Hon.Frank O., LoWein 441 know of no, man in the State who, 'in My. opinion, is better equipped m e very way to serve the> State in the high of lice of Governor than Orner N. Custer." Ounr N. Cutter Custer Pledges. Tax, Reform Orner N. Custer of Galesburg, candidate for the Republican. nomination for Governor at the primaries April 12, says: "Tbe people. of Illinois, f rom Galena to Cairo, are deîçmandin9 tbese tbree thingsr "Drastie reduction in the cost of ail government. "Consolidation, reorganization or abolition of overlapping or unnecessary governmental, He is a newspaper publisher, a banker, the head of several industrial enterprises, and the owner and oper- ator of farmr lands.- As county treasurer of Knox County in, 1906, he was the first official in the State to return interest on public .funds., As Statc. tréasurer for' two terms he>as hoest and efficient in the administration of tbe -duties of, the office. Neyer in the history of Illinois great a need for business brains in i the government. has there been s0 executive positions the relie f of over- Do Not Fail to Vote * * Primaries April l2th