Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1932, p. 5

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of naing thle collections, <due to the Ihave sho0 adverse weather conditions. Includ- Baba'i hci ing last week's $126 the total amount to this sta, which \Vilmnette bas given to the fromn near fund is $736.76, being the collections groups fre of the first four weeks of this cam- inin flone paign. 'The project, will continue for tei %weeks, or through April and the first.,eek iin May. The last collection 1 1vill lie made. Monday, .May 9. s l'lie Boy Scouts of, Wilmette are verv generously helping to make the collections in this village. The Scouts Sprin doing this are Hall Clark, assisting MNrs. J. C. Blaylock iin Precinct 1; wo jack Jacobi.Va McQuide and How- her. ard Mloulding, hielpinig Mrs. Albert andi Hall ini Precinct 2. Billy Crawford, Iidward Hess,.Boôb Kreusch aid. Law- rence Tracey, assisting Mrs. Paul Roche iin Precinct 4;' Arthur Flood WelI anîd Harold Hluebner. helping Nirs. Very F.ý D. Slîane in Precinct fý; Herbert Mlever and .Raymiond Patterson, as- isti ng rs,. R. D. Oilarin Precilict 8, James Anderson and Dick Curry, helping MNrs. A. Sunidiof in. Precinct 9: J ack.and Frank Randail and Don- The, ald, 'and Lionel Toeppen, assisting, cleaner MNs. R. \V. Drucker in Indian Hill Est ate s This project. as ever'on.ie should Lkîww -,% îow%, is te serve, one Pio- MO nieer NI cal" a week and to contribute: the. differcrnce iin the-cost of this meal P and- the tisual rneal'to the "Pioneer Nical" iund which nxoney isused onily for food to 4ie given to, the nearly haif. million people in -Cook couIIty 'l'lie contributions to tilis -funld do inot have to be large: the. envelopes c0llected coiitain amnounts froni ten cents to two or thiree dollars. Utider tie.se circumnstances every. fanily in WIimette cotild share in this project. I f..,Iiowev-er. only thrt equarters of the homiles jn \Wilinette contributed, the ainotint froin XVlnette would inale On al. a much more creditable showing hii total coniparison \vith ainouiîts froi othierjet utrbs. Nitaiiîv housevives hae igtired jôl) it tlir saviigs for the ten weeks and senit in the total' amount. Checks s1heutld ie. made out N\Vomien.'s Divis- io.joint Eniierýgeicy, Relief funid, atnd sent to the W 1!fmette chairînani, -\ls Betty Shapker, 823 Central ave- nent, "are universit women's PRING in the HOME ig cleaning, at* itsm best, is no small task. The, modern rian employs the neset houselaigblst i To accornl)ish the. task in. the newest, ,. qt ickest mnostpleasant mra- coiistilt MILLEN'S BROOM made to give service. speciallv priced. 49c NUDEX- popular and efficient rug r. Large Cali. 40c SAMOLINE Cleans ail painted aind'enameled surfaces. Quart size. 79C DUST KNIT ,ofter than cheese cloth for Polishing and d4isting, 5 yards. 1 9C pS -BROOMS> - PAILS -CARPET SWEEPERS AINT CLEANERS - FURNITURE POLISHES WALL PAPER CLEANERS 46 . ROLLER SAE "Chicago" the best skate made. ,Spécial at. Theê'beat PA INT 1. flot too Good for you ii-paint Jolb the inaterial-even When yO tn use the best-is buît a smnall 1) art of the 1 ost. Reeinl>ier! Paint.quahitv econil es evident on~ fer i is applied anid'sub- ýd t> a, long period 01 exposure. We. k nuW Von lviii have ~tradmrelast-tng if vou use -PRATT& LAMBERT PRODUCTS- NO.W Ned Kellev. son , f\Ir. and Mrs. Edward F. KeIley, 1100 EIinwood ave- nute. is home for the spring hiotidays froua Notre Dame. Good pailits are LOW iIic Laborl is plentifiil. Is the ideal timie fori- inside and( OtUt-si1e painting. ages. Trhe article was not sub- îitted by the Iniprovement asso- ciation, which, however, bas tak- en the initiative in the movenient to retain the natural, béauty of. tfie Hubbard 1H11 and , Ravine. WilmtteLii e regrets the. error. Planting timeie 1,here and we are ini a position to give you expert gar- dening serv- ice now. 1219.Wl .1Phone i A17A '"O SKATES.

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