Fri-y -A -111.- --. - --6 - irbtaning : .tx'ere'ore 1. hate every A picked five-man teamn f rom Evans- f aise tay e ctatis 19:89 104) ton High school, consisted of John iAmonge the citaonsr wc coh- Swaim, Francis Spencer, Bob .McKin- 1ptid thfon-shero Bi ase -For leCharles Frankiu and George Mest-foown frm th Bie: Fr ley, though' there be that are cailed gods,, ofNwTirjig shoBl odan, met the champion ping pongers' hether in heaven or, in earth, (as Dick ..Joslin. TFomn Sinding,., Gordon there be gods many, and lords many,) But t o us there is, but one God, .tliç' Ray, and Grant Ehrlich, in a series of Father, of whom, are ail! things, and twenty--five matches in - vhich. each Ev; nhm"( o. :5 ) anston playcr, played, each. New Trier Telso-emwàs cie player once., Thle New Trrier players Telsonsr nasoicud ~vee vctrios b avirue f innngthe following passages from. the1 18 -matches and losing 7. Gordon RayCriia Sceetetok ceic ni e~vTrir ithfiv wns as heand Health with Key' to the,ý onf Newayer surv iv wiout a d et . turcs," by Mary .Baker Eddy: -Lood Bill Cond'Y. the Wilmette wonder boy,cnotrsi nei.A(odHiel wonfou bu lot oe mtchto obs good anid is, Spirit, goodness and won ourbut ostonematc toBobspirîtuality> inust be immortal. Their McKileyof Eanson.opposites, cvii and, matter, are Mor- Dr. Ke.nnedy,, athletic director at E v-, tai error, .and error lias no tcreàtlr" anston High school, and 'W. L. Childs, P'2?) athletic director at New Trrier, ex--,_________ pressedf gratification ,over .the. outcome: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES of the contest .and theecnthusiastic in- teet of the spectators. Mrlt. Chiids: "Are Sin, Disease, and. Deathi1 intimated that an attempt might ýbeRel"wibete ubetath made to introduce the new: sport in services in First Church. of Christ- the Suburban league as a part of the IScientist, in \Viliette, Sundiay miorii- inter-scljool competition. -.Iing, April 10, at11 o'clock, Sunday school convenes at 9 :45 o'.ciock. Lo aC in ompt'ngNeStar Mý' r. and Mrs, Honer E. Robertson to ompte n N w Y rkare. returning to tlieir, home. at 9 ;ix members of the Chicago Inter- Warwick avenue,- Winnctka, tlîis, fratrnit clu) Pig Pog tem a e wekfter an absence di abouit three 'leaving for New ýYork April 13 to coml- weeks in Florida. They took the boat pete Ili the second annual national Ping from Miam-i to N"ew% York and are* Pong chatnipioîoiship to be ,played April mnotoring homie from the east.. 15 and 10 in the Grand Ballroomi of ____________________ the lie\% Waldorf Astoria hotel. No less thanl four miembers of this chamn- pionship team make tiieir homes, along . . the nortlî shore. Te are Colenman Clark of Glétncoe, western champion f.or 1931 and 1932; Robert E. Clark of Highland- Park, Chicago doubles champion witli ,bis brother Coleman; D. A. Kittermaster, Highland Park champion, and, Georgé Littell of Ev-, aîlstunl. It i's also likeiy thiat'Bob Robinson,] ace of -the Wilmfette team, and Ray 1 AnithioniyWiiiinetka champion, . vih nuake the pilgrimage. Thisstrong con- Always in tune with the tingent, whichi testifies to the serious-, times The Beimont offers, iness with w~hich the game is taken by nightly, a special dinner at devotees in the. north shore suburbs, a new iow price--$ 1.25 is bound. to mak-e an impi-essive show-. -whic.i mn .itrno itu sMonEm aelà&.4amrSmwr4 LuLaU Throuigh IT RORAAK by hB-al md River Stéanerý Take the Yukon River Circle Tour of Alaska thii Summer. Into the Interiorvi The Alaska Railroad- wher yo'ilsecgrandeur of srag-- gering dimensions- glaciers -lflow- ers frained by mounitains of snow; mighty cataracts; lakes of ineffable beauty. You'Il take a comfortable river steamer into the weird, wild beauty of liutle-known Alaska. You'Il sai1 the famous Yukon, and. visit Mc. McKinley National. Park. You'II pan. through "FiveFînger Rapids, 9a thril to be known just once. in. a lifeutme. Going and returning, youil sail the. famnous Inside Passage cf the Alaskca Çoast, viewing the vasr znoving pan- brama 'of the, -wildtst and loveliese coastlinein. the% woril& Send for dcsçiptive, map-foider, giv- ing information cf the Yukon River Circie Tour sud several Interior Alaska ttnp. 'The , 'U.S. Départnt of ph. huerior (Ut..Mcgintey Parke Rou te) <o) Â i PACKING -STORAGE RUG CLEANING., Ini addition to our staff of caret uily trained minute flaws in .their high priced mo- tors. Leaders of competition on the west coast are also preparing to "pull stakes" for the eastern campaign and wili ar- rive at Roby in . ime for the Chicago premniere. Sherdan Road at. Bei Harbor Biffrsweet 2 100 ST09AGE 521 Main St., Wihnette 15 MAinutes from the Loo' Phone WiL 32