni'tlNY brought bis .d- ew cabili'N;Waco to. the Pal-WaukeÇ dt hangar. al Trans-Atiantie Flyer Is Emnployedà at Sky Harbor, Lou Gordon, one of the, five licen- sed mYecbanics emPloYed at Sky Hlar- bor airport, can tellisonme inter-esting tales . about bis f light across the Atlantic ocean witb Anielia Earhart ini Julie, 1928. Mliss Earhart, who is a- icensed pilot, bad the distinction of being the. first womnisuccessfully to cross the Atlantic il! an airpline. Gordon was bier. mecbanic 0!n this ex- ploit. WVilmier Stutz was co-plot. The, trio made a west-to-east cros.sing from iAnier.ica.,to England. MVeboldt's Baisett-EVU)IStOit ra C.A.LIcnsedR RADIO TUBES Ail Fully Guaranteed Sparton Typet, No. 182 anid 183 DRING IN VOUR OLO TUBES AND HAVE THEN, TESTE!P FREE IN.WIEBOLDrS SASEMENT club 'bad increased. to tifttY-our. 'ilne new club, organized recently to nxaltI it possible for the person of average means to learu 'i.to, f y, bas, attracted wide attention iii the Chicago area. Telleplione and mail inquiiries. bave, virtually poured into Sky Harbor air- port and into ,the club's downtown bcadqiiarters. in the ýMerchanldise Mart. .1 BUYS CURTISS FLEDGLING ILieut. jack Snyder of the Naval IReserve corps bas purcbased a Ccir- Itiss Fledgling, which lie keeps at the Curtiss field hangar.-near Glenview. i Snyder's home is in Evanston. thie National uiîrcraft snow whicIi opened in Detroit Saturday niglit. The ptirpose of the trip was to ini- spect new flying equipment for the, use of the club within the next year.. Major Scbroecler was accompanied by H. Haller Murphy,. secretary, of the clulb. lot, Meet on July 10. Sky JIfarbor airport west of Glen- coe will be the scene of the first national air mneet for sportsman and amateur pilots' on Sunday, July, 10, Maj. R., W. 'Scbiroeder, president of the Sky Harbor Flying club, announ- ced this week.- Amateur pilots from .ail parts of the coun try. wiIl be invited to take part in the meet,. detailed plans. for which will be announiced later. Major Schroeder stated thatý the ANviation post of the Americanl Legion wilI cooperate with the Sky Harbor management in staging..the -meet.. The- event is to be- limited strictly to sportsman and amateur pilots. 1The program' will be. arranged, for the entertainment' of the public ra- ther than the pilots,ý Major Schroeder said. Suitable trophies will be awvar- (led to the twinners of the var ious contests. Titrilis for SpectatoIre There will be plenty of excitement for the spectators, according to ten- tative plans wbich have been made for the meet. Contests such as'land- ing io a mark, racing-to a giveni al- titude and back again, a slow ralce from a given altitude to.the grounid,. and an African pursuit, race ill be' included in the program. Asked what an African pursuit race is, Major Schroeder explained it in, this way. The pilot flies around a twol or three-mile circuit, jumps out of bis plane, runs to . the judges' stand, blows up a toy balloon . until it bursts,- runs back t. his plane. and ,àkes the circuit again. A novel feature of the meet %vill bean auto-gyro race. Parachute jiumping also will be incluided, in thie Districet Manager for Curtiss.Company Here E. K. "Rusty" Campbell,, middle- western, manager for the Curtiss- Wright Flyi:ng service, arrivied at- Curtiss f ield, Glenview, last *wek ini bis, Travelair Speedwing, accomn- panied by Walter H. Fergusoni,, Xew