Uuntil 1 iipri . 11 'Three acres of floor space will be covered wi th exhibits. The show wilI present the appearance of anl avenue aliiost hiali a mile long, litied with beautiful gardens, of a perfection tiever attained outdoors. It will be the largest flower show ever held in Chicago and, directors of the Gard en Club. of Illinois, the state. federati101 whicb is financing and managing.the enterprise, promises that it will at-' tain tbe higbest artistic standard s-et seen in this city. The first day 'of the showvw ill be a special, preview session, to whicb Gov. Louis. Emmerson and Mrs..Em- merson,. Mayor Aniton Cermak. and city officials, Park .commissioners, Wý\orld's .Fair, .comrittee nmembers, and other distinguished gtxests- have l)een invited. Sixty-five garden clubs have en-: tered more than two liundred differ- ent exbhibits, which range fronii dec-ý orative flower arrangements in bowvls to gardens built of living lowers on, life size scale. In addition thlere will be extensiveý gardens buiît 1w the. Park boardsý and commercial bouses. One formai garden -ill be onie hun-, drdfeet long. j Junior garden club)s.,Vill have large- ly inicreased space ini the show, wvit1iý exhibits bh include practicai play-, houses with gardens, two(_ built bv girls and two bv, boyýs; bird hiouse.ý *feeding tables. conservation posters., iiiiature lhouses, c1av nmodeling, soap niodeling. trec-leat lbooks, and out- door luncheon tab)le decorations. Table decoratioiis v,11 as usual con- sttitute an inîportant feature of the show. Tiiere will be four regular classes: .(limier tables, tables of na-. tions, tea tablesj,and breakfast tables.. A special classbas'heen arrangedý forý special occasion tables. N ,M1ost 'of the large gardens thiis ear will he made by privateý estates and garden clubs.. James, Norris of ILake Foi-est w ill instaîl an itrst .for. ualizgardeti. desigti 1w .William Me- L'aren, bis estate superintendent. A1l- fitlier large fîeature garden w\ill be sh m-n by Mrs. J. Ogden Arinour and arrai¶Eed 1w Marc T%%iniey%. . -This resience, 1121I lshlan<1 avenue, Mon- day niioring at Il o'clock. The re- main s ere taken to Hanover, Mich., for burial. Margaret Schager returned last Sun- day to the -Convent of the' Sacred Heart, Lake. Forest, afterIspending ber spring vacation wit lie'r parents Mr. and. Mrs. Edward, J. Scbager, 1050 Chestnut street. Week-end guests: of the Ray C. Pear- sons, 117 Dupee place, were Claire and joan Helstern, ofGalena, 111. Tbey had j ust returned f rom a trip to Wash- ingto.n, D. C. and other places of in- terest in'the east. Austin Smîithers is spending the spring holidays %vith bis, parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Perrv L. Smithers, 711 L-à avenue., He is a student at Deerfield academy, in Massachusetts. joseph Converse has returnied to bhis studies at the University of Illinois after pgssing the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. josepb O. Converse, 1610 Highland avenue. Miss Marion ýPearson,. 117 Dupee place, wvas bostess to a. group of, friends at ber borne làst Tuesday eveninig. PAYING YOUJR INCOME TAX DOESNTEM AS MUCH OF A1 HARDSH 1P ASý MAKING fIT OUT.. .. . .. . . An Invitation THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO- GET THE, FULL, STORY. 0F THE...BEAUTIFUL. NEW. FORD V-8ý AOUR- SHOWROOMS 4,35 Main Street Wilmette 955 Gamma, local* honorary scflolastic fraternity. -o- Miss Marian Baldwin, music super- .VisQr in the school oi Cassopplis, ýich., is spending-,bér spring vaca- tion with bher parents,Mr. and Mrs.> George Baldwin. i