Pinehurst Hats. Exclusive with LORD'S,; 1W Evanston 8 0 N 1 TA: You'iI look BELMONT: If yo&-re a young and gay in this new, bit 'sophisticated- youl hat of milanac with its wmlnt this ballibunti sailor subtie brim'and a ribbop. with , it creased square t r inm m i n g Ultra.chic! crown and ard rihbon. lM thé .3iinîery Section- LORD'S-Second Floor Ganti is everything you> wanted a girdie* to be!. GCLQVE,< * rReduced.1 Values in fi *siigloves .$37.75. Think as nany pai can possibIy ibis low pr lu the Glove Secion-LORD'S-First. anc.a e- 9 UP tO ý as 1 Eu irs s y M r afod t M iceM Floor fo TL1IT. t. t. Il f ~y i ~ a 14.inch Sale! Silk Hosiery 7 9c 3 pairs, for 9ý ~$225 SHEEIR CHIFFON with pstcot topi; open?., îworJc rav el stop, cradie foot, ând'French4 heel. In: delightfut spriiig.shades. LIGIIT, SERVICE WEIGHT with French heel, crudie foot, end lisie welt. New shiades. In the Flosiery Section-]LORDS-First Fioor Knit or or ~ ~ I 0.1» FOUNTAIN SQUARE Downtown Evanston Watcb LORD'S .Grow!. Phone WiImet 1'.3700. Le MI :1 M M M M u s