Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1932, p. 8

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WINNETKIA m0 El.. Street HUBBARtD WOODS l1EiI/% Là"daAv. WOre Eating.As Well As Eoer YÉES, ou i bcorne is lower now, 11k. nmamythers, but it a wmt umake much differeiice. R hppB rou fdtat00&a $ttas gooda a table as ever on 1 mo.-Y bya i MY Ida tte .Palce market. WEEK-END SEIL Lgof Lm spring Lamb ~.1.average lb.22e P.rk Loin Wb<ile lb Il5o ,Smoked,,Hams, ýWhole StewigChicékens FWIesh Drex8ed ILb.25e Joues' Sausage Menat, 1lb. 2Sc -1 Hemng Freati Miss Joue. Tri ggs of Witllette is a member, of thse ,<ast for "Re- bound," the. witty' alid ,poignant w minnetka to tl ýorner of Elm ai jThe robbery took place in f ront &f Ithe shanty just west of the Chicago aiid I North Vestern railway tracks. on the Inorth side of Elm street. Herrrnalnn had alighted f rom a North Shore Uine f romi the loop a fter obtainàing tbç nionev and bonds at the. Continental Illinois Bank and Tlrust, company. He %ývas carry ing a satchel containing the mnoney and bonds. One. of the robb ers struck him on the nose and knocked himn down-,. Grabbing the satchel the trio, helieved to be Italians, jumiped, into a, new hblack sedan without license plates. sped sôumh on Center street and escaped. Herrnn, who is the father of AI- fred D. Herrmann, vice-presidenit, of the Winnetka Trust and Savinigs bank, 11ives at' 1064 ElIm street, Winnetka. He !*i stili suffering. from shock and f rom huisýes sustained ýwhen he was assaulted coppeav by oy iJOlOgdeiz Steupart, DY one vor the rrvuucrs.- vh ich -the- Shanee PlaYers ar re- senî.inq ai the club Friday and i Juanita Raventos to Saturday etceing., April 22 and 23, as the clini.r of this<r seaýoei. Wed Thtis A fternoon The mnarriage of Miss Juanita Ra- In the cast Nvith Miss Triggs are Mrs. rentos. of, Wilmette -and William George Sando an-d Richard HoweIl, lni Brooks Smit.h. will take place this the leading roles of Sara and Bill, afternoon (April 7), at 4 o'clock, at respectively, and M.\rs. Roland Feltman, the home 'of the bride's parent, NIr. George Brewer, John Thornburn, Nel- and Mrs. E. A.,Raventos, 426 Centr;.l won Wettling, Miss Myrie Torcom, I avenue. The ceremony will be per. Allan Lee, and Mrs. George Brewer. i formed by the Rev. Hienry Hepbuiri A synopsis of the play which has had !of the Buena Memorial Presbyteriaix both professional and motion picture church and wiIl be followed by a ON PROGRAM AT DANCE Ami Tourtellot of WVilmette and Betty Ston.e of Winnietka, tap danic' ers, wilI give incidentai numbers dur- ing the dance the Stewart club of St. Luke's church-is giving Saturday eveniîn.. April 9, at. the ýNorth Shore hotel.. Mrs.- Cal W. Stremmel. of 315 Eissex road, Kenil%,orth, isS n, charge of tickets, for the affair which is open to north shore residents. The bride will have as her attc n- dants her sister, Miss Jeslyn Raven- tos, and Miss Edith Tideman of W\il- ,.mette. "Servingý the groom as he'ýt fman 'will be Paul Sandigreni, .Who t1 attetiding, NoÇrthwestern universitv., A ter a wedding journey Mr. ýSnith and, his. bride will réside. on lEstes avenue, Rogers Park. The groom's parents, Mr and Nirs. William Smith, of ot ' nsej Ohio, will attend, the marriage ()i ftheir son. A son, John DudIey Philiips, %%,a.- borni on March 15, at the Evanston hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Williami 105 N. WABASH AVE. 1645 ST. 78 E. JACK$ON BLVD. EVANSTON WILMETr 1145 Wihuft. AV& Plo: 2314-731 Iocated at Bacon 3 Lb:.5901 Il' ý 1 " ri,

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