autnorizei Dy the voters at the spe- cial election last December, were opened at the regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday nighf. The board adjourned at midnighf to re- conven eT1imsday night, April 12, af-, ter instructing the sewer and water. commfttee to tabulate the, bids and report ýat thle adjourn.ed meeting. ,So many bids -%ere received that the work of opening and reading them- consumed thre lîours,' f rom 9 to 1 2 o'clock. No -Bidi, où Bonds The Village board also had adver- f ised for bids for purchase of the wvafer revenue bonds through which the building of the, water works is, to bc financed. Teebids were fo be opened at the- regular meeting of the board this week, but not'a single bid for the purchase of the bonds was, received. The %vater plant is toý be built at the foot of Lake aveulue. In order to build it at this location a change in zoning wvas necessary on fwo lots owned by t'he Village which were zoned "residential." In accordance %vith an ordinance passed by the Vil- lage board Tuesday night the lots will bc placcd in' the "A-2 Utilify" zone classification. v.hich provides for mui nicipal uitilities only. HoId Hearing Saturday Th'Iis action wvas taken on recoin- nwi.ndafion of a special zoning -com- mission appoint.ed to- hold a public h e'aring on the niattèr. Myles J. Phillips ivas chairmnan of the. com- mission. an(] the beariîîg Nvas hield at the Village hall 'last Saturday after- nco. Alth.ough objections Were raised to the proposed change by the Wilmiette Park, district and the Shaw- liee Country' club, other proper y. Owners who attended the hearing, BUY WILMETTE HOME> ýThe residence at 1734 Elmwood ave- nute, Wilmette, has. recently been sold lby Mr. and Mrs Edward G. Koza f0 Elnier J. Mortensen. The. Mortensens expect to) occupy thieir nev preunises aVhai. lutne 1. T1he transaction Was. schools and village whicn bis for the 1931 taxes are sent out. Township collector Sanhorni Hale, and County Treasurer Mc- Donougb, this year accepted 1030 *tax anti cipation warrants to the amount ùf:the taxes for the -miu- .nicipality issuing the warrants. The coll ector, cannot, however, accept a school warrant in excess of the school tax or. a Village warrant ini excessý of the village, tax. -He cannot pay out cash, in change or apply, the excess to the state, county, or other tax. To provide, for this our school I'oards, and the; Wilmüet te Village board issue to subscribers some warrants, of' smnall denominations. Should taxes be reduced, as niany small warrants as rnay be in excess of the. school or village tax, may be retainied, and the balancé ýapplied uponf payment ocf taxes. Such *warrants- as are retaîiedinxay.,be, c'ashied when the collection of the 1931 tax. is miade. Only 75 percent Of the aincunt of the levy for the year r,îay be issuled in warrants. T11ese inust be paid out of the first /75 percent of the taxes collected. Whatever is collected over. 75 percent goes té pay expenses of the tax hodv. By taking tax warrants the ta\- pa yer simply laya aside monev' to apply on his taxes, receiving 6 percent on the monev 'nhile in- vested. At the saine finie. the buyer is aiding his local govern- nients to continue operating. If is a case now of the people meeting a condit ion brougbt about by' delayed collection of the 1931 fax. The taxpayer must noi fail to understand that the situation soý far as the schools and the village are concerned,,is critical and the nleed great. 1BACK "FROM MOTOR TOUR Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, 835 Green-. Wood avenue, and M.\r. and 'N1r s. Hen- rv Hall of 500 Central avenue, hiave returned f roin a iflotor tour to Virgi- nia and Washington, D. C. The:,; visited their ,dauighter, Phyllis Fuer- tii / u cIUUk in the evening. Walter H. Andersen and DeWitt Stiliman, whose ternis as members of the joseph Sears school board expire tiis spring, have been nominated for reelection by a citizens'> committe composed of Walter A. Knoüop, chair- man, -George I. Bell and J. Wilson McAllister. On the Joseph Sears school board besides Mr. Andersen and IMr..S tilI- mari are. J. A. Pefersen, president, Harry W~eese,- Mrs. John L.: Wilds, Miss Barbara Erwiný and Herbert Taylor. Thc members serve three- year ternis. School District 40 in, Ballot Saturday Vofers of School District No. 40, comprising the larea west of Ridge road the Highcrest school, will elect a presidenit and two mem- bers to. their board of education at the annual election Saturday of this week. The old Standard school on \Vil- mette avenue a short distance west of Ridge road will be the polling placle. The polis %will be open fromn 1 tô b o'clock in the afternoon. M\embers of the District 40 school board whose ternis expire this spring are John J. Bleser, president, joseph Schneider and joseph Reagan. Al excépt ,\r. Schneider are -candidates for reelection. Gus Kroschel also is a candidate for elcctiosa f0 the board. Present mnembers of the board be- sides the three already mentioned' arc Eclward Meier, Peter Carlson, A. \N. M\cDermot and John Fischer. Glenn Tanson is secretary of the board. VACATION NEXT WEEK Next week .\Vilmette public school pupils will: haveé their 'annual spring vacation. Classes ivill be resumed Monday; April 18. The Joseph Sears school puPils in Keinilwocrth will beI on vacationl at thie,.sanie finie. precinct rotais as follows: Precinct 1, $138.30; ý,Precinct 2,, $35.50;. Precinct 3, $4920; Precinct 4; $29.70; Precinct 5, $17.12;. Precinct 6, $25.98; Precinct* 7, $34.44; Precinct 8,, $20.17; Precinet 9, $2034; Precinct 10i $22,26; Precinct 11, $9.97; Precinct 12. $2.27. Precinct 1 large margin, which is due. to the fact that one. sym- pathetic and interested resident gave a donation of $100. It should explained that only part of Precinct Il is being canvassed in this project, and also only the Indian Hill Estates section of Precinct 12. D.âme Preuut The "Pioneer Meal"ý fund Wilmette captains and the limits of their pre- cincts (whièh are almnost identcal with the voting precincts) are as fol- lows: Precinef 1, frorn the west side of Tw-elfth street to the North West- ern 'railroad and. from the Village hall to the north limits of the village, witb Mrs~. J. C. Blaylock as captain; Precinct 2, f rom the west s ide of Tenth street. to the west. side of Twelfth street and froni the north side of Greenteaf avenue to the north limits of the village, with Mrs. Albert Hall as captain; Precinct 3, from the east side of Ténth street to the lake, and from the north side of Forest avenue fo the north limits of the vil- lage, with Mrs. J. P. O'Connor as captain; Precinct 4, from the north sicle of Central avenue to the south side of Forest avenue,'and from Tenth street to the lake, wifh Mrs. Paul L. R~oche as captain; Precinct 5, from the, south limits of the village fo the norf h si<le of Central avenue and from the .east side cQf fifth street fo the lake, wi h, Mrs. F. D. Shane as i captain, in conjuncf ion wifli Miss Helen Fridmnan, Who is in charge of th at part of Percinct 5 bounded: by the south limits of the village. the canal and the lake, Precinct 6, -rom fhe west side of Fifth street fo the. Legion, wisnes tw eall w rte at- tention of the people of \Vilmefte thaf as an organization the Post does flot sponsor anv parfy or candidate, for any political office. -George E. Leal, Commander. in formation to assist voters in mu-,- ing an analysis of candidates' quali- fications and attitude concerniing Vital -questions of village-wide im- port. Cali Wilmette 4300 ASK FOR AD-TAKER, thatpart of, Precinct 12 oeîng- van- vassed, with Mrs H. W. Drucker as captaunt, assisted by Boy- Scouts. p