mate ~PadiaorGùnir Smnart new radiator furiniture from the l Trico Shops4. Hand- pited mo match ypur finest:pieces. It beautifies the room and elimninates radiator smudge. Saves halfypur cleaniïng and réec- orating expense every year. Send pour name and addressý (be-. léow) for a bookiet of the, new Trrico desi'n-Îhetnts Ensy Terms . igns-wthetiats.> ,,.N rt'hsho em.TàlknOpea'nhiinings. 742 -EIm Streef, 712 Church Sti. 380 C.n*fraI Av. Wi7iuetk. 3471 EYOpnsfon LqighlandrPrk .31 Winnotka Phone Uni. 3474 Highland Park I~ig~agj SVICE N E V ER1 CLOSED CAR serves to showin aetail the elements which make u p the total rate for Village government, including general corporate purposes. garbage disposai, bonds and, interest and other. items, f Or which, the state'law permiits a spe- cial levy to be made. The t aN. levy for t he several pur- posecs shown is flot the amount askecl I1urpose .niount. Rate*., Gener-al Corporate ..$122,500 -.4622. Gfarbage Disposýai ... 5,440 .0205 Bonde and, Interest .. 14,520 .0447 Public I3enefits ....... 20,980 .0790 Llbrarv......... ..... 24,200 .0912 Police Peueioîws 1,985 .0150, Pire Pen-;1%7ns ... ......3,825 .0144 Pin ygromds........... Library Site,. Tkotal Levy and. Rate $19 6,512 .400. *Percent of As.csssed Valuation. IDANCE FOR. YOUNG SIET The Kenilworth club, bas'et cards announicing a Koùng people*s: dance Saturday evening. April- 9, from. 9 until J12, with Mrs. Clyde P, Ross as hostess. Music for da- C ing will be provided .by Marshall Iing -and his orchestra- -Mrs. Elmer T. Selby oëf Winneitka, formerly of WVilmette, is. staying with lier son anid daugbter-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam S. Selby of 2111 XiI- mette avenue, wbile ber husband is iii the St. Francis hospital recoveririg from an operation undergone Monday morning of this week. Miss Patsv Boylstonl, 220 BroadwýNayý avenue,' a student at WVellesley college, is sailing on Satin-day f rom New York with friends for Bermuda, to begoue for twvo weeks,.during the spring vaca- tion. -O-IMiss Miss Catherine Moore has, returnéed aeue from Detroit to spend.her spring va- -eek ufr, cation %vithe her- parents, Dr. and Mrs, main uli Edward , F. Moore, 606 Greenleaf aveý- Mr. ail( nue. was uest of Miss Melvin Byron Nyltîdiwsgu ,o 'Genczo honor at a six o'clock dinner WVednes- frîenr1â jby any Village is 1less Ithan the statu- 1 tory limitation the County clerk adds 5 percent to cover loss in collection, fees, etc., and this is included ini the 1 rate and lu the amouints shom-n. The accompanying figures serve to show"% an interesting comparisoù of, the amiounts levied-,for Ppeilir poses in1 the several -eillages. suicli as garbagé disposaI, public beniefit.s 1- brarv, pensions and playgrounds. Wilmette Glenc Amùount Rate*,Amlount $174,200 .6666 si116.'600 2 5,700 .0984 17,480 17,850 .0683 27,100, 25j180 .0964 17,480 M6760 .0642- 20:980 1,230 -.0047 ... 1,230 .0047 ... 12,550 .0481.... $276,743 1.060 $C06,23,5 tRate* z."6666 .1000 .1552 .1200' Amnounit R1iU.* $48,380 .666(; 10,200, .140.-, 5.940 pu .0382 1.150 $ 71,110 .95ta0 j Public Forum I March 25, 1932 ,Editor, ~I.ET IE In the issue Of WI L i EM'ELim~ dated March. 17 an article appeared in Which: it wvas stated 'that ýthe insurance on the Vista del, Lago club. had'been cancelled. '1'his. is incorrect and the. statement. i.s detrimental to the welfare of the club. wVc .woul a ppreciate it if you wvil1 sec that this is corrected in yýouir îext issue. Very truly yours, John C. Marshall, jPresident. ]E'ditotî"s note: The statement referred (o wtîS continied in a communication r'ead ;It i meeting of tile Vlete~il- lage board Tuesýday eve.ning, %Iarëh i5. 1F.llen K a t 7z of 515 Cenîtral returniecd ýTlur5dav. of last roui Connecticut college to i-e- iitil April 4. with h er parents, I1 -Mrs. Hermann, Katz. Amie and Miss lizab)eth and a group of WVilmiette will go to New Douglas, 111. ek-end. to visit the parents of ises Oenczo. 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE A. B.Vn Deusen Phone WiI. 2m0-260 .1 N I I I I. N I I I Bob 'a' Mac Maina St. at Liimdiua Ave.. SPhone WiImette 3334 c. C.Sownl