Mr.'Advertiser I'LL. BET MY WOOLLY LAMB YODNT KNOýW THE. FACTSý "I'ni going to be f rank. Regardless of niy youth and inexperience in merchandising and advertising. 1 believe 1 can tell you a thing or two about the communities in, which the stork left some of us. "To begin with they are beautiful suburban commnunities, with their own shops, stores' and governments. Our mothers and fathers onhomes, with big yards and lots of trees and birds, and sand-piies for us to play in., We'Ire flot like Chicago babies whose parentsf *m~ust watch them every minute to keep themn froua falling out of some eighteenth story apartment. We live in a babies' paradise! "0f course we have certain advantages. it in the publications they always, read. tilu our communities there are eight dom- inant home papers. . . ail members of the Chicago Suburban Quality< Group. Thcy've been ini our homes for years. Why, I've seen them read and re-read many times. They stay in ' the magazine. racks for a long time because 'Uncle Jim's picture is on page 42. o r the account of, mother's club'meeting is on page 19. 'So each time they!re e-reid your message might just as. welI a; not be seen. "6Metropolitan dailies which clutter up a room are glanced at and then thrown away. And we can tear up the dailies, but these OAK LEAVES GLENCOE Ni HIGHLAND PARK EWS WILMETTE PRESS MAYWOOD HERALD LAKE FORESTE1R LIFE WINNETKA TALK EVANSTON REVIEW