Saturday Natimee Pruces tu 8:09 p.. Admits, 83h; CIdidrem AIwayç le Doors Open i :3o Show Strsu at ï P. i Continuons TONIGHT. FRIDAY SATURDAY, MAR. 31, APR. 1-2-TWIN FEATURES "CHARUE CHAN'S919CHANCEa" WARNRER OLAND. Startî Toulgbtami Fr1. ut,1:11; e10:10 Starts sat. at 2.06; 74:5 ; 148U 1:5 SLIM: SUMMERVILLE amu ZASU PITS 8tarts Tounlght sud Fr1. uas 8:5 "6Trader Horn"-DogvrlIe Comedy ...Strauge As It Seis Traikartoon...News SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 34-5-TlWINFEATURES WALLACE BEERY and CLARK GABLE starts Sun. at 8.3#; 7:08; 10:.40 Startta Mois. and Tues. ut 8.31 RUDDY ROGERS and FRANCES DEE Startq n ut 2I :0I4; S9:09 "minule the iloober"-Cab Callway .. . Sereen Souvenirs .. eW S WEDNESDAY AND THtJRSDAY, APRIL. 6-7-TWIN FEATURES HRATCHEB MN JEDWARD G.R4BINSON Starts at 1i LIONEL ATWELL ani andi LOREITA, YOUNG Divers" and "Ladies of the jury," will thrill and entertain for the Var- sity theater's double feature programi on~ Thrsda, Friday and Saturday, March 31, April 1 and 2. The cotilbination of Wallace Beery. -Clark Gable, and the' United States Naval Air forces produces.liowerful draina in the aviatin film, " 4Hel Divers."' Beery and Gable, are great as iriei.idiv. enemies, 'and the. sacri- fice 'of. one man for his pal iwill get Vou.. A -chuckle or a roar i:every line e-that,'s what% "Ladies of the jury" will havýe. for the audience. Edna MLay ýOliver, Roscoe Ates. and, Rob- crt McWade h ead a perfect cast. Friday.matinees, ýheld after school,> are: attracting fmany children t thie Varsity theater. Rin-Tin-Tin, heroi of the -serial,, "T:,* Lightning War- rior," is One of the reasons, "Rinty" also stars on Saturday afternoons. Oli Monday, Tuesday. anîd Wed- nesday, April 4-6, the double.,feature program wiloffer. A XVomaw Com- mands" andJ 'fomorrow ,and To-t mlorrow." Pola Negri, Basil Ratb-t borie, and Roland Young give fine characterizations in "A Wornan s Coiinmiands." Robert Aines, in "To- inorrow and Tomnorrow," his finat picture, gives the 'best m-ork of his, long career. Ruthî Chatterton and Paul Lukas are superb. RUNS MILES AND MILES Joe E. Brown has it figured out that lie ran more than a hundred miles dur-E ing tfie making of bis 'new coniedy, fd "Local ' Boy Makes Good," the attrac-a tion aitÉte Wilmette theater Eriday t and Saturday, April .1 and 2, f COMMUNITYt HlOUSEc OD1e Block North Wihnetka Sta. i FRIDAY andi SATURDAY April 1-2 ai Acres of parking space and .oodles oif great films are off ered by the- beautiful Teatro del Lago, the place for perfect entertainmeut. Not~i only are double feature pro-, grisshown every day this week,- but there *i11 be short subjects tha t lend a spice .aIl of their, own. On Thursday, Friday, an .d Satur- dav, March 31. April .i and 2, the two feature filins will be "*Clarlie C'han's Chance" %and "The Unex- pected Father." Charlie Chan, portrayed *by XVar- lier Ojand as-a suave and iWit.ty orie:î- ial sleuth, is called upon to- solve the Inost baffling mystery of his whôle ceareerý in "Charlie Chian's. Chance.", The setting is New Y'ork City: there's a death, in a penthouse. Mlurder or accident If a murder, wlîo did it? Yes, who' Evervone %vill enjoy the keen wit and. insight. of Clharlie Chan as lie.penetrates the mnysterv:. Here's SIim Sumnierville, "The UnexpectIed Father"? is-a scin- tillating comedy of a millionaire- bachielor, a bab)%. and a nurse. *SIim Sumniierv-ille, and Zs Pitts are thie stars. Ou Suîidav3, Monday, and Tuesdav, April 3-5, the, Teatro presents -HelII Divers" and -~This Reckless Age." One hundred and eighty* naval air- planes, in, perfect formation, diving and looping in seusational evolutions -this is one of the imany thrills in., "Hell Di)vers," co-starring \Vallac 'e Beery and Clark Gable. The story deals wvith the rivalry betwveen BeerY,. as a navy vete ran, and Gable, a new type of sailor, and typifies th, con- dict between old and new ideas ini naval operations. * *Thiis ýReckless Age" is a storv oif îeadstronig .youth in. contiict- 'for a vý,hile, at leastý-with the ý,older ýen-. ,rto.The brilliant icast' includes. Çharlie Ruggles, ýCharles "Buddy" Rogers., Fra:îces Dee, Pegfy 'Shainoni, and Richard Bennett Two Featurea to ThraiI *The Hatchet, Man". and i le Si- let ý\'Iiess" i.are the Teatro filmis Ve.dnesday and Thursday, A\pril 6 and 7. .....Eua nestai Herbert.La»gBi PAST" . ....Constanee Bennett& Bien Lions ?BESS" ... ..... Mrleue Dietrieb& Cilive Brook vî*uws,l * **Walter Husifma à Kent fDouglas SoImtOubu ..... ...... Marau Davies & Clark Gable LLEIt" -..George O'Brien àh Victer NeLaglen Performa nces at 2:30; 4; l:à Opera Age,' to be shown at the Teatro del Lago on, Sunday, eMonday, andi Tues- day, April 3-5. GREAT 4.AUGH TEAM Edua May Oliver and Roscoe Ates ?$c will be seen in the comeédy, "Ladies of ,j,ýý-the Jury," at the.Teatro del Lago on. Friday ànd Saturday, AprIl 8 sud 9. i