Attrctive dre5ses with distnctve style 'ouches in sma;t gay prints. Styles thàt in- Jicate a rn.uch higher P'rice:. VERY SPECIAL eCostume- Slips. Ail silk crepe, lace trim, bias cul-an unusual value. i Worthmore .Special No. 4. CARTER BELTS Li-u uo- These bouts are wde, front andi back,, four hoesupporters. Each..... 3/2. inches 39c ai this pr e. Be Gay,. Dress Up Your Home o With the New Patterns Ini Cretonne Men'sBroadloth SHIRTS In a ne.w weave of fabric. calIed SLUBS On sale +bis week Made with, coiIar oalfaed, lso plain white broadciath shirts et ýthe somne Price. 'kV selling for 25 C yard Ailthe' new Spring'coloôrings. Fi let Panel Curtains II II~ lit 'Il" 11111 In nfouir designs, plain center with border or plain ail over as desired. These are unusual vialues af, pair$ For Dressmakingj Use Butterick Patterns ictorial Pat terns 5 5c Ail the nIÎw Spring pot.+. tons and colors. itv_ q W _j A w A.-. Dept. Store-I1146-48 Wilmette Ave., Phone Wjl. 588-589 Men's Store- 1152 Wilmette Ave., Phone Wilmette 2655 $.95 eLc 4 . .....................