Unique Charity Exhibit to Public Apr. 14 "Oh, Boy! Why see Europe ?" -the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Cath- olic club of Wilmette. commences, an anniouncemeint. ' Thursday, April' 14, at 7. o'clock, at the Woman's club, Greenleaf avýenue and Tenth street, the Juniors of> the Woman's Catbolic -club of, Wihnette will present1 a 'Tour Througb Everyland,',%vith refreshments en route. A' nominal charge. will take one on. a round trip for the cause of charity,OhBo. ",Lts start-the tour," the announce-, ment read, "with the good old U. S. A. America's heart is in ber home, o0f c ourse, *.so a very modemn kitchen will be spplied: by Millen Hardware's store, W~of-Grjftjs Hardware company and Dannemark's. * "From, here witb a jump across the ocean to Englaind, we find that country îpn ail its loveliness with an o'ld-fash-. * onedl garden'supplied by John Weiland, with ail of the rustic furniture and' al garden equipment furtiished by the Mer-. cer Lumber companiy wbich is also rep resening Japan in the exhibit witb the latest, ping-pong .'tables, and, wbich is also.constructing ail the bootbs., "Froni England to France with just a dash of naughty Paree' by the Asta Marie shop sboiving lingerie. "Italy, the land of supremne art; is to bc represented by Jane Johnson, with. hem new pastel sketches and silhouettes.N The Balkan states. are being. presented hb, the. 5fbnn and Savefanitd.hinuhich ",pain, the ]and of glamour, ro- mance, and music, finds itself :repre- sented by the Wilmette Music shop.. Holland is appropriately portrayed by the Dutcb Mill Candy sbop. Scandinavia will be brougbt into the home by the Cellini sbop, and India, land of allure,' wilL unveil tbe future tbrougb its mys- terious daughter, Madame Zombie. "The Normandy tea room is coopera- ting witb the juniors in supplying cof- fee and cake to all travelers. "Back home to the first daughters of America and we find Pr-itcess -Tsianina Siiilit EUlnns, awarded the Circle cliii, prize, is oîreof the Jaidsca/pee Jby Edwvard T. Grigware of Oak I->rk, a collection of whose paint-. Ings are on exhibition at flice Wil- incite Woinan's club. Tite exhiibition is open to, the public S,înday af fer- committee in charge, and Mrs. Orr, 225 Wcdbineiavenue, 'Wimette, is icharge of information concerning the. artist and his exhibition, which is sponsored by the art department of the Woman'$' club 'of Wilrmette. >looii, April ,10, fronti 3init l 6in Evening Garden Club to the afternoon.- See Flower, Arrangement An.art critic in a pre-view of the: r.ShlerMcoad daughiter collection saYs this of the artist : Ms chle.-coa ."It .is witb deligbt the followers of of. the well-knio\N, Chicago florist Mr. Grigware's work notice, with each known to- the public as "Schiller the. ilew~ exhibition, an iniproved mnastery, Florist ', will speak before the Even- lài tèiiili 2dmlr ing Garden Club of Wilmiette Tuesday, deal wîth. street, scenies in that quaint oli French town have a quality to them not unlike that of the early master- A numnber of paintings and sketches vere made north of the. city of Quebec, in, the primeval forest along the> Mont- mnorency. river. The' artist bas been- sucessulin getting purity of :air and f reshnesg of color which make these canvases a delighit to the bebolder. Other paintings of his to be seen are those f romn Florida and Wisconsin. Donald is considered an autliority on this subject in this part of the country. Shie will demonstrate withi flowers both their prôper and ùnproper arrange- ment, and will explain the different points as she bas learned themn. She will also give her ideas on flowver ar- rangement f or table, decorations. Also on, thé program of the evening wiil be articles read bv Charles D. Ew- er on "Magnolia Gardens", and by Wil- fred Gillies on "Wh'Iite-House Gar-' dens." of Womian's, Clubs The Federation of Clubs of the Tenth Congressional' district w111l mleet with the Waulkegan Woman's club ini the' Masonic temple on Sheri- (]an road in Wauikegan, .Tuesda:%.. "April 12., The district wvill hold its annual- meeting at this timie, wvitli Mr.s. Ivor jeffreys, 'of Glencoe, pres1- (lent, presiding. Thei morning, session wvill1 be given o ver to, a board 'meeting, at 9 :30 o'clock, at vhich the April copies 01 the Toke of ilhe Tenth District. wvhichi Mrs-. Walter Core Mitchell of Wilmette edits, .will. bel distribui.cd amnong the clubs. of the .district. At 10 o'clock, the district meeting will. opeii with the foIlowvingý pro- grain "*Aiierica," singing led b)y Mrs. XVillia .Pgtstte and district 1mù'sýic chairmaàn. Salute and Pledge of Allegiaiice to. the Fiag, led by Mrs. William F. Farrell, chaimnian of Amierican clii- Collct for-Club Wom en, Greet-, inf-s, by Mrs. A. P. Haigh, president_ of the hostess club., Response by Mrs. je ff reys, district president. Report of officers, routine busiines.s., report of the nominating comnittec of whicb. Mrs., Walter C., Hughes. president of the Woman's Library club of Glencoe is chairnian; 10our minute reports by district chair)enl, roll cal], election of olicers froxin 12:30 to 1:30, wîth adjournmnetit ior luncheon at 12:30 o'clock * Thie afternoon: session is called from 1 :30 o'clock, Nvith Mrs. Mary A.' WVall, president of the state.federa- tion, the guest of, honior. Mrs. Wil- liam J. P iggott will ljeadthe saiging A" selection entitled. "The. Sinig- ers,". by Longfellow- Bomnscbei i, vill havýe as soloists, Jessie E. Conzel- mani and Leota Dickinson,. and thie ,Waukegan Womian's Club choruis, uinder the direction of Mrs. M. Il. residence of Mrs. Chiarles R. iErwin, 615 Warwick road, Kenilworth. The speaker wiIl be ,Mrs. Mary Béimfobr, ber subject, "Outstanding Spring Books!" Oa<k'Parkc Art league; -I'Ji-M uficipai Art league prize, Art institute, as well as cash prizes at various times f rom the Chicago galleries' ,Mrs. Carey Orr. Mrs. Walter Clârk,ý and Mr.Èarry Hooker compose the .ý1ay a ut1 sTi, l)ii i-, 5ifl Lin nonthly mneeting of the Babies Friend- Ex-Service Group- to Meet, ly. This is a philantbropic society 1The ex-service meni's committee of formied under the leadership of women the Wotnan's club of Wilmette will of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher meet at the homie of Mrs. Lawrence association thirteen years ago, to re- James, 701 W'ashington avenue, Mon-* placethe .Red Cross work, in wbich the day4, April 11), for an ail-day meeting. women er active during, the war. i